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I have listed some Cybersecurity Based Projects which you can do and show in your resume in Python.


  1. SSH Login Brute Forcer - It is used for an automated password guessing attack, commonly referred to as a brute-force attack, against an SSH server. The script uses the Python pwn library, which provides tools for exploit development and low-level interactions with programs, in conjunction with paramiko, a Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol, to attempt to log into an SSH server using a list of common credentials.
  2. SHA256 Password Cracker - A simple Password Cracker used to crack any SHA256 Hash. Python's PWN module is used.
  3. Web Login Form Brute Forcer - It is a simple brute force password cracking tool written in Python designed to automate the process of attempting to log in to a specified target using HTTP POST requests with a list of potential usernames and a file containing a list of potential passwords.
  4. Simple SQL Injection Script - Simple script to perform Blind SQL Injection Attack. It attempts to extract hashed password information from a vulnerable web application by sending crafted SQL queries through HTTP POST requests. It is designed to test the security of web applications by automating SQL injection attacks against user-specified targets.
  5. Restricted SQL Injection Script - An advanced form of the previous script as it employs a binary search technique to extract the hashed password. This function potentially offers a more efficient way to deduce the password hash compared to the linear search approach used in the extract_hash function.


The projects hosted in this repository are intended solely for educational and research purposes. They are not to be used for any unlawful, unauthorized, or unethical activities. The creator of these projects assumes no responsibility for any misuse or damage caused by these materials. By accessing or using these projects, you agree to use them in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and acknowledge that you are responsible for your actions. The creator of these projects disclaims any liability for acts carried out by users of these projects, and such users will bear sole responsibility for their actions.


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