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Releases: Shippable/admiral


06 Dec 07:16
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None. The purpose of this release was to lay some foundation for upcoming UI changes.

Bug Fixes



06 Dec 07:16
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  1. Allow notifications for canceled runs and builds to be configured separately from failed.
  2. Support for Yarn, Selenium 3.4.0 in v5.6.1 image.
  3. Ansible CLI support in runSh, runCLI jobs.

Bug Fixes

  1. Missing ENV for mysql in newer images.
  2. Error when switching node from an unavailable image.
  3. Docker images not getting pulled when using cache.


06 Dec 07:17
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Bug Fixes

  1. Fixes in rSync deploy validations
  2. Fix system machine image being not visible when it becomes unavailable
  3. Fix AWS default profile not getting set when ECR integration is used

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.5.5
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.5.5
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:18
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  1. Support for simplified and custom ECS service/task names.

Bug Fixes

  1. Kube deployments not getting deleted.
  2. Projects disable failing for projects with large number of runs.
  3. Projects disable not resetting some of the properties of the projects.
  4. Gitlab projects not working on renaming.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.5.4
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.5.4
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:18
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  • Kubernetes support for liveness/readiness probes

Bug Fixes

  • Corrects the value of JOB_ID for CI jobs.
  • Kubernetes avoid kubectl rollout status errors
  • Support for login to more than one ECR registry
  • Dry Run Pipelines for branch names with a '/'
  • Kubernetes selector matchLabels avoid defaults

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.5.3
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.5.3
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:18
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  • Builds now run on c4.large machines instead of c3.large. Additionally, subscriptions can be updated to use c4.xlarge in subscription's billing section.
  • Support for deploying to Azure DC/OS.
  • Hovering over a job or a resource in SPOG now shows a tooltip to easily identify it.
  • Console logs are now fetched from archive directly in the browser if available.
  • PULL_REQUEST_REPO_FULL_NAME env is now available in CI jobs. Also, dependencyName_IS_FORK dependencyName_IS_PULL_REQUEST, dependencyName_REPO_FULL_NAME, and dependencyName_PULL_REQUEST_REPO_FULL_NAME are available in runSh/runCLI jobs.

Bug Fixes

  • Support portMapping protocol for all providers.
  • Fix "Account used to process webhooks" under project settings showing incomplete data.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.5.2
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.5.2
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:18
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  • JOB_TRIGGERED_BY_NAME, JOB_TRIGGERED_BY_ID is now available in CI job as well.
  • rSync jobs now collect all errors and shows it at the end.
  • Filters and sorting in SPOG grid view.
  • Builds search is now available in SPOG view.
  • We now show a 404 page if you are lost.
  • Right click on a job in SPOG now reveals the dependencies that will be used.
  • Running a job in SPOG no longer opens the consoles modal.
  • runSh and runCLI can be made public by setting allowPublicAccess property on the YML to true. This is false by default.

Bug Fixes

  • gitRepo with missing sourceName is updated up correctly.
  • Minor socket update fixes.
  • rSync shows the correct file name when a trigger resource has an error.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.5.1
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.5.1
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:19
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  1. Two new environment variables are available in runSh and runCLI jobs to identify which resource triggered it. These are JOB_TRIGGERED_BY_NAME, JOB_TRIGGERED_BY_ID.
  2. CI build emails have new enhancements. sendConsoleLogs, sendCoverageReports can be set in the notification YML section to attach console logs and coverage reports in the email.
  3. Admin runs page now supports filtering and sorting.
  4. New and improved runs search model.
  5. Pipeline now supports dry-run. Branches can be visualized before merging.
  6. Improvements in grid view search performance.

Bug Fixes

  1. Resources can no longer be soft-deleted when a build is running. This prevents the subscription from getting stuck in an inconsitent state.
  2. Only sync repo that a subscription integration has access to will be shown in the new sync repo dropdown.
  3. Sockets are correctly handled when a new sync repo is added.
  4. Failed custom and system nodes due to insufficent space can now be reset and no longer have to be removed and added again.
  5. rSync will not be skipped if we fail to obtain SHA from the provider.
  6. Fixes in PR builds for Bitbucket Server.
  7. runCI resources are cleaned up correctly when deleted from resources.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.4.4
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.4.4
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:19
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  1. Added a project setting to run only the latest commit for a branch.
  2. Added a project setting to run only the latest commit for a pull request.
  3. Added run length metric/duration to home dashboard and custom views run list.
  4. Added sort toggle header for status, name, start time columns in home, subscriptions, and projects dashboard.

Bug Fixes

  1. Build directory is always cleaned before a new build is started in pre_ci steps.
  2. Bitbucket branches with special characters can now be triggered.
  3. Custom labels can now be set on Kubernetes deployments.


  1. Paid subscriptions do not get free minions anymore.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.4.3
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.4.3
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify custom nodes are running the latest version of genExec


06 Dec 07:19
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  1. Allow pipeline event triggers to be hidden to improve performance of SPOG.
  2. Added Grid View to SPOG. Documentation for grid view will be available on the getting started section.
  3. runCLI now tears down authentication configs.

Bug Fixes

  1. Remove old DOCKER_OPTS when resetting older custom and system nodes.

Steps to Upgrade

  • Pre-installation:

    • Pull the latest code by running the following:
      • git fetch origin --tags
      • git tag
      • git checkout v5.4.2
    • Run sudo apt-get update on all machines
  • Installation:

    • Run ./ upgrade --version v5.4.2
  • Post installation:

    • Reset all system and custom nodes
    • Verify genExec are running the latest version