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Setup your project

SimCoder edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 1 revision

Android studio initialization

  1. Open android studio and click on Open an existing Android Studio Project Make sure you open the android folder and not the whole folder you unzipped. When opening the project an error will appear after compiling, do not worry, the next steps will fix that.
  2. Now you are inside the project in android studio, the next thing we must do is change the package name of our project:
  3. Make sure on the project tab the option Android is selected.
  4. On the settings button (the cog on the top right corner) unselect Compact middle packages.
  5. Open app -> java -> com -> simcoder -> snapchatclone and right-click both simcoder and uber to change the name of both of them, check the image below to see how it is done. They must be different from the default one.
  6. Go to the file build.gradle (Module: app) at Gradle Scripts -> build.Gradle(Module: app) and change the name of the applicationId to match the name of the previous step.

Setup Firebase

  1. Go to android studio and click on Tools -> Firebase, a pane will appear on the right side.
  2. Click on Authentication -> Email and Password authentication -> Connect to firebase
  3. Choose to Create a new Firebase project, choose a region of your choice and click Connect to Firebase.
  4. Go to your preferred web browser and go to -> go to the dashboard and enter on the project you've just created, after that do the following:
    1. Go to the Authentication page:
    2. Enter Sign-In Method. 2. Select and activate: 1. Email and password
    3. Go to the Database page:
      1. Create Realtime Database
      2. Start in test mode
      3. Go to the Rules tab and copy the contents of the file database_security_rules that is in the root folder of the project and paste them into the rules
    4. Go to the Storage Page:
      1. Click on get started.
      2. Next
      3. Choose a location and click "Done"


You can now deploy the android project to your android device and test it. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out through the issues page of this project.

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