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Shadowenv for Visual Studio Code

This extension adds support for Shadowenv to VS Code, including:

  • Auto-load the environment if the directory is trusted
  • Prompt to trust the directory if not already trusted
  • Auto-detect creation, change, and deletion of Shadowlisp, reloading the environment.


This extension needs Shadowenv installed to work. Please see the Shadowenv documentation for more details.


Via Quick Open:

  1. Download, install and open VS Code
  2. Press cmd+p to open the Quick Open dialog
  3. Type ext install shadowenv
  4. Click the Install button, then the Enable button

Via the Extensions tab:

  1. Click the extensions tab or press cmd+shift+x
  2. Search for shadowenv
  3. Click the Install button, then the Enable button

Via the command line:

  1. Open a command-line prompt
  2. Run code --install-extension Shopify.vscode-shadowenv


The following describes the usage of this extension that is automatically enabled each time you open up VS Code.


In order to run a command press cmd+shift+p to view the Command Palette. There type:

  • shadowenv trust to trust and load the local Shadowenv
  • shadowenv --version to view the current shadowenv version


For any bugs and feature requests please open an issue. For code contributions please create a pull request. Enjoy!


  1. Make sure you bump the version in package.json, update the
  2. Tag the new version
  3. log in to or create account on
  4. Get @burke or someone else who has done a release to add you to the Shopify publisher (
  5. Click the "I already have an account" button; don't go to
  6. Click the settings icon right next to your avatar after logged in; Personal Access Tokens
  7. New Token > All Accessible Organizations, Full access
  8. npm config set prefix ~/nodewhatever
  9. npm install -g vsce
  10. ~/nodewhatever/bin/vsce package
  11. vsce login Shopify (then paste token)
  12. vsce publish