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Synced Vehicle Locks

this script modifed by electwix. THIS IS NOT ORGINAL SCRIPT.

Version 1.0.5 - Update 16/09/2020

Version 1.0.4 - Update 20/04/2020

Version 1.0.3 - Patch 18/04/2020

Version 1.0.2 - Patch 17/04/2020

Version 1.0.1 - Patch 17/04/2020

Version 1.0.0 - Realeased 17/04/2020

Server synced lock system with lock all spawned vehicles

--[[ Features ]] --

-- Lock and Unlock owned vehicles remotely
-- Lock and Unlock any vehicle you are in ( Driver and Passenger seats )
-- Double lock feature ( Lock twice while inside vehicle to lock occupants inside )
-- Lock all NPC vehicles with a chance of being open or able to break into.
-- Enable Emergency Vehicle locking by emergency job names
-- Enable jobs to lock there vehicles based on No Plate
-- Black List vehicles will always be locked
-- Lights Flash horn sounds, and sets the default alarm when remote locking

-- [[ Config ]] --

-- [[ Version 1.0.4 ]] --

	Config = {}

	Config.Locale      = 'en'  -- [[ Local Language en by default                          ]] --
	Config.notifca     = false -- [[ Show lock and unlock messages, false default          ]] --
	Config.lockKey     = 182   -- [[ Key to Lock / Unlock Vehicle L by default             ]] --
	Config.lockNPC     = true  -- [[ Lock all NPC cars True By Default                     ]] --
	Config.defLock     = false -- [[ Default setting for Owned vehicles false by default   ]] --
	Config.lChance     = 10    -- [[ Percent chance of vehicle being unlocked              ]] --
	Config.rDist       = 10    -- [[ Distance for vehicles in area default 10              ]] --
	Config.rentalPlate = 'RENT'-- [[ Rental Plate None Unique letters Default is RENT      ]] --

	-- [[ Names of emergency jobs for emergency vehicle locks  ]] --
	Config.emergencyJob = {

	-- [[ Job name and Number Plate NOTE: this removes any numbers E.G PDM 477 will read PDM  ]] --
	Config.JobsandPlates = {
	  [1] = {job = 'cardealer',           plate = 'PDM'},
	  [2] = {job = 'mechanic',            plate = 'BENNY'}

	-- [[ These vehicles will always be LOCKED and cannot be Unlocked   ]] --
	Config.blacklistVehicles = {

	-- [[ Vehicles wich will never be locked, great when using vehicles and no job or plate is Set  ]] --
	Config.whitelistVehicles = {
	-- [[ Same as Job plates but any vehicles with this plate can remote lock/unlock by anyone, great for jobs like ESX-Moneylaundering etc   ]] --

	Config.whitelistPlates = { 

-- [[ Job Vehicle Lock System ]] --

Ensure plate has a Max of 7 Character and at least 1 number eg: PDM 678

The script will store the plate as PDM 678 but will strip the numbers and spaces away to authorise use eg: PDM

ensure you only put the Letters in your plate in the Config.    

-- [[ Use table update ]] --

If you have a script for handing over keys to vehicle then you will need to update the stored table this is simple to do

-- plate = Vehicle Plate ( GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle) )
-- Owner = new owners Server ID (GetPlayerServerId(closestPlayer))
	local closestPlayer, closestDistance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()
	TriggerServerEvent('shorty_slocks:transferOwner', plate, owner)

-- [[ Call for Theft Systems ]] --

-- Plate = Vehicle Plate ( GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle) )

TriggerServerEvent('shorty_slocks:breakIn', Plate)

-- [[ Call for Menu Systems ]] --

TriggerClientEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLockMenu', 'lock') - To Lock Vehicle Can Also Use, True or 2
TriggerClientEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLockMenu', 'unlock') - To Unlock can also use, False or 1
TriggerClientEvent('shorty_slocks:setvehicleLockMenu', 'doubleLock') - To Lock DoubleLock, can also use 4

-- [[ Requirements ]] --

Requires ESX

-- [[ Install ]] --

Copy svehiclelocks folder to server resources folder

adjust config to your liking 

add	start svehiclelocks to server.cfg

-- [[ Patch Notes ]] --

Sync all cars plates with owner of the plates for the bug fix in
5 min for any bug in cardelear purchase.

Added Option to call from a Menu System
Added Rented Vehicles based on plate in Config Default 'RENT'

Fixed bad call when transfering owner
Added Call for Breaking into Vehicles ( Lock Pick Script etc )

Added white listed Vehicles
Added White Listed Plates

Fixed nil plate issue
added SQL ready function to help with an SQL error


Synced Vehicle locks system with NPC locks







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