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Future Plans

Shukoloton edited this page Aug 31, 2023 · 3 revisions

Support for HSL

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness) is, in my opinion, the fourth major color profile alongside hex, RGB, and CMYK. Unlike the already implemented formats, HSL is not based on several color values, but on components, where hue is in degrees, saturation and lightness is in percents. If we look at the conversion formulae, we see that they are a bit of a clusterfuck, so I expect to implement the format sometime during September. Once the implementation is done, I will feel comfortable removing the nonfull tag from the version numbers and releasing v0.1.0.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

It perhaps isn't the best idea to rely on CMD as the sole UI for a color converter. I'll most likely create the GUI once HSL is implemented.

Support for HSV

HSV (hue, saturation, value) is a color profile similar to HSL but with value instead of lightness. The profiles are similar but a bit different.

Graphical Color Selection

The next step up from the GUI. Will attempt to implement it after doing the GUI.

Selection from Image

Functionality to select a pixel in an image and read its color. The program will then be able to work with that color.

Eyedropper maybe?

The next logical step up seems being able to choose a random color on the screen. I don't know whether this is possible in Java, and I would like to keep the project in Java, but I guess we'll see.

Mobile Release

At some point, I want to release the application for Android and iOS. I am mildly familiar with the process of Java for Android, but am not sure how to do so for iOS.

Some sort of account system for saving colors

Read Color from Camera (Mobile)

Self-explanatory. This would most likely require some in-app guide.