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Re-arch #4770

collijk opened this issue Jun 22, 2023 · 4 comments

Re-arch #4770

collijk opened this issue Jun 22, 2023 · 4 comments
meta Meta-issue about a topic that multiple issues already exist for re-arch


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collijk commented Jun 22, 2023


Key Documents

The Motivation

The master branch of Auto-GPT is an organically grown amalgamation of many thoughts and ideas about agent-driven autonomous systems. It lacks clear abstraction boundaries, has issues of global state and poorly encapsulated state, and is generally just hard to make effective changes to. Mainly it's just a system that's hard to make changes to. And research in the field is moving fast, so we want to be able to try new ideas quickly.

Initial Planning

A large group of maintainers and contributors met do discuss the architectural challenges associated with the existing codebase. Many much-desired features (building new user interfaces, enabling project-specific agents, enabling multi-agent systems) are bottlenecked by the global state in the system. We discussed the tradeoffs between an incremental system transition and a big breaking version change and decided to go for the breaking version change. We justified this by saying:

We can maintain, in essence, the same user experience as now even with a radical restructuring of the codebase
Our developer audience is struggling to use the existing codebase to build applications and libraries of their own, so this breaking change will largely be welcome.

Primary Goals

  • Separate the AutoGPT application code from the library code.
  • Remove global state from the system
  • Allow for multiple agents per user (with facilities for running simultaneously)
  • Create a serializable representation of an Agent
  • Encapsulate the core systems in abstractions with clear boundaries.

Secondary goals

  • Use existing tools to ditch any unneccesary cruft in the codebase (document loading, json parsing, anything easier to replace than to port).
  • Bring in the core agent loop updates being developed simultaneously by @Pwuts

The Branches

Base Feature Branch

This branch was the start of the re-arch effort where we sketched out the original interfaces. The current intention is to PR systems with stabilized interfaces into this branch so they can go through a round of cleanup and review.

This branch has mostly been dormant as we pivoted to a running-agent-first method in the next branch. There are now several stabilized systems that can be brought in.

Hello World Branch

This branch was spun off to take a running-agent-first methodology to the interface development. That is, rather than measuring our progress on the re-arch by which systems we've buttoned up and have PR'ed, we measure progress by how far the agent can run through its logic. This lets us battle-test the interfaces we sketched out initially. Ideally, once the interfaces and implementations stabilize, we can PR them to the base feature branch. @collijk has been using this as his working branch and pushing directly to it. We'll likely need a revised workflow.

  • Update the hello world branch with instructions for running the cli app and the cli web app and for generating user settings.

Run instructions for the hello world branch can be found in the PR: #3969

The Agent Subsystems


We want a lot of things from a configuration system. We lean heavily on it in the master branch to allow several parts of the system to communicate with each other. Recent work has made it so that the config is no longer a singleton object that is materialized from the import state, but it's still treated as a god object containing all information about the system and critically allowing any system to reference configuration information about other parts of the system.

What we want

  • It should still be reasonable to collate the entire system configuration in a sensible way.
  • The configuration should be validatable and validated.
  • The system configuration should be a serializable representation of an Agent.
  • The configuration system should provide a clear (albeit very low-level) contract about user-configurable aspects of the system.
  • The configuration should reasonably manage default values and user-provided overrides.
  • The configuration system needs to handle credentials in a reasonable way.
  • The configuration should be the representation of some amount of system state, like api budgets and resource usage. These aspects are recorded in the configuration and updated by the system itself.
  • Agent systems should have encapsulated views of the configuration. E.g. the memory system should know about memory configuration but nothing about command configuration.

System Status

  • Design a distributed, hierarchical configuration management system using Pydantic
  • Build an abstraction to distinguish user-configurable fields
  • Implement a Configurable mixin for system components so we can walk the system to collate system configuration
  • Build a serializable representation of user configuration
  • Build a command line entry point to generate the user configuration from a base set of system default settings as a human-readable yaml format.
  • Build a mechanism to override system defaults with user settings on agent creation
  • Build a machine-readable serialized representation of the configuration that is dumped to the agent workspace on agent creation and updated when agent state changes.
  • Clean up docs, test, and port to the base feature branch.


There are two ways to think about the workspace:

  • The workspace is a scratch space for an agent where it can store files, write code, and do pretty much whatever else it likes.
  • The workspace is, at any given point in time, the single source of truth for what an agent is. It contains the serializable state (the configuration) as well as all other working state (stored files, databases, memories, custom code).

In the existing system there is one workspace. And because the workspace holds so much agent state, that means a user can only work with one agent at a time.

System Status

  • Port the existing workspace implementation
  • Add workspace configuration and update the usage so that we allow multiple agents/multiple simultaneous projects
  • Create a new workspace in a standard place when we make new agents, set up output directories, serialize configuration
  • Allow agents to be reconstructed from workspaces
  • Clean up docs, test, and port to the base feature branch.


The memory system has been under extremely active development. See #3536 and #4208 for discussion and work in the master branch. The TL;DR is that we noticed a couple of months ago that the Agent performed worse with permanent memory than without it. Since then the knowledge storage and retrieval system has been redesigned and partially implemented in the master branch.

System Status

  • Design interfaces based on work done by @Pwuts and integration of permanent memory into the core agent loop.
  • Port/implement text splitting (perhaps grab text splitters from Langchain so we can avoid maintaining some pretty complicated machinery)
  • Port/implement text summarization from the master branch
  • Design and implement knowledge storage
  • Design and implement knowledge retrieval


The planning system is the system that translates user desires/agent intentions into language model prompts. In the course of development, it has become pretty clear that Planning is the wrong name for this system

What we want

  • It should be incredibly obvious what's being passed to a language model, when it's being passed, and what the language model response is. The landscape of language model research is developing very rapidly, so building complex abstractions between users/contributors and the language model interactions is going to make it very difficult for us to nimbly respond to new research developments.
  • Prompt-engineering should ideally be exposed in a parameterizeable way to users.
  • We should, where possible, leverage OpenAI's new function calling api to get outputs in a standard machine-readable format and avoid the deep pit of parsing json (and fixing unparsable json).

Planning Strategies

The new agent workflow has many, many interaction points for language models. We really would like to not distribute prompt templates and raw strings all through
the system. The re-arch solution is to encapsulate language model interactions into planning strategies. These strategies are defined by

  • The LanguageModelClassification they use (FAST or SMART)
  • A function build_prompt that takes strategy specific arguments and constructs a LanguageModelPrompt (a simple container for lists of messages and functions to pass to the language model)
  • A function parse_content that parses the response content (a dict) into a better formatted dict. Contracts here are intentionally loose and will tighten once we have at least one other language model provider.

System Status

  • Design core Planner system to take in args, build prompts, interact with a language model, and get responses.
  • Build the base implementation
  • Develop PromptStrategy abstraction to encapsulate a parameterizeable interaction with a language model.
  • Expose the configuration (the actual prompts) of the PromptStrategy instances to the user so they can do prompt tuning without touching code.
  • Implement all the prompt strategies we need


Resources are kinds of services we consume from external APIs. They may have associated credentials and costs we need to manage. Management of those credentials is implemented as manipulation of the resource configuration. We have two categories of resources currently

  • AI/ML model providers (including language model providers and embedding model providers, ie OpenAI)
  • Memory providers (e.g. Pinecone, Weaviate, ChromaDB, etc.)

What we want

  • Resource abstractions should provide a common interface to different service providers for a particular kind of service.
  • Resource abstractions should manipulate the configuration to manage their credentials and budget/accounting.
  • Resource abstractions should be composable over an API (e.g. I should be able to make an OpenAI provider that is both a LanguageModelProvider and an EmbeddingModelProvider and use it wherever I need those services).

System Status

  • Design and build configuration schema for resource budgets and credentials.
  • Design and build shared schema for model providers
  • Design and build schema for language model providers
  • Design and build schema for embedding model providers
  • Implement OpenAI provider
    • Implement low-level async function calls
    • Implement retry handler
    • Implement language model provider interface
    • Implement embedding model provider interface
  • Design and build schema for memory providers
  • Implement Local memory provider
  • Implement Redis memory provider


Along with planning and memory usage, abilities are one of the major augmentations of augmented language models. They allow us to expand the scope of what language models can do by hooking them up to code they can execute to obtain new knowledge or influence the world.

What we want

  • Abilities should have an extremely clear interface that users can write to.
  • Abilities should have an extremely clear interface that a language model can understand
  • Abilities should be declarative about their dependencies so the system can inject them
  • Abilities should be executable (where sensible) in an async run loop.
  • Abilities should be not have side effects unless those side effects are clear in their representation to an agent (e.g. the BrowseWeb ability shouldn't write a file, but the WriteFile ability can).

System Status

  • Develop and implement an interface for the ability registry
  • Develop schema for ability results
  • Build configuration for abilities that declares dependencies and allows the registry to inject those dependencies when abilities are registered
  • Abilities are configured to be loaded as plugins by the plugin service
  • Abilities have a clearly defined declarative interface to program to
  • Abilities have a clearly defined representation to be presented to the OpenAI function API
  • Abilities have async calls as part of their definition
  • Concrete abilities are implemented (maybe we don't want all of these)


Users want to add lots of features that we don't want to support as first-party. Or solution to this is a plugin system to allow users to plug in their functionality or to construct their agent from a public plugin marketplace. Our primary concern in the re-arch is to build a stateless plugin service interface and a simple implementation that can load plugins from installed packages or from zip files. Future efforts will expand this system to allow plugins to load from a marketplace or some other kind of service.

What is a Plugin

Plugins are a kind of garbage term. They refer to a number of things.

  • New commands for the agent to execute. This is the most common usage.
  • Replacements for entire subsystems like memory or language model providers
  • Application plugins that do things like send emails or communicate via whatsapp
  • The repositories contributors create that may themselves have multiple plugins in them.

Usage in the existing system

The current plugin system is hook-based. This means plugins don't correspond to kinds of objects in the system, but rather to times in the system at which we defer execution to them. The main advantage of this setup is that user code can hijack pretty much any behavior of the agent by injecting code that supercedes the normal agent execution. The disadvantages to this approach are numerous:

  • We have absolutely no mechanisms to enforce any security measures because the threat surface is everything.
  • We cannot reason about agent behavior in a cohesive way because control flow can be ceded to user code at pretty much any point and arbitrarily change or break the agent behavior
  • The interface for designing a plugin is kind of terrible and difficult to standardize
  • The hook based implementation means we couple ourselves to a particular flow of control (or otherwise risk breaking plugin behavior). E.g. many of the hook targets in the old workflow are not present or mean something entirely different in the new workflow.
  • Etc.

What we want

  • A concrete definition of a plugin that is narrow enough in scope that we can define it well and reason about how it will work in the system.
  • A set of abstractions that let us define a plugin by its storage format and location
  • A service interface that knows how to parse the plugin abstractions and turn them into concrete classes and objects.

System status

  • Build a plugin service interface and implementation
  • Define a plugin and plugin location with concrete schema
  • Implement loading plugins from import paths
  • Implement loading plugins from files
  • Implement loading plugins from other sources (maybe)

User Interfaces

There are two client applications for Auto-GPT included. Applications have responsibility for all user interaction (anything that shows up on the user's display that isn't actual system logs).

The CLI app

🌟 This is the reference application I'm working with for now 🌟

This application is essentially implemented all the way through the run loop but is missing some logic to handle things aside from user confirmation of next actions. It makes no effort to display nice output to the user at this point. It directly invokes methods on the Agent as it's primary form of interaction with the codebase.


  • Create an interface to generate default user settings and set up a directory for agent workspaces.
  • Get input from a user on a task to complete and invoke the agent to turn it into a (name, role, goals).
  • Bootstrap an agent
  • Generate the agent initial plan
  • Enter the main agent run loop.
  • Shutdown and restart an agent
  • Make the UI pleasant

The CLI web-app

The second app is still a CLI, but it sets up a local webserver that the client application talks to rather than invoking calls to the Agent library code directly. This application is essentially a sketch at this point as the folks who were driving it have had less time (and likely not enough clarity) to proceed.

  • Create an interface to generate default user settings and set up a directory for agent workspaces.
  • Design an API and contracts
  • Get input from a user on a task to complete and invoke the agent to turn it into a (name, role, goals).
  • Bootstrap an agent
  • Generate the agent initial plan
  • Enter the main agent run loop.
  • Shutdown and restart an agent
  • Make the UI pleasant

The Agent Run Loop


(Checklist for the planned agent workflow)

  • Bootstrapping
    • Collate default agent settings and overwrite with user provided settings
    • Create (name, role, goals) from a user task.
    • Provision an agent (set up agent specific workspace, logging directories, etc., etc.)
    • Launch an agent from a workspace
    • Add functionality to restart agents
  • Initial Planning
    • Generate an initial set of tasks from the (name, role, goals) of the agent
    • Do a second planning pass to refine tasks and validate task schema
    • Build and prioritize initial task queue
  • Run loop
    • Loop Exit
      • Design a way of evaluating whether we've finished our job (or have a finishable job) and can "retire" the agent.
      • Implement a simple exit criteria (task list is empty) to communicate to the client app that there's nothing to do
      • Determine when/how to teardown or archive agents
      • Implement agent teardown.
    • Task prep
      • Get highest priority task from queue
      • (For new tasks) Query relevant memories and attach them in an interpretable format (we proceed memory free in the meantime)
      • (For new tasks) Evaluate available information and resources against task ready_criteria to see if we can make progress (we assume we can make progress in the meantime)
      • Collate info into the context of a task
    • Determine next ability to use
      • Do task breakdown for abilities we have cycled too many times on.
      • Do task breakdown for abilities we don't have enough info for.
      • Determine next ability for "ready" tasks
    • Get user feedback
      • Handle user confirmation of action
      • Handle user disallowing action
      • Handle user allowing multiple future actions. This is an application concern, I think
      • Handle other kinds of user input
    • Execute agent ability
    • Update task context and memory with ability results
      • Split and summarize knowledge obtained in an ability
      • Store summarized knowledge in permanent memory
      • Attach summarized knowledge to relevant tasks.
      • Update task context cycle count and prior actions
      • Evaluate task completion against acceptance criteria and update status
      • Put task back on relevant queue (to do or done)
    • Evaluate existing plan and reprioritize
      • Determine how often we should do this
      • Determine how to do this
      • Implement it

Major Roadblocks

The core of the agent loop is under active development. Particularly with respect to memory storage, knowledge summarization, and memory retrieval. This is a complex research area and should be out of scope for the re-arch. However the existing agent loop is not useful and the updated memory abstractions are implemented but not yet used (so their interfaces in the master branch are not stable). @Pwuts and I put together a proposed new agent workflow to use the abstractions he's built, and I've begun implementing that workflow in the hello world branch as he's been occupied with other things. Ideally we would have a reference implementation in the master branch to guide us.

How can you help get the re-arch over the finish line

Good things to work on

  • If you're @Pwuts or can work to his specifications, ironing out the new agent loop in the current master branch is the most critical thing to figure out. We cannot concretely define several key abstractions without a working agent loop.
  • Port existing commands in the master branch into their new Ability interfaces (one command per PR please!)
  • Delete the embedding subpackage and lift out references to the objects referenced from it. Embeddings will be managed by the memory system and created with an already extant EmbeddingModelProvider, so we don't need the extra abstraction layer.
  • Port existing unit tests or write new tests for the systems that are currently stable:
    • The OpenAIProvider
    • Commands/Abilities that get ported
    • The workspace
  • Build out a better UI for the CLI app
  • Add the ability to restart an agent to the CLI app
  • Build up the CLI web app
    • Particularly, think through the API design and what tools we'll need in the library to satisfy endpoints
    • Catch the CLI web app up to the base CLI app
  • Reading the codebase, investigating how it works, and then raising thoughts or concerns or criticisms of the existing system. We don't want to change large swaths of the existing work, but outlining weaknesses and areas for future growth is a good exercise.
  • Try porting some of the existing command plugins to the new Ability interface
  • Add functionality to load plugins from files.

Things that definitely need work but have a plan for already (or need more things to be finished first)

  • 🟡 Changes to the overall library interface (ie what classes are exposed from which modules and how are they imported). The current library interface is not final and definitely has issues and inconsistencies, but moving things creates big merge conflicts. We will decide the final library interface in a discussion together and change it all at once before the merge.
  • 🟡 Adding in a message broker for agent communication. A message broker is a good idea, but adds a lot of complexity and a lot of scope. Using the CLI web app to think through a client-application communication protocol is a good first step to building a generic user-agent (and later agent-agent) communication protocol.
  • 🟡 Changes on hello world to the core agent loop. If you're interested in hammering this out, please do so in the master branch.

Things that will be rejected and make me mildly annoyed

  • ❌ Increases to scope beyond what's outlined above. This is a massive orchestration problem. New features PR will be welcome once the re-arch lands in the master branch.
  • ❌ Big changes to interfaces for systems that are already widely used.
@collijk collijk added this to the v1.0 milestone Jun 22, 2023
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ntindle commented Jun 24, 2023

Note for: #4787 and other File Abilities

Do we want to keep the operation log that logs all file operations?

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collijk commented Jun 26, 2023

Note for: #4787 and other File Abilities

Do we want to keep the operation log that logs all file operations?

Let's start with the answer being no, and talk about it together later. I need a little more context about what it's for. My understanding is that this was primarily to get the system not to try to write the same file over and over and similar issues. That's not just a file operation problem though. We want smarter planning logic generally so something like that doesn't happen (which we're working on).

collijk added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 5, 2023
Rough sketching out of a hello world using our refactored autogpt
library. See the tracking issue here: #4770.

# Run instructions

There are two client applications for Auto-GPT included. 

## CLI Application

:star2: **This is the reference application I'm working with for now**

The first app is a straight CLI application. I have not done anything
yet to port all the friendly display stuff from the
`logger.typewriter_log` logic.

- [Entry
- [Client

To run, you first need a settings file.  Run

 python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_app/ make-settings

where `REPOSITORY_ROOT` is the root of the Auto-GPT repository on your machine.  This will write a file called `default_agent_settings.yaml` with all the user-modifiable configuration keys to `~/auto-gpt/default_agent_settings.yml` and make the `auto-gpt` directory in your user directory if it doesn't exist).  At a bare minimum, you'll need to set `openai.credentials.api_key` to your OpenAI API Key to run the model.

You can then run Auto-GPT with 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_app/ make-settings

to launch the interaction loop.

## CLI Web App

The second app is still a CLI, but it sets up a local webserver that the client application talks to rather than invoking calls to the Agent library code directly.  This application is essentially a sketch at this point as the folks who were driving it have had less time (and likely not enough clarity) to proceed.

- [Entry Point](
- [Client Application](
- [Server API](

To run, you still need to generate a default configuration.  You can do 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_web_app/

It invokes the same command as the bare CLI app, so follow the instructions above about setting your API key.

To run, do 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_web_app/ client

This will launch a webserver and then start the client cli application to communicate with it.

:warning: I am not actively developing this application.  It is a very good place to get involved if you have web application design experience and are looking to get involved in the re-arch.


Co-authored-by: David Wurtz <>
Co-authored-by: Media <>
Co-authored-by: Richard Beales <>
Co-authored-by: Daryl Rodrigo <>
Co-authored-by: Daryl Rodrigo <>
Co-authored-by: Swifty <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Tindle <>
Co-authored-by: Merwane Hamadi <>
dayofthedave pushed a commit to dayofthedave/Auto-GPT that referenced this issue Jul 17, 2023
Rough sketching out of a hello world using our refactored autogpt
library. See the tracking issue here: Significant-Gravitas#4770.

# Run instructions

There are two client applications for Auto-GPT included. 

## CLI Application

:star2: **This is the reference application I'm working with for now**

The first app is a straight CLI application. I have not done anything
yet to port all the friendly display stuff from the
`logger.typewriter_log` logic.

- [Entry
- [Client

To run, you first need a settings file.  Run

 python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_app/ make-settings

where `REPOSITORY_ROOT` is the root of the Auto-GPT repository on your machine.  This will write a file called `default_agent_settings.yaml` with all the user-modifiable configuration keys to `~/auto-gpt/default_agent_settings.yml` and make the `auto-gpt` directory in your user directory if it doesn't exist).  At a bare minimum, you'll need to set `openai.credentials.api_key` to your OpenAI API Key to run the model.

You can then run Auto-GPT with 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_app/ make-settings

to launch the interaction loop.

## CLI Web App

The second app is still a CLI, but it sets up a local webserver that the client application talks to rather than invoking calls to the Agent library code directly.  This application is essentially a sketch at this point as the folks who were driving it have had less time (and likely not enough clarity) to proceed.

- [Entry Point](
- [Client Application](
- [Server API](

To run, you still need to generate a default configuration.  You can do 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_web_app/

It invokes the same command as the bare CLI app, so follow the instructions above about setting your API key.

To run, do 

python REPOSITORY_ROOT/autogpt/core/runner/cli_web_app/ client

This will launch a webserver and then start the client cli application to communicate with it.

:warning: I am not actively developing this application.  It is a very good place to get involved if you have web application design experience and are looking to get involved in the re-arch.


Co-authored-by: David Wurtz <>
Co-authored-by: Media <>
Co-authored-by: Richard Beales <>
Co-authored-by: Daryl Rodrigo <>
Co-authored-by: Daryl Rodrigo <>
Co-authored-by: Swifty <>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Tindle <>
Co-authored-by: Merwane Hamadi <>
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github-actions bot commented Sep 6, 2023

This issue has automatically been marked as stale because it has not had any activity in the last 50 days. You can unstale it by commenting or removing the label. Otherwise, this issue will be closed in 10 days.

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This issue was closed automatically because it has been stale for 10 days with no activity.

@github-actions github-actions bot closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Sep 17, 2023
@Pwuts Pwuts added meta Meta-issue about a topic that multiple issues already exist for and removed Stale labels Sep 17, 2023
@Pwuts Pwuts reopened this Sep 17, 2023
@Swiftyos Swiftyos closed this as completed Nov 7, 2023
@Pwuts Pwuts assigned Pwuts and unassigned collijk Nov 15, 2023
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meta Meta-issue about a topic that multiple issues already exist for re-arch
Status: Done
Archived in project

No branches or pull requests

4 participants