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Cecil Coupe committed May 6, 2014
1 parent 25f43e2 commit ef4ecaa
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Showing 6 changed files with 207 additions and 90 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions README.2011
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
((( |||_| ///\ [[[_ (((
))) || | \\/ [[_ )))
an artsy any-platform app kit

# About Shoes

Shoes is the best little DSL for cross-platform GUI programming there is. It feels like real Ruby, rather than just another C++ library wrapper. If Gtk or wxWidgets is Rails, Shoes is Sinatra.

# Let me tell you a story about Shoes

Way way back in the day, there was a guy named \_why. He created a project known as [Hackety Hack]( to teach programming to everyone. In order to reach all corners of the earth, \_why decided to make Hackety Hack work on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This was a lot of work, and so \_why decided to share his toolkit with the world. Thus, Shoes was born.

Everybody loved Shoes. Many apps were made, and put into [The Shoebox]( But, one day, \_why left. In his memory, Team Shoes assembled, and carried on making Shoes. They released Shoes 3 in late summer 2010.

# So what do these Shoes look like?

Here's a little Shoes app. It's a stopwatch! :height => 150, :width => 250 do
background rgb(240, 250, 208)
stack :margin => 10 do
button "Start" do
@time =
@label.replace "Stop watch started at #@time"
button "Stop" do
@label.replace "Stopped, ", strong("#{ - @time}"), " seconds elapsed."
@label = para "Press ", strong("start"), " to begin timing."

Here's what it looks like:

![shoes timer](

Pretty simple! For more samples, the manual, and a free book, check out [the Shoes website](

# Using Shoes

If you'd like to use Shoes to develop some apps... awesome! It's super easy: Just go to the [downloads page on the Shoes website]( and download a copy of Shoes for your platform. Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux supported!

After you install Shoes, run it! You'll get a window like this:

![shoes main window](

You can then open any .rb file with Shoes code inside by choosing "Open an App." It'll open it up and run it, right away.

Once you're happy with your app, you can choose "Package an App" to wrap up your app as a .exe, .app, or a .run. Then you can share it with someone without a pair of Shoes to call their own.

# Making your own Shoes

You can make your own pair of Shoes with a little bit of elbow grease. Since there are different instructions on each platform, we've got a page up on the [Shoes development wiki]( about it. It's [right here](

# Shoes Around the Web

If you want to keep up to date with what's going on with Shoes, you can find us in various places:

* [Official Shoes Site](
* [Source Code @ GitHub](
* [Issue tracker @ GitHub](
* [Mailing List]( (send an email to to join)
* [Twitter account](
* [Facebook page](
* IRC room on Freenode, #shoes

# Helping out with Shoes

So you'd like to lend a helping hand, eh? Great! We'd love to have you. To submit a patch to Shoes, just fork us, and send a pull request.

If you don't have any ideas yourself, take a look at the [Issue tracker]( and see if anything strikes your fancy. If you need help working on something, don't be afraid to post to the mailing list about it!

Be sure to [peer into the Shoes Wiki]( for instructions on how to get the source code to build, and to learn more knowledge that will come in handy if you want to help out!

If you're not a programmer, you can help Shoes by talking about it! Blog posts, tweets, tell your neighbors, call your grandma, whatever! Share Shoes with everyone!
159 changes: 83 additions & 76 deletions
@@ -1,78 +1,85 @@
((( |||_| ///\ [[[_ (((
))) || | \\/ [[_ )))
an artsy any-platform app kit

# About Shoes

Shoes is the best little DSL for cross-platform GUI programming there is. It feels like real Ruby, rather than just another C++ library wrapper. If Gtk or wxWidgets is Rails, Shoes is Sinatra.

# Let me tell you a story about Shoes

Way way back in the day, there was a guy named \_why. He created a project known as [Hackety Hack]( to teach programming to everyone. In order to reach all corners of the earth, \_why decided to make Hackety Hack work on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. This was a lot of work, and so \_why decided to share his toolkit with the world. Thus, Shoes was born.

Everybody loved Shoes. Many apps were made, and put into [The Shoebox]( But, one day, \_why left. In his memory, Team Shoes assembled, and carried on making Shoes. They released Shoes 3 in late summer 2010.

# So what do these Shoes look like?

Here's a little Shoes app. It's a stopwatch! :height => 150, :width => 250 do
background rgb(240, 250, 208)
stack :margin => 10 do
button "Start" do
@time =
@label.replace "Stop watch started at #@time"
button "Stop" do
@label.replace "Stopped, ", strong("#{ - @time}"), " seconds elapsed."
@label = para "Press ", strong("start"), " to begin timing."

Here's what it looks like:

![shoes timer](

Pretty simple! For more samples, the manual, and a free book, check out [the Shoes website](

# Using Shoes

If you'd like to use Shoes to develop some apps... awesome! It's super easy: Just go to the [downloads page on the Shoes website]( and download a copy of Shoes for your platform. Mac OSX, Windows, and Linux supported!

After you install Shoes, run it! You'll get a window like this:

![shoes main window](

You can then open any .rb file with Shoes code inside by choosing "Open an App." It'll open it up and run it, right away.

Once you're happy with your app, you can choose "Package an App" to wrap up your app as a .exe, .app, or a .run. Then you can share it with someone without a pair of Shoes to call their own.

# Making your own Shoes

You can make your own pair of Shoes with a little bit of elbow grease. Since there are different instructions on each platform, we've got a page up on the [Shoes development wiki]( about it. It's [right here](

# Shoes Around the Web

If you want to keep up to date with what's going on with Shoes, you can find us in various places:

* [Official Shoes Site](
* [Source Code @ GitHub](
* [Issue tracker @ GitHub](
* [Mailing List]( (send an email to to join)
* [Twitter account](
* [Facebook page](
* IRC room on Freenode, #shoes

# Helping out with Shoes

So you'd like to lend a helping hand, eh? Great! We'd love to have you. To submit a patch to Shoes, just fork us, and send a pull request.

If you don't have any ideas yourself, take a look at the [Issue tracker]( and see if anything strikes your fancy. If you need help working on something, don't be afraid to post to the mailing list about it!

Be sure to [peer into the Shoes Wiki]( for instructions on how to get the source code to build, and to learn more knowledge that will come in handy if you want to help out!

If you're not a programmer, you can help Shoes by talking about it! Blog posts, tweets, tell your neighbors, call your grandma, whatever! Share Shoes with everyone!
an artsy any-platform app kit <>

The source describe below is at <> and
you can follow my blog at <>


This is Shoes 3.2 (Federales). Earlier releases where Policeman (3.0 and 3.1)
and Raisins. There is a Shoes 4 under development. For historical reasons (the
color of the icon in Raisins) It's also called Red Shoes. Red Shows is written
in C (and Objective C on the Mac). Shoes 4 is written in Java.

Federales is one mans attempt to keep Red Shoes current with modern Linux
distributions and newer versions of Ruby. Federales doesn't really add any new
features to Shoes except it works better (Shoes 3.1 barely works)
As you'll see, Federales removes some things.

Let's start with the good news first.

Federales uses Ruby 2.0.0 (or higher) and Rubygems 2.0.14 (or higher)
Linux users really can download a binary that works. Theiy don't have to
build from source. If they do build from source, it's easier.
Added a Raspberry Pi distribution (Raspbian)
For Linux, it installs Shoes in your home directory (~/.shoes/federales)
and you get a menu selection. You can start from the commandline if you
like, of course.
Gem handling is greatly improved, at a cost - more on that below.
Gem.setup is not required. If used, it works better.
Windows 7 version seems to work.
OSX Mavericks (10.9.2) version is 'not completely terrible' as of
May 5, 2014
Does not require Sqlite.
Includes a Shoes Cobbler app to clear your image cache and manage your
Shoes/gem interface - see below discussion on gems.

What doesn't work.
Link and Linkhover have to be replaced with Shoes::Link and Shoes::Linkhover
There are no built in Gems included. No Hpricot. No Sqlite. No json.
Again - see below.
Packaging an app to include Shoes with it does not work. It hasn't for
years. I'll let you know when it does. Be very patient. There is
much to do first.
Samples that use Sqllite or Hpricot.

Gem Secret Sauce.
If you build Shoes from source on Linux, you'll create a 'Loose' Shoes.
If you download a Shoes 3.2 binary distribution, you'll get a 'Tight'
shoes. Only gems in your ~/.shoe/+gem directory are allowed and you have
to do the Shoes.setup in your code to get them and that may not work
as well as you hope. Just like Shoes 3.0 and 3.1

Loose Shoes will use your existing ruby gems. Since you have enough skills
to install ruby and the dependecies to build Shoes, you can handle gem
version mismatches. Just use your normal ruby 'gem' command line skills to
install the gem and Shoes will use them. I call that a Jailbreak.

If you have a 'Tight' Shoes, and maybe you'd like to have a Get Out Of Jail
card, too? There is a way in Federales. Run the Shoes Cobbler from the splash
screen or 'shoes -c' from the commandline. You can tell Shoes where those
other Ruby Gems are located. Of course you'll to install a Ruby that matches
what your Tight Shoes is running (Rubyinstaller for Windows), rvm for Linux
and OSX. And you'll have to have the compilers and build tools installed
(Devkit for Windows - 32 bit version, or Xcode for OSX or whatever your
Linux distribution uses to install gcc/make/autoconf.

Perhaps you're thinking, "If I install all that stuff then I could just
build Shoes from source!" Correct. You could. Shoe3.2 is a work in progress
and Jailbreak is only a 'good idea, and not fully baked'. Now that many gems
include binary payloads for Windows, you may not need a developers setup.
Or you might. I can't tell what to do after you get out of jail.

I highly recommend you run the samples/simple-info.rb script. It'll tell you
what kind of Shoes 3.2 you have and the gem directories it knows about and
has used. It's also a simple script to study. shoes/cobbler.rb is even dumber.

It's all easy until it gets hard.

Perhaps you're thinking, "Some ruby gems are no distributed with

31 changes: 22 additions & 9 deletions Rakefile
Expand Up @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ namespace :osx do

namespace :build_tasks do

task :build => [:common_build, :copy_deps_to_dist, :change_install_names, :copy_files_to_dist, :setup_system_resources, :verify]
task :build => [:copy_files_to_dist, :common_build, :copy_deps_to_dist, :change_install_names, :setup_system_resources, :verify]

# Make sure the installed ruby is capable of this build
task :check_ruby_arch do
Expand All @@ -318,21 +318,27 @@ namespace :osx do

task :common_build do
mkdir_p "dist/ruby"
cp_r "#{EXT_RUBY}/lib/ruby/#{RUBY_V}", "dist/ruby/lib"
puts "Entering common_build"
mkdir_p "dist/lib/ruby"
#cp_r "#{EXT_RUBY}/lib/ruby/#{RUBY_V}", "dist/ruby/lib"
cp_r "#{EXT_RUBY}/lib/ruby/#{RUBY_V}", "dist/lib/ruby"
unless ENV['STANDARD']
%w[soap wsdl xsd].each do |libn|
rm_rf "dist/ruby/lib/#{libn}"
%w[req/ftsearch/lib/* req/rake/lib/*].each do |rdir|
FileList[rdir].each { |rlib| cp_r rlib, "dist/ruby/lib" }
%w[req/binject/ext/binject_c req/ftsearch/ext/ftsearchrt req/bloopsaphone/ext/bloops req/chipmunk/ext/chipmunk].
each { |xdir| copy_ext_osx xdir, "dist/ruby/lib/#{SHOES_RUBY_ARCH}" }
#FileList[rdir].each { |rlib| cp_r rlib, "dist/ruby/lib" }
FileList[rdir].each { |rlib| cp_r rlib, "dist/lib/ruby/#{RUBY_V}" }
#%w[req/binject/ext/binject_c req/ftsearch/ext/ftsearchrt req/bloopsaphone/ext/bloops req/chipmunk/ext/chipmunk].
# each { |xdir| copy_ext_osx xdir, "dist/ruby/lib/#{SHOES_RUBY_ARCH}" }
%w[req/binject/ext/binject_c req/ftsearch/ext/ftsearchrt req/chipmunk/ext/chipmunk].
each { |xdir| copy_ext_osx xdir, "dist/lib/ruby/#{RUBY_V}/#{SHOES_RUBY_ARCH}" }

gdir = "dist/ruby/gems/#{RUBY_V}"
{'hpricot' => 'lib', 'json' => 'lib/json/ext', 'sqlite3' => 'lib'}.each do |gemn, xdir|
#{'hpricot' => 'lib', 'json' => 'lib/json/ext', 'sqlite3' => 'lib'}.each do |gemn, xdir|
{}.each do |gemn, xdir|
spec = eval("req/#{gemn}/gemspec"))
mkdir_p "#{gdir}/specifications"
mkdir_p "#{gdir}/gems/#{spec.full_name}/lib"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -366,6 +372,7 @@ namespace :osx do

task :copy_pango_modules_to_dist do
puts "Entering copy_pango_modules_to_dist"
modules_file = `brew --prefix`.chomp << '/etc/pango/pango.modules'
modules_path = {|f| f.grep(/^# ModulesPath = (.*)$/){$1}.first}
mkdir_p 'dist/pango'
Expand All @@ -374,6 +381,7 @@ namespace :osx do

task :copy_deps_to_dist => :copy_pango_modules_to_dist do
puts "Entering copy_deps_to_dist"
# Generate a list of dependencies straight from the generated files.
# Start with dependencies of shoes-bin and pango-querymodules, and then
# add the dependencies of those dependencies.
Expand All @@ -389,7 +397,12 @@ namespace :osx do
dylibs.each {|libn| cp "#{libn}", "dist/"}
#dylibs.each {|libn| cp "#{libn}", "dist/" unless File.exists? "dist/#{libn}"}
# clunky hack begins - Homebrew keg issue? ro duplicates do exist
dylibs.each do |libn|
cp "#{libn}", "dist/"
chmod 0755, "dist/#{File.basename(libn)}"

task :copy_files_to_dist do
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion app.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name: Shoes
major: 3
minor: 2
tiny: b5
tiny: b6
release: federales
win32: platform/msw/shoes.ico
Expand Down
27 changes: 23 additions & 4 deletions notes/Bugs.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
Bugs/Status - stick with Ruby 1.9.3 and gtk2 until things get sorted
out with GKt3

2014-05-05 Cinco de Mayo!
Fixed some bugs identified yesterday. The Manual works, many samples
work. Some have OSX unique bugs (accordion, menu)
--> Whats the key chord to open the console in OSX
==> Write a README.Federales and include with binary downloads.
--> Shoes doesn't exit. Have to pkill shoes.
--> Shoes cursor does'nt highlight clickables on splash screen

2014-05-04 OSX Shoes

Homebrew dependecies needed a lot of work and may still be incorrect.
Expand All @@ -11,10 +19,21 @@ Bugs/Status - stick with Ruby 1.9.3 and gtk2 until things get sorted
Glib was a pain. had to copy glibconfig.h to 'main' includes
==> Yes the rakefiles need a lot of love and attention. Grrr.
==> Seriously slow to compile and link and copy stuff around.
==> Don't deal with bloopsaphone/portaudio, sqlite, hpricot.
==> need to arrange dist/lib the Federales way (no dist/ruby in 3.2)

--> Seriously slow to compile and link and copy stuff around.
Helped a bit with rsize=8192,wsize=8192 in /etc/automounts/nfs
Still too slow.
done: Don't build with bloopsaphone/portaudio, sqlite, hpricot,json.
done: need to arrange dist/lib the Federales way (no dist/ruby in 3.2)
--> Right/meta (right/Fan on Apple keyboard) on linux Virtual box
switch to Left/meta somehow?
==> Pango/modules don't copy - permission problem. Rakefile?
It's trying to copy them twice /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/Cellar
Homebrew kegging issue?
My hack doesn't work that well.
==> Install rvm and Ruby 2.0.0
==> Why build a Universal version (x86_64, and i386) when Mavericks only
runs on X86_64

2014-05-03 Hackintosh.

done: automount working.
Expand Down

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