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A system for FoundryVTT to utilize Arcane Arcade's Fallout TTRPG system


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Release candidate

As a maintainer, when you would like to release a test version of the system. Go to the releases page of github. Click choose a take and git it a unique Id. eg: v0.5.0.rc1. Title and description are optional. Select checkbox "Set as a pre-release" Click "Publish release" This will trigger a github action that will package the system into a zip file. After a couple minutes a release will be post to the releases page. Copy the link to the system.json file and install it via that link wherever you are running foundry.

New release

As a maintainer, when you would like to release a new version of the system Go to the releases page of github. Click choose a take and git it a unique Id. eg: v0.5.0. Add a title and description. Click "Publish release" This will trigger a github action that will package the system into a zip file. After a couple minutes a release will be post to the releases page. Wherever you are running foundry install the system with this url or by clicking update system if already installed