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Dotfiles and Archlinux installation


This project is mainly for personal use, and allows me to easily create a new machine running Arch.

Software Name
Distribution Arch Linux
Desktop environment i3-gaps
Status bar polybar
Application launcher rofi
Terminal emulator urxvt
CLI interpreter Zsh
Compositor Picom

List of all installed packages: pkglist.txt

Getting started

  1. Download Archlinux and install it through the installation guide.
#Make sure to download a boot manager and a connection manager
sudo pacman -S grub #or
sudo pacman -S refind #and follow the wiki to install it properly
sudo pacman -S networkmanager
systemctl enable NetworkManager
sudo pacman -S vim #Text editor
  1. Install and configure basic packages.
sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack
sudo pacman -Syu #Update all packages
sudo pacman -S xdg-user-dirs base-devel
sudo pacman -S rxvt-unicode #Terminal emulator, you can install other ones such as kitty or alacritty.
cp dotfiles/.Xdefaults $HOME/
cp -r dotfiles/.config/neofetch $HOME/.config/
sudo pacman -S perl pulseaudio pavucontrol
  1. Install a login manager screen, such as LightDM WebKit2.
sudo pacman -S lightdm
systemctl enable lightdm #I personally use the Litarvan theme. Make sure to edit your Lightdm config files
  1. Install the i3 window manager. I personally choose a fork of this version, i3-gaps. You will need to run i3 a first time to create the config file. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S xorg
sudo pacman -S i3-gaps
sudo pacman -S i3lock
cp -r dotfiles/.config/i3/ $HOME/.config/
  1. Install yay to get access to the AUR.
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
  1. Install feh to use background images.
sudo pacman -S feh
cp -r dotfiles/wallpapers $HOME/Pictures/ #Change the i3 config file to change your wallpapers
  1. Install Polybar. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S polybar
cp -r dotfiles/.config/polybar/ $HOME/.config/
yay -S ttf-font-awesome #An icons font, cheat sheet available at
  1. Install Rofi, a dmenu replacement. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S rofi
cp -r dotfiles/.config/rofi/ $HOME/.config/
  1. Add a composite manager, such as Picom. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S picom
cp -r dotfiles/.config/picom/ $HOME/.config/
  1. Install a new shell, such as Zsh. You can also install Oh My Zsh. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S zsh
chsh -s /usr/bin/zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
cp -r dotfiles/.oh-my-zsh/ $HOME/
cp dotfiles/.zshrc $HOME/
  1. Install some apps and fonts according to your likings.
yay -S powerline-fonts-git
yay -S ttf-meslo-nerd-font-powerlevel10k
sudo pacman -S lxappearance-gtk3 #To customize gtk related apps
sudo pacman -S scrot maim #Allows you to take screenshots
sudo pacman -S cmatrix #I use it in an i3lock script
  1. Add a notification manager, such as Dunst. My configuration file can be found in the config folder.
sudo pacman -S dunst
cp -r dotfiles/.config/dunst/ $HOME/.config/


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