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Here is a source code repository for the following purpose, targeting wheat.

1. Showing the moving average of depth-of-coverage.

2. Showing snp position or snp density over the chromosomes of Chinese Spring(IWGSC v1.0).

1. Showing the moving average of depth-of-coverage

The moving average for each of the two samples.

At first, count read depth at all position from BAM.

samtools depth -a -r <chr1A-chr7D> <Input.bam> | gzip > <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position_chrXX.tsv.gz> 

Then, calculate the moving average of read depth for each chromosome.

python3 <Window_size> <Step_size> <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position_chrXX.tsv.gz> <Output_file.tsv>
  • <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position.tsv.gz> : gzip compression file of read depth per chromosome.
  • <Output_file.tsv> : columns in this order.
    • chromosome
    • center position of each window
    • read depth at center position of each window
    • average depth of each window

After the results have been merged and sorted by chromosome and position, run it.

Rscript Plot_MovingAverage.R  <Sample1_MovingAverage_merged.tsv> <Sample2_MovingAverage_merged.tsv> <Output_prefix>
  • The output named <output_prefix>_chr<1A~7D>.png will be generated.

The difference of moving average(delta-depth) between two samples.

At first, count read dept hat all position from BAM.

samtools depth -a -r <chr1A-chr7D> <Input.bam> | gzip > <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position_chrXX.tsv.gz> 

Then, calculate the moving average of read depth for each chromosome.

python3 <Window_size> <Step_size> <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position_chrXX.tsv.gz> <Output_file.tsv>
  • <Depth-of-coverage_at_each_position.tsv.gz> : gzip compression file of read depth per chromosome.
  • <Output_file.tsv> : columns in this order.
    • chromosome
    • center position of each window
    • read depth at center position of each window
    • average depth of each window

After the results have been merged and sorted by chromosome and position, run it.

python3 <Sample1_MovingAverage_merged.tsv> <Sample2_MovingAverage_merged.tsv> <Output_file_name.tsv>
  • <Output_file_name.tsv> : columns in this order.
    • chromosome
    • center position of each window
    • 95% confidence line
    • 99% confidence line
    • differencee of read depth(delta-depth) between Sample1 and Sample2 at each window

To estimate the deletion, use a program such as awk to extract regions that exceed the 95% or 99% confidence interval, and then run the following.

python <Step_size> <Input_file_name.tsv> <Output_file_name.tsv>

Plot delta-depth

Rscript Plot_DeltaDepth.R <Calculated_delta-depth.tsv> <Output_prefix>
  • The output named <output_prefix>_chr<1A~7D>.png will be generated.

2. Showing snp position or snp density over the chromosomes of Chinese Spring(IWGSC v1.0).

SNP position

At first, convert VCF file to input format.

python3 <Input_file.vcf> <Output_file.tsv>
  • <Output_file_name.tsv> : columns in this order.
    • chromosome
    • SNP position

Then, plot the position of SNPs:

Rscript Plot_SNP_position.R <Input_file.tsv> <Output_prefix>
  • The output named <output_prefix>_chr<1A~7D>.png will be generated.

SNP density

Count the number of SNPs per each window

python3 <Window_size> <Input.vcf>
  • The output file Number_of_SNPs.tsv will be generated.
    • Number_of_SNPs.tsv: columns in this order.
    • chromosome
    • start position
    • end position
    • number of SNPs from start position to end position

Plot the SNP denstiy:

Rscript Plot_SNP_density.R <Input_file.tsv> <Output_prefix>
  • The output named <output_prefix>_chr<1A~7D>.png will be generated.


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