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Active Sample Learning on VOC detection dataset.


A Cost-Effective Active Learning (CEAL) algorithm is able to interactively query the human annotator or the own ConvNet model (automatic annotations from high confidence predictions) new labeled instances from a pool of unlabeled data.



  • early stop. 设置 ap_range, ap_shift,如果 ap_range 范围内 ap 平均变化 < ap_shift 停下
  • tensorboard. 观察 AP_50, AP_75, AP_shift, SL/AL ratio, loss, lr 等参数
  • resume training. 在 save_model() 中保留 optimizer, epoch 保持 lr_schedule 同步
  • 尝试不同的 optimizer, lr_schedule


  • img-level -> box-level. 精确到筛查每张图像上的 box,引入 certian/uncertain boxes 比较机制
  • batch import unlabel data. 设置 K,每个 epoch,detect_unlabel_imgs() 从 unlabel data 中取 K 个使用当前 model 进行检测,更新 gt_anns 得到 sa_anns,模拟完成一次 human-machine cooperated anns,更新算法见 utils/
  • SL/AL ann_ratio/img. 显示每张图像 SL/AL anns 标注数量平均占比,反应模型 SL 性能变化
  • most hard samples. 使用 AL ann_ratio 作为较困难图像的衡量方式,在 update training dataset 是优先选择最 hard 的样本
  • update eval dataset. 随着模型新数据引入,原始 eval data 已不能反应模型在最新数据上的性能,需要类似 Continual Learning 的方式更新 eval data

Harder Question

如何在更少的 initial data 上 train model,进一步得到标注成本更低的 asm

Import the SL/AL samples more informatively

v1. use SA anns, but not choose topK informative samples

Don't change the label data, and incrementally import K SA_anns unlabel data

  1. select K samples from unlabel data
  2. detect on K unlabel samples and generate K SA_anns
  3. randomly select K samples from label data
  4. train on the new dataset: K SA_anns + K label anns
  5. goto 1, until ap_shift < ap_shift_thre

v1+. add SA_anns to label_anns, better choose K label_anns next batch

Expand the label data with SA_anns every batch so that we can choose more just SA annotated unlabel data in next batch.

  • expanding label data: label_anns += SA_anns
  • update the step 3 of v1

topK v1 - AL ratio

排序 AL ann_ratio,K largest 加入 uncertain, K smallest 加入 certain 并增加给 label anns

AL ann_ratio is a good indicator of the informative images.

  • low. more objects are annotated by the model.
  • high. more objects are annotated by the human. (what we need most)

sa_anns,sa_ratios: store the AL ann_ratio and SA_anns of the already detected unlabel data in previous batches.

After the detection of current batch

# 当前所有已经检测的 unlabel data 的 sa_anns, AL ann_ratio
sa_anns += batch_sa_anns
sa_ratios += batch_al_ratio

# 排序 AL ann_ratio
cer_idxs = np.argsort(sa_ratios)  # 默认从小到大,从 certain -> uncertain

# 选择 top K certain/uncertain

topK_cer_anns = [sa_anns[i] for i in cer_idxs[:args.K]]  # top K certain
topK_uncer_anns = [sa_anns[i] for i in cer_idxs[-args.K:]]  # top K uncertain

# 随机选 K 个 label anns
random_label_anns = random.sample(label_anns, args.K)

# 形成新的 trianset
asm_train_anns = topK_uncer_anns + random_label_anns

# 使用 top K certian anns 补充 label_anns,下轮再从中随机选择
label_anns += topK_cer_anns

topK v2 - AL ratio thre

With the model improved, sa_anns and sa_ratios of the previous batches should be updated.

Judge certain/uncertain anns by AL ratio threshold.

  • AL ann_ratio <= 0.3,加入 certain 增加给 label anns
  • AL ann_ratio >= 0.6,加入 uncertain 并保存 pre_gt_uncer_anns 作为下轮引入 batch_unlabel_anns,实现旧的 uncertain 样本也能交给新模型检测并用于下个 batch 训练

topK v3 - SL score thre

Judge certain/uncertain anns by SL score threshold.

  • ann_ratio can only judge the uncertainty by sl boxes number.
  • sl_score can take into account the model performance and gt boxes number, which can better reflect the uncertainty of whole image.
# sl_score per img
sl_score = sum(sl_box_scores) / len(gt_boxes)

Code Structure

  • datasets.
    • voc data class names and statistics.
    • parse voc data from original xml data, save in pickle. list[dict, ...]
    • torch Dataset class.
  • net.
    • faster rcnn using torchvision implementation
  • tools. useful functions in model training and evaluating
  • train asm from scratch, it will train a model on initial dataset first, then trian on combination of label_anns and sa_anns. This *.py is a combination of and


Active Sample Mining on VOC detection dataset







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