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forthebadge forthebadge

Brief Overview

The main goal of this project is to incorporate a Guild / Clans concept from books, games, and other media into a web ecosystem where people can earn status or level by showcasing their abilities/skills. A developer guild with levels/badges can help them gain more recognition for their skills while also opening up new opportunities.

To join this guild, there must be a proper governance system in place, so that a DAO that uses SBT can be implemented.

So why SBTs as badges?

For centuries, communities and societies have used badges to represent accomplishment, reputation, affiliation, and recognition in the form of tattoos, military awards, scout badges, laptop stickers, trophies, and so on. A badge demonstrates that a person has specific experience in certain fields. Badges in this DAO should be earned rather than purchased. The current members of the DAO can decide whether or not this person is capable of doing the work represented by the badge and award them the badge accordingly. Front-end (beginner, intermediate, master), and dev-ops (quick action, pipeline fixer) are some examples of badges. Badges should also be public and easily integrated with other dApps, as they serve as proof of skill and can be used in other communities.

To summarise the objectives:

  • A DAO which uses SBT(soulbound token) as badges.
  • Badges represent recognition, achievements, reputation, power (in DAO), etc.
  • Badges can only be earned, i.e the group of people having badges with higher power can decide if a person should be granted an SBT or not.

Problem it solves

  • Developers can now get proper recommendations from internships or jobs. By introducing this DAO, their badges can represent their skills and indicate that this individual's skills are recognized by communities.
  • If a member of the DAO notices another member working on a personal project that meets a certain standard, he or she can recommend that person and suggest to the other members that this person be awarded a badge indicating the work he did on the project. The badge can be used to demonstrate to other communities that the person has the necessary skills to complete and finish the job indicated by the badge.

Impact in Ethereum ecosystem

  • Decentralized autonomous organizations facilitate interaction across Web3. DAOs and blockchain form the foundation of a governance network that allows for unlimited online participation and collaboration on projects. However, because most DAOs require some web3 knowledge to use them, most people avoid them. Hence this project also aims to simplify the onboarding process by allowing social logins, simplifying the UI, and lowering gas fees by utilizing resources such as third web, biconomy, polygon, and so on.

Motivation to build this out

  • The main inspiration for this project came from observing certain organisations employing a rank system to identify members with specific skills. This reminded me of guild systems I've seen in books and role-playing games. The ranking system motivated members to work on specific projects and also assisted other members in finding collaborators for their projects. Seeing this ranking system made me realize how powerful it would be if it were implemented on a larger scale, where individuals, groups, startups, and companies could recruit members based on badges and reputation in the community.


Made using:

  • Solidty
  • Hardhat
  • Next JS
  • Tailwind






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