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Simerron edited this page Oct 4, 2017 · 3 revisions


Here i list and explain all the command of Evil Wizard Firstly the command token is "."

1. Ping

Use : ".ping"
Evil Wizard will respond "Pong!"
This command only purpose is to check that the bot is working.

2. Purge

Use : ".purge [n]"
This command make the bots delete the 50 last messages is there is no argument or the [n] last messages.
If the user whom type this command doesn't have privilegies the bot will Pm him a Warning.

3. Roll

Use : ".r [n]d[f]"
This command will roll and add [n] times a random number between 1 and [f].
Where [f] is required, and [n] is considered equal 1 if missing.

4. Help

Use : ".help"
The bot will pm a list of command that is limited by the privilegies of the user.

5. Say

Use : ".say [Text]"
The bot will delete the command message and send a message in the same channel wich will contain [Text]

6. Music

  • join Use : ".join" Bot will join the vocal channel you are in.
  • leave Use : ".leave" Bot will leave the vocal channel and dump playlist.
  • play Use : ".play [url]" Bot will add the music at the specified url and play it if it the first of the playlist.
  • skip Use : ".skip" Bot will skip current music to the next in the playlist
  • volume Use : ".volume [10-100]" Set the volume to specified value (between 10 and 100) or fetch current volume if no argument
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