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Where are the files kept

Cecil edited this page Oct 31, 2015 · 1 revision

There are many files in a Shoes installation. You might want to know where they are if you are troubleshooting a problem. For this discussion I'm going to talk about Shoes (the program), Gems, Caches, and temporary directories. One principle of Shoes is to not use system directories. If possible, Shoes always uses User directories. Please read the Linux description even if you use OSX or Windows.


Shoes code and libraries including the manual and icons, is installed in ~/.shoes/federales. Gems are installed in ~/.shoes/+gem. Yes the '+' is part of the filename. No, I don't know why. Image cache files are stored in ~/.shoes/+cache. If you've been packaging with 'include shoes', there is a cache of those downloads in ~/.shoes/federales/package. Desktop menus and icons follow the xdg specifications so they are place where ever xdg on your box thinks they should be. Temporary directories are in /tmp unless they are in ~./shoes


OSX is a lot like Linux. Most things are kept in ~/.shoes except the Shoes code lives in You can drag the Icon (program) anywhere you like. Temporary directories live in some /private/var hell that only Apple and BSD/Mach could create.


If you accepted the defaults on the installer (you don't have to), then Shoes is installed in C\:Program Files (x86)\Shoes\shoes-3.2.xy\ (yes you might have older versions stuck in there, and yes you do not want that) Everything else is in AppData which Windows in its benevolence does not show you. You Google "Show AppData Folder" or something like that and follow the instructions. After you do that, you'll find AppData\Local\Shoes which has the gems and federales and image cache. Temp directories are in Appdata\Local\Temp

Inside The Shoes folder

Feel free to browse through it. lib/shoes/*.rb might be of interest. Beware, there is dead code in there that Shoes 3.2 doesn't use. Changing a file in there? Please don't. If you really, really want to do that then you should promote yourself to Shoes Maintainer and there's a butt load of docs to read and learn.

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