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An IRC client written in Java 8.

This is very work in progress at the moment, and while having the help would be nice, it is being developed as a part of my A-Level Computer Science course and as such no pull request made before May 2022 will be merged. You are free to use and download all of my code, assuming you follow the terms of the GNU GPL v3 License but that is it. You are also allowed to, and in fact encouraged to test and report back any bugs you may find in JarChat in the issues tab, and I will act on them as I see fit.

Ignore the OCR Req'd Documentation folder unless you are from the exam board, or you are my Computer Science teacher. Once I complete my A-Level course all source code and documentation will still be available in JarChat version 1.0 (which will be released in May 2022), but after that the folder will be deleted from the repository. I intend to continue development of JarChat even after I complete A-Level Computer Science.

Issues #1 and #2 are placeholders, so I can better break down what I have to do. You can ignore those...


@kaecy's gist basically drives the core of the actual connection to IRC. If it wasn't for that, none of this project would be possible.