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Improvements to the particle system stuff.
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Shinmera committed Aug 6, 2019
1 parent 18e3a9d commit 318c916
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Showing 2 changed files with 56 additions and 66 deletions.
43 changes: 37 additions & 6 deletions particle.lisp
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(in-package #:org.shirakumo.fraf.trial)

(define-gl-struct particle
(define-gl-struct (particle (:layout-standard :vertex-buffer))
(lifetime :vec2 :accessor lifetime))

(define-gl-struct (simple-particle (:include particle)
(:layout-standard :vertex-buffer))
(location :vec3 :accessor location)
(velocity :vec3 :accessor velocity))

(define-shader-subject particle-emitter ()
((live-particles :initform 0 :accessor live-particles)
(vertex-array :accessor vertex-array)
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(incf write-offset))
(setf (live-particles particle-emitter) write-offset)
(update-buffer-data vbo T))))

(define-gl-struct (simple-particle (:include particle)
(:layout-standard :vertex-buffer))
(location :vec3 :accessor location)
(velocity :vec3 :accessor velocity))

(define-shader-subject simple-particle-emitter (particle-emitter)

(defmethod initial-particle-state :before ((emitter simple-particle-emitter) tick particle)
(setf (location particle) (vec 0 0 0)))

(defmethod update-particle-state ((emitter simple-particle-emitter) tick particle output)
(setf (location output) (v+ (location particle) (velocity particle)))
(let ((life (lifetime particle)))
(incf (vx2 life) (dt tick))
(setf (lifetime output) life)
(< (vx2 life) (vy2 life))))

(defmethod paint :before ((emitter simple-particle-emitter) (pass shader-pass))
(let ((program (shader-program-for-pass pass emitter)))
(setf (uniform program "view_matrix") (view-matrix))
(setf (uniform program "projection_matrix") (projection-matrix))
(setf (uniform program "model_matrix") (model-matrix))))

(define-class-shader (simple-particle-emitter :vertex-shader)
"layout (location = 0) in vec3 vtx_location;
uniform mat4 model_matrix;
uniform mat4 view_matrix;
uniform mat4 projection_matrix;
void main(){
vec3 position = vtx_location + location;
gl_Position = projection_matrix * view_matrix * model_matrix * vec4(position, 1.0f);
79 changes: 19 additions & 60 deletions workbench.lisp
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(define-asset (workbench grid) mesh
(make-line-grid 10 200 200))

(define-asset (workbench particles) vertex-struct-buffer
:struct-count 1024)

(define-shader-subject grid (vertex-entity colored-entity)
(:default-initargs :vertex-array (asset 'workbench 'grid)))

(define-shader-subject fireworks (particle-emitter)
(define-asset (workbench particles) vertex-struct-buffer
:struct-count 1024)

(define-shader-subject fireworks (simple-particle-emitter)
(:default-initargs :name :fireworks
:particle-mesh (change-class (make-sphere 1) 'vertex-array
:vertex-attributes '(location))
(:default-initargs :particle-mesh (change-class (make-sphere 1) 'vertex-array :vertex-attributes '(location))
:particle-buffer (asset 'workbench 'particles)))

(defmethod initial-particle-state ((fireworks fireworks) tick particle)
(setf (location particle) (vec 0 0 0))
(flet ((hash (x)
(sxhash x)))
(let ((dir (polar->cartesian (vec2 (/ (hash (fc tick)) (ash 2 60)) (mod (hash (fc tick)) 100)))))
(setf (velocity particle) (vec (vx dir) (+ 2.5 (mod (hash (fc tick)) 2)) (vy dir)))))
(let ((dir (polar->cartesian (vec2 (/ (sxhash (fc tick)) (ash 2 60)) (mod (sxhash (fc tick)) 100)))))
(setf (velocity particle) (vec (vx dir) (+ 2.5 (mod (sxhash (fc tick)) 2)) (vy dir))))
(setf (lifetime particle) (vec 0 (+ 3.0 (random 1.0)))))

(defmethod update-particle-state ((fireworks fireworks) tick particle output)
(let ((loc (location particle))
(vel (velocity particle))
(life (lifetime particle)))
(nv+ loc vel)
(defmethod update-particle-state :before ((fireworks fireworks) tick particle output)
(let ((vel (velocity particle)))
(decf (vy3 vel) 0.005)
(when (< (vy loc) 0)
(setf (vy vel) (- (vy vel)))
(setf (vy loc) 0))
(when (< (abs (- (vx life) 2.5)) 0.05)
(when (< (abs (- (vx (lifetime particle)) 2.5)) 0.05)
(let ((dir (polar->cartesian (vec3 (+ 1.5 (random 0.125)) (random (* 2 PI)) (random (* 2 PI))))))
(vsetf vel (vx dir) (vy dir) (vz dir))))
(incf (vx2 life) (dt tick))

(setf (location output) loc)
(setf (velocity output) vel)
(setf (lifetime output) life)
(< (vx2 life) (vy2 life))))
(setf (velocity output) vel)))

(defmethod new-particle-count ((fireworks fireworks) tick)
(if (= 0 (mod (fc tick) (* 10 1)))
128 0))

(defmethod paint :before ((fireworks fireworks) (pass shader-pass))
(let ((program (shader-program-for-pass pass fireworks)))
(setf (uniform program "view_matrix") (view-matrix))
(setf (uniform program "projection_matrix") (projection-matrix))
(setf (uniform program "model_matrix") (model-matrix))))

(define-class-shader (fireworks :vertex-shader)
"layout (location = 0) in vec3 vtx_location;
layout (location = 1) in vec2 lifetime;
(define-class-shader (fireworks :vertex-shader 1)
"layout (location = 1) in vec2 in_lifetime;
layout (location = 2) in vec3 location;
layout (location = 3) in vec3 velocity;
uniform mat4 model_matrix;
uniform mat4 view_matrix;
uniform mat4 projection_matrix;
vec2 lifetime;
vec3 location;
vec3 velocity;
} particle_out;
out vec2 lifetime;
void main(){
vec3 position = vtx_location + location;
gl_Position = projection_matrix * view_matrix * model_matrix * vec4(position, 1.0f);
particle_out.lifetime = lifetime;
particle_out.location = location;
particle_out.velocity = velocity;
lifetime = in_lifetime;

(define-class-shader (fireworks :fragment-shader)
"out vec4 color;
vec2 lifetime;
vec3 location;
vec3 velocity;
} particle;
in vec2 lifetime;
void main(){
if(particle.lifetime.x <= 2.5)
if(lifetime.x <= 2.5)
color = vec4(1);
float lt = particle.lifetime.y-particle.lifetime.x;
float lt = lifetime.y-lifetime.x;
color = vec4(lt*2, lt, 0, 1);
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