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Releases: Shippable/admiral


29 Mar 06:24
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v7.3.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Thursday, Mar 28 2019


  • Bitbucket Sync Updated: We've made some updates to how we synchronize Bitbucket accounts to accommodate the removal of username from Bitbucket APIs. Some names displayed may change slightly as the new Bitbucket settings become available.


  • gcloudKey Deployment Errors: We've fixed an error that occurred when trying to revoke gcloud credentials during managed deploy jobs.
  • SPOG tooltip stickiness: Tooltips will no longer remain on the page after navigating away and coming back.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


13 Mar 06:57
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v7.2.4 Release Notes

Release Date

Tuesday, Mar 12 2019


  • Added SASL support for Freenode IRC: Adding SASL support enables Freenode IRC servers to receive messages from a Shippable installation running on AWS infrastructure without any authentication failure.
  • Updated AWS SDK: We've updated the version of the AWS SDK used in managed deploy jobs to make newer AWS features available as "passthrough" dockerOptions.
  • Updated some internal dependencies: We've updated the versions of some of the dependencies we use internally. No noticeable changes are expected.
  • Drydock update: Updating all Shippable official images with latest stable versions of languages, cli's and services. Refer to documentation
    for v7.2.4 for details.
  • Added Airbrake Integration: Added support for Airbrake integration which can be used with shipctl notify to post deployments to Airbrake. Refer to documentation for details.
  • Added tooltip for SPOG elements: The full name of the object will be shown in a tooltip when hovering over it in the SPOG.
  • Added NewRelic Integration: Added support for NewRelic integration which can be used with shipctl notify to post deployments to NewRelic. Refer to documentation for details.
  • Added support for running tests in parallel efficiently: Added support for running tests in parallel efficiently using shipctl split_tests to distribute tests across matrix jobs.


  • Improved empty scripts tab experience: The "scripts" tab on CI jobs would show an empty block when scripts are not available. It will now show a descriptive message.
  • Fixes CI and runSh jobs to allow special characters and spaces in JFrog Artifactory passwords: CI and runSh jobs with JFrog Artifactory integration would fail if spaces or certain special characters were present in the password. This bug has been fixed.
  • Improved dashboard search filter experience: The search feature on the grid views in the dashboards would sometimes show unexpected results as it was filtering on properties that weren't visible in the columns. The search is now scoped to only filter on the visible fields.

Shippable Server


  • Performance improvements on the Admin/Monitor/Job Status page: Load time on the Admin/Monitor/Job Status page should now be noticeably faster on servers with a large number of jobs.
  • Bug during server upgrade which prevents direct upgrade from version < 6.12.4 to v7.1.4: A database migration introduced in v7.1.4 would cause an error during upgrades from Shippable Server versions prior to v6.12.4. This has been fixed in v7.2.4.
  • Fix handling of deleted on-demand nodes in GCE: On-demand nodes that no longer exist on GCE but are still present in the database would not get cleaned up. These entries are now deleted from the database if GCE reports a 404 (Not Found) error.
  • Log level of "ignoring webhook" messages reduced: Production API containers' logs took a lot of space due to the noise created by the "ignoring webhook" warning logs. The log level for the same has been reduced from warning to verbose so that they don't show up on production API containers.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


12 Feb 07:44
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v7.1.4 Release Notes

Release Date

Monday, Feb 11 2019


  • Drydock update: Updating all Shippable official images with latest stable versions of languages, cli's and services. Refer to documentation
    for v7.1.4 for details.


  • Fixes issue with Last Check In for nodes in node pool details page: In the node pool details page the Last Check In column would sometimes be shown empty. This has been fixed.
  • Fixes errors when deleting projects: Deleting projects with large histories would run in to timeouts. This would sometimes result in stale objects, making it impossible to re-enable the project without manual cleanup. This problem has been fixed. Projects can now be deleted and re-enabled without running in to any errors.
  • Fixes errors when enabling projects: When a repository associated with an active project on Shippable is deleted on the SCM and re-created with the same name, the resulting repository could not be enabled on Shippable without manual intervention. Attempting this would result in errors due to foreign key constraints failing. This was happening because re-creating a repository on SCM results in a stale project with history on Shippable that needs to be cleaned up manually. This is fixed. Re-created projects can now be enabled without any errors.
  • Fixes an error occurring when rerunning some failed builds: An error that occurred when rerunning failed jobs in some CI runs where the first job had succeeded has been fixed.
  • Improved rSync error messages for invalid steps: The error shown when a job has an improperly formatted step now includes the name of the job. The error will also not be displayed when other rSync jobs in the same subscription run.
  • Corrected indentation of example YML in YML Builder: The example YML for the option to import a YML in YML Builder was incorrectly indented. That has been fixed.
  • Fixes CI to allow spaces in docker registry passwords: CI jobs with docker registry integration would fail if spaces were present in the docker registry password, as reported by support/4655. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixes issue with status not showing for some jobs: Status for some jobs in subscription and project dashboard was not showing. This has now been fixed.
  • Fixes issue with language versions specified as numbers are not working: Specifying language versions as numbers resulted in CI builds running on default version instead of specified version. This is fixed now. Builds will now run on specified versions.
  • Fixes loading the node pools page when user has no permission on running build: Node Pools page was not loading for users that do not have permission to access the job that a node is currently running. This is now fixed.

Shippable Server


  • Build artifacts can be stored in Google Cloud Storage: Shippable admin can now enable build artifacts like build consoles, coverage reports, and test reports to be stored on Google Cloud Storage file store. If both file stores (AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage) are configured, admin can also map a file store provider to each node type (BYON, shared, on-demand).


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


18 Jan 07:36
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v7.1.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Thursday, Jan 17 2019


  • Updated Bitbucket Deploy Key Creation: We now use version 2 of the Bitbucket Cloud REST API to create and delete deploy keys for Bitbucket Cloud repositories. No noticeable changes are expected.
  • Enhanced Search Bar: The search experience on grid views and tables has been updated to stay consistent with what is currently available in the SPOG view.


  • Fixes disappearing provider name in breadcrumb on project sync: On syncing a project in project settings page, provider name in breadcrumb was disappearing. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes documentation link for "Waiting Jobs" in grid view: Clicking on the documentation link for "Waiting Jobs" in grid view was throwing 403 error. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes incorrect API docs info: The POST projects/:id/newBuild route has been updated in the documentation to correctly describe the query string and POST body parameters.
  • Fixes displaying same job multiple times under processing jobs section: When a matrix run is triggered, the job was showing up multiple times under processing jobs section in grid view. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes shipctl commands with multiple keyValuePair integrations containing the same keys: When there were multiple keyValuePair integrations containing the same keys, shipctl commands would sometimes return the value from the wrong resource. The correct values will now be returned. Custom nodes will need to be reinitialized for this to take effect on those nodes.
  • Fixes credit card expiry year: While adding new credit card, expiry year drop-down was listing older years. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes macOS node initialization failures: Fixes macOS node initialization failures that were caused by a bug in the shipctl install script.

Shippable Server


  • Fixes sorting of completed jobs in admin job status page: In admin job status page, completed jobs were not sorted. This is now fixed, completed jobs are sorted in descending order based on Started At.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on GitHub.


19 Dec 05:16
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v6.12.4 Release Notes

Release Date

Tuesday, Dec 18 2018


  • Drydock update: Updating all Shippable official images with latest stable versions of languages, cli's and services. Refer to documentation
    for v6.12.4 for details.
  • Subscription Integrations API: It is now possible to filter subscription integrations by master integration (name, type, or ID) through the Shippable API by including masterIntegrationNames, masterIntegrationTypes, or masterIntegrationIds query parameters.
  • Added support for insights reports with custom date ranges: Insights reports for subscriptions, projects and jobs can now be generated for any range of dates and delivered by email.


  • Fixes shipctl jdk to setup java environment correctly: Java builds using oraclejdk8 on CentOS 7 image were failing and is fixed by setting the correct JDK path for java in shipctl. (support#4603, support#4613)
  • Removing pause/resume actions from project dashboard: The project dashboard used to show "pause" and "resume" buttons against each branch. This button, however, would apply to the project as a whole and not for an individual branch. This has been removed. The ability to pause and resume a project is still available in the project settings page.
  • Fix CentOS 7 debug nodes prompting users for a password when using sudo: The ssh user is now granted permission to use sudo in the debug nodes without being prompted for a password. This fix will work on CentOS 7 runtimes of v6.12.4 and above. support#4677
  • Fix CentOS 7 on-demand nodes with Docker 18.03 installed not picking up builds: The startup script sometimes runs before the docker daemon is up. Hence, the build runner does not start and the node is unable to run any builds. The script will now wait for the docker daemon before attempting to start the build runner.
  • Performance improvements on the subscription dashboard: Load time, update time on the subscription dashboard should now be noticeably faster than before.
  • Fixes project sync to clean up jobStatesMap with branches that got deleted: When a branch is deleted in SCM, syncing project was not deleting its associated jobStatesMap. This is now fixed.
    Fix lack of entropy on dynamic nodes: The rng-tools package is now available on all u14, u16, and c7 AMIs to fix the low entropy issues that some users were seeing.

Shippable Server


  • Fixes errors when super user visits Gerrit subscriptions or projects with slashes in name: Super users would see a 404 page when they try to visit Gerrit subscriptions or projects with slashes in the name. This issue has been fixed.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


27 Nov 04:25
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v6.11.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Monday, Nov 26 2018


  • Bitbucket OAuth 2.0: We're switching to OAuth 2.0 for Bitbucket Cloud. When Bitbucket users next log into Shippable, they will be prompted to approve the same scopes already approved for OAuth 1.0. Webhooks will continue to work before and after an account next logs in.
  • Static IP to whitelist traffic from on-demand nodes: Knowing the IP addresses of the build machines Shippable uses can be helpful when you need them to whitelist specific IP ranges so that build nodes can freely talk to machines/tools within your VPC or network. You can use static IP in your subscription by creating a node pool with Static IP enabled or enabling Static IP in existing node pools. Read More.


  • Multi-manifest deployment order: Multiple manifests in a deploy job will now be deployed in the order the inputs are listed.
  • Job state files on failure: In certain cases, new files were saved as part of the state when the job failed. The state saved for a job will now correctly match the previous successful job's state.
  • Rerun failed only versions: Matrix CI jobs that are rerun with the "failed only" option will no longer create new version objects for the successful jobs that are copied forward.
  • Fix docker version in Machine Images: The docker version got incorrectly upgraded to 18.03 in all GCE Machine Images. This has been fixed. Now, the Machine Images have the correct version of docker installed.
  • Retry python setup_ve in runCI jobs: Sometimes, the setup_ve section in python jobs fail due to network errors. We have added a shippable_retry for python's setup_ve section so that this section retries in case of errors.
  • CI services stopped in build_always: Stop commands were run for services in CI jobs in both build_on_success or build_on_failure and build_always. Those commands will now only run in build_always.
  • gitRepo resources not updated by webhooks: Some gitRepo resources with a sourceName that does not exactly match the repository name, for example a lowercase instead of capital letter, will now be updated for webhooks received from the source provider when the repository has been previously identified by rSync.
  • apt-get not working in pre_ci: Builds running apt-get commands in the pre_ci step would fail with errors related to the apt repository not being updated correctly. The problem was traced back to the /tmp having incorrect permissions. The permissions have been fixed. Now, apt-get commands can be run in the pre_ci section.

Shippable Server


  • Bitbucket Cloud OAuth 2.0: Bitbucket Cloud as a login option will use now OAuth 2.0. Users will be prompted to re-approve the same scopes as before when they next log in to Shippable using Bitbucket Cloud. Please make sure your Bitbucket consumer has the correct callback URL (available in Admiral) before upgrading.


  • Refreshing admin build analytics displayed additional dates: The refresh button on the admin build analytics page functioned as both reset and load more. It will now only refresh.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


30 Oct 06:32
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v6.10.4 Release Notes

Release Date

Monday, Oct 29 2018


  • Adhere to stricter validation requirements on GitHub api calls: The GitHub API will apply stricter validation rules from 1 Nov 2018. The payload of the "create webhook" API call that we make to GitHub when a CI project is enabled or gitRepo and syncRepo resources are added has been updated to comply with the new validation requirements. No changes were required on the other API calls that we make to GitHub.
  • Bitbucket sync updates: We've made some modifications to how we synchronize information from Bitbucket to prepare for the removal of version 1 of the Bitbucket Cloud REST API. No noticeable changes are expected for Bitbucket users on Shippable.
  • shipctl replicate enhancement: We've introduced the --match-settings flag as an option to a shipctl replicate command. This can be used when performing a repo to repo replication. See docs for the full description.
  • Drydock update: Updating all Shippable official images with latest
    stable versions of languages, cli's and services. Refer to documentation
    for v6.10.4 for details.


  • CI debug build fails if the first node pool in the Subscription -> Node Pools page is not an on-demand node pool: Debug builds were failing for subscriptions which had BYON Node Pool as the first Node Pool in the Subscription -> Node Pools page. This has been fixed. Debug builds will now pick the correct node pool.
  • Fixes "Views" list collapsing in the sidebar: The "Views" list in the sidebar would sometimes collapse when navigating to a custom view. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixes CI to allow special characters in docker registry passwords: CI jobs with docker registry integration would fail if certain characters were present in the docker registry password, as reported by support/4589. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixes intermittent error while switching tabs in the Subscription and Custom dashboard: An error message about missing view objects would sometimes be displayed when switching tabs in the subscription and custom dashboards. This bug has been fixed.
  • Node pools not present in runtime couldn't be used in the matrix section: In CI builds, if the node pool was not present in the runtime section of the yml, it couldn't be used in the matrix include section to add jobs. This has been fixed. Matrix jobs can now be added to node pools which are not present in the runtime section.

Shippable Server


  • Enhanced Gerrit voting configuration: Default Gerrit voting can now be disabled. CI projects and runSh jobs can be configured to use custom labels and values via YML. See runSh and CI documentation for more details related to Gerrit voting configuration.


  • Core Shippable services use internal API: In installations that had configured Public, Internal and Console APIs, some of the core services were incorrectly connecting to the Console API. This has been fixed and all core services now connect to the Internal API when available.


12 Oct 05:55
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v6.10.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Thursday, Oct 11 2018


  • Added Subscription State panel on subscription dashboard: The parallel job count and private job limit for a subscription is now visible under the breadcrumb on the subscription dashboard.
  • Amazon ECS Daemon Deployments: Managed deploy jobs can now deploy daemon services to Amazon ECS by setting schedulingStrategy to DAEMON in a dockerOptions input.
  • Supports always section in CI: The always section can run commands or scripts that you want to execute whether the CI workflow passes or fails. Read more
  • Support multiple node pools in CI: CI builds can be configured to run on multiple node pools. Read more
  • Support for Windows and additional features in shipctl replicate: shipctl replicate commands are now supported on Windows nodes. Support has also been added for additional resource types. See the documentation for details.


  • Searching for grouped resources on the SPOG: Resources that appear in a group on the modern SPOG will now be found.
  • Fixes latest status update: The latest status for jobs from newly synced repositories would not get dynamically updated in the UI until the page is refreshed. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes subscription dashboard bugs related to syncing removed repositories: The subscriptions dashboard page would fail to initialize correctly when an account sync completes after one or more repositories are removed from the SCM. This bug has been fixed.
  • Fixes soft-deleted resources not being shown in the "Deleted" tab: Resources that were soft-deleted by removing them from yml were not being displayed in the "Deleted" tab on the subscriptions dashboard. This is now fixed.
  • Fixes alignment of flags dropdown menu: The alignment of the flags dropdown menu in the subscription and custom dashboards would cause part of it to extend beyond the right border of the page, making it impossible to see the complete flag names. This has been fixed by aligning the right edge of the dropdown menu to the right edge of the flags button in the dashboards.
  • Better background tab handling for users with large assembly lines: Users with active assembly lines containing a large number of resources would sometimes notice their browser freeze when the Shippable tab is moved to the background and reactivated after a long time. For these users, the Shippable app will now move to an inactive state after spending 15 minutes in the background. The view will be refreshed when the tab is reactivated.
  • Better handling of circular dependencies in YML builder: The YML builder would fail silently with a console error if the imported YML contained any circular dependencies. It now shows a proper error.
  • Improve validation on creating subscription integration: The add subscription integration page previously did not show any error if you click on save without filling the required fields and failed with just a console error. This has been fixed by disabling save button when required fields are not filled.
  • Fixes filtering of jobs in custom dashboard: Custom dashboards would sometimes display incorrectly filtered jobs for a few seconds. This bug has been fixed.

Shippable Server


  • Using runSh inputs without state storage: A runSh job can now be used as an input to another runSh or CI job in installations without state storage.
  • Fixes Duration in Admin / Monitor / Jobs page: The Duration column in jobs table of admin monitor jobs page was showing incorrect value. This is fixed now.
  • Gerrit specific ENVs and Verified label support: Gerrit specific environment variables are available for Gerrit change events. Verified label is now supported for changes. See gitRepo and CI ENVs documentation for more details related to Gerrit specific ENVs.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


28 Sep 04:39
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v6.9.4 Release Notes

Release Date

Thursday, Sep 27 2018


  • Added size column for subscription node pools table: The Subscription Node Pools panel in a subscription's "Node Pools" page now shows you a "Size" column if you have any On Demand node pools, making it easier to identify how your node pools have been configured.
  • Drydock update: Updating all Shippable official images with latest
    stable versions of languages, cli's and services. Refer to documentation
    for v6.9.4 for details.
  • Registered Shippable IRC nicks: Shippable is now registered on and Open a support issue if you would like Shippable to use a registered nick to send IRC messages to another server.
  • New shipctl replicate command: shipctl replicate is now available for copying state resource data. See documentation for more details.


  • Fixes styling of h3 elements in changelog: h3 headings are now formatted correctly in the changelog.
  • Fixes meta tags in Shippable documentation: The HTML meta tags for page description in the Shippable documentation were malformed. These tags have been fixed.
  • Fixes webhook integrations can't be created as org integrations: It was not possible to create Webhook integrations as org integrations. This has now been enabled.
  • Fixes deleting a deployed service: Deleting deployed services on an orchestration platform using Shippable Assembly Lines would fail when using an integration in "master" mode. This has now been fixed.
  • Fixes overlap of names in sidebar menu: Long SCM names would cause an overlap of text in the sidebar menu. This has been fixed with an ellipsis if the text is too long.
  • YML templates support for CI: YML templates can now be used in CI jobs. You can define reusable templates directly within your shippable.yml, or define them in a shippable.templates.yml file at the root of your repository and refer to them in your shippable.yml. You can also define your templates externally and import them with a URL. See the docs for more details.
  • Fixes java version when using shipctl: shipctl jdk set was not correctly setting the JAVA_HOME variable, which caused problems with some services that rely on this. Now, to switch between Java versions inside your script, use source shipctl jdk set <version>. This will ensure that the ENVs are set at the appropriate level. See the docs for examples.

Shippable Server


  • Configurable IRC nick: The IRC nick (and optional password) can be configured for individual servers in the Admiral UI on the add-ons tab. A default IRC nick may also be set in the same location by leaving the server field blank.

  • Tag and Comment build support for Gerrit: Gerrit projects and gitRepo resources can now be configured to trigger builds on tag and comment events. See gitRepo and Project Settings documentation for more details.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.


21 Sep 04:20
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v6.9.1 Release Notes

Release Date

Thursday, Sep 20 2018


  • Cancelling Managed Jobs: Managed jobs can now be cancelled. Cancelling is not recommended for deploy jobs due to their stateful nature.


  • Fixes sorting by "Duration" in the grid view: Clicking on the "Duration" column in the grid view of any dashboard (subscription, project, job) will now sort the items by duration.
  • Fixes validation on project and branch name when adding a syncRepo via the API: The API will no longer allow multiple syncRepos to be added for the same project and branch.
  • Fixes "show envs in grid view" for runSh task envs: When the "Show envs in grid view" option is configured for runSh jobs, envs defined at a TASK level were not being displayed in the grid. Matching envs from TASKs will now be displayed correctly.
  • Fixes counterintuitive SPOG search next and previous buttons: We have fixed the SPOG search UI's up/down arrows to move between previous/next objects respectively instead of next/previous objects. This behaviour is consistent with the Search functionality in all modern browsers and desktop apps.
  • Fixes Shippable documentation anchor links: The title of a section will now be properly visible when using an anchor in the Shippable documentation.
  • Fixes all processing jobs of a subscription being displayed on job dashboard: All the processing and queued jobs of a subscription were being displayed on a job's dashboard. This is now fixed.

Shippable Server


  • Usability enhancements in Admiral control plane page: Added a button to make it easier to copy Callback URL and Public Key of SCM auth providers in control plane.


  • Fixes errors when trying to use Gerrit projects with slashes in name: Gerrit projects with slashes in their names can be enabled for CI and used as gitRepo and syncRepo resources. Branch names with slashes are also supported.
  • Fixes gitRepo branch names changing: When using a BitBucket Server version that doesn't support webhooks, Shippable gets the latest version of gitRepo and syncRepo resources when a job is run manually. This would overwrite any configured branch settings on these resources with the default branch of the repository. This has now been fixed. The branch configuration on gitRepo and syncRepo resources will no longer be lost when triggering jobs manually.
  • Usability and consistency fixes in the node pool details page under "Admin / Shared Node Pools":
    • The nodes list was missing the re-initialize action and workload column. These have been added.
    • When adding a shared node, the view now returns to the details page for the current shared node pool instead of going to the list of all shared node pools.
  • Fixes RHEL7 installation bug: RHEL7 onebox installation was failing due to some packages which weren't present. This is fixed.


To view Shippable's release history, check out our releases page on github.