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Command Line

Roque Pinel edited this page Feb 4, 2021 · 7 revisions

You can run the SmartTodo command line by executing this in your shell

$ bundle exec smart_todo --help

Usage: smart_todo [options] file_or_path1 file_or_path2 ...
        --slack_token TOKEN
        --fallback_channel CHANNEL
        --dispatcher DISPATCHER

The command line requires two arguments:

  • The slack_token is used to perform API request to Slack to send the message reminder about your TODO.
  • The fallback_channel is used in case a TODO assignee is no longer part of your organisation. In that case, the Slack message will be sent to that channel.

ℹ️ If the slack_token is not passed, it will be read from the SMART_TODO_SLACK_TOKEN environment variable.

By default, SmartTodo will parse all .rb files recursively in the current directory. You can however control which files/directories you want SmartTodo to work on.


  1. Run SmartTodo recursively in all directories
ENABLE_SMART_TODO=1 bundle exec smart_todo --fallback_channel '#general' --slack_token 'abc'
  1. Run SmartTodo on a single directory
ENABLE_SMART_TODO=1 bundle exec smart_todo my_lib/ --fallback_channel '#general' --slack_token 'abc'
  1. Run SmartTodo without passing the --slack_token option
SMART_TODO_SLACK_TOKEN=abc ENABLE_SMART_TODO=1 bundle exec smart_todo --fallback_channel '#general'
  1. Run SmartTodo on multiple files/directories
ENABLE_SMART_TODO=1 bundle exec smart_todo Gemfile app/ file.rb --fallback_channel '#general' --slack_token 'abc'

SmartTodo is meant to be run on your CI alongside your tests. To know how set it up, please read the Setup CI page

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