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DMFlags and Settings

Nicholas "Tiger" Gautier edited this page Jul 17, 2016 · 9 revisions

This document focuses on how to play this project with the commonly used ports today and with what settings. However, this is merely recommendation. The users are free to customize the settings in anyway they please.

Table of Contents

Supporting Game Modes

This project supports the base game mode, Deathmatch. However, other ports such as Zandronum, supports more than just Deathmatch and with that - so does TGRDM3. Listed below is the supported game modes possible using the Zandronum engine:


Provided below is suggested default DMFlags that will work with the project in a OOBE schematic. This list will be useful for players just starting the game and those planning on hosting a game server. For a complete list of DMFlags, please see ZDoom's DMFlags or Zandronum's DMFlags.


Warning: DMFlags might differ depending on the Doom source port; listed below is from ZDoom's DMFlags.

DMFlags = 2834432

DMFlag Setting Value
Items Respawn 16384
Big Powerups Respawn 524288
Allow Jump 65536
Allow Crouch 2097152
Allow Freelook 131072

Game Settings

As the maps within this project does not contain a exit switch or the like, the players can only win by a FragLimit or TimeLimit. These settings are merely suggested and is completely changeable to the end-user. The settings provided below are merely the suggested defaults. For more options, please see ZDoom's multiplayer documentation

  • FragLimit = 50
  • TimeLimit = 5
  • PointLimit = 500
  • if Domination is used

Zandronum Hosting and MapList

All maps within this project will route back to the 'Introduction' map once the round ends. If hosting or playing this project in a net-game environment, consider using the Map List functionality in Zandronum.

Console Command Example Description
AddMap MAPNAME AddMap AMISERY Adds a map to the Map List rotation.
ClearMapList ClearMapList Thrash the entire Map List rotation.
DelMap MAPNAME DelMap AMISERY Expunges the specified map off from the Map List rotation.
MapList MapList Displays the current maps that is in the Map List rotation.
SV_MapRotation [BOOL] SV_MapRotation True Toggles the Map List rotation feature.
SV_RandomMapRotation [BOOL] SV_RandomMapRotation True Toggles the randomness when using the Map List rotation feature.

Provided below is a few helpful links for more information about Zandronum's Console Commands and Console Variables: