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AFiNeS: Active Filament Network Simulation

as detailed in :

A versatile framework for simulating the dynamics mechanical structure of cytoskeletal networks

Authors / Contributors

  • Simon Freedman (University of Chicago)
  • Shiladitya Banerjee (University College London)
  • Glen Hocky (University of Chicago)
  • Aaron Dinner (University of Chicago)

created at the University of Chicago

System Requirements

Minimally, this system requires gcc+11 and boost which you can load on midway via the commands

    > module load gcc
    > module load boost

On a Mac, you can install Boost via MacPorts, with the command

sudo port install boost


  • If you don't already have a bin directory, create one with:

    > mkdir bin
  • If you don't already have an executable, run the command:

    > make [clean] [tar] network 
    • [clean] will delete the old executable
    • [tar] will generate the file tars/amxbd.tar.gz
    • IF this doesn't work, then there's probably a dependency or linker issue. Try each of the following solutions in the order prescribed, and attempt to compile in between.
      1. Make sure you have Boost installed

      2. Find the folder with the "boost.dylib" or "boost.a" folders; when I installed Boost using MacPorts, it was /opt/local/lib/ . Run the command:

          export BOOST_ROOT=<my boost folder>

        With the Macports installation, =/opt/local/lib .

      3. Within BOOST_ROOT, identify if the library folders have a suffix, such as "-mt" or "-d" (e.g., the program-options library on my Mac is named "libboost_program_options-mt.dylib", instead of "libbbost_program_options.dylib"). If so, run the command:

         export BOOST_SUFFIX=<my boost suffix>

        With the Macports installation, =-mt

      4. Find the folder with the boost/*.h files; with MacPorts installation, it was /opt/local/include/. Add -I <myincludefolder> to the line that begins INC := in the makefile.

  • You should now have an executable file called bin/afines. NOTE: you only need to recreate this file if you edit the source code.

  • Create an output directory for your simulation (e.g., "out")

> mkdir out
  • Run your simulation in the specified output output directory, e.g.,

    > bin/afines --dir out
  • See below for other simulation configuration options that you can set from the command line or from a configuration file

  • Once your simulation has completed, the following files will have been generated:

  • out/txt_stack/actins.txt //the trajectories of every actin bead

  • out/txt_stack/links.txt //the trajectories of every link

  • out/txt_stack/amotors.txt //the trajectories of all active motors (e.g., myosin) at every time step

  • out/txt_stack/pmotors.txt //the trajectories of all passive motors (e.g., crosslinkers) at every time step

  • out/data/thermo.txt //the energies of actin filaments

  • out/data/output.txt //some metadata about the simulation

All files are tab delimited

  • txt_stack/actins.txt has the format

    • x y r idx
      • (x, y) = bead position,
      • r = bead radius
      • idx = index of filament that the bead is on
  • txt_stack/links.txt has the format

    • x y dx dy idx
      • (x, y) = end position of link closer to the barbed end of filament
      • (x + dx, y + dy) = end position of link farther from barbed end
      • idx = index of filament the link is on
  • txt_stack/amotors.txt and txt_stack/pmotors.txt have the format

    • x y dx dy fidx0 fidx1 lidx0 lidx1
      • (x, y) = position of head 0 of motor
      • (x + dx, y + dy) = position of head 1 of motor
      • fidx0 = index of filament that head 0 is attached to (-1 if not attached)
      • fidx1 = index of filament that head 1 is attached to (-1 if not attached)
      • lidx0 = index of link that head 0 is attached to (-1 if fidx0 = -1)
      • lidx1 = index of link that head 1 is attached to (-1 if fidx1 = -1)
  • data/filament_e.txt is the energetics of each filament, and has the format

    • KE PE TE idx
      • KE = total v^2 of filament
      • PE = total potential energy of filament
      • TE = KE + PE
      • idx = filament index The time associated with the positions/energies is on it's own line before each list of positions within the file. Thus the structure of actins.txt is:
    t = t1
    x1, y1, r1, idx1
    xn, yn, rn, idxn
    x1, y1, r1, idx1,
    xn, yn, rn, idxn
  • data/pe.txt is the total potential energy of all particles at a given time step and has the format

    • U(filament_stretch) U(filament_bend) U(xlink_stretch) U(motor_stretch) where each U is total at that timestep
    • time isn't delineated in these files; rather line 1 is t=t1, line 2, is t=t2, etc.
  • data/config_full.cfg is the full set of configuration options used for the simulation. Thus if a simulation did not complete, you can restart with

./bin/afines -c data/config_full.cfg --restart true

Configurable settings

Currently the following options for a simulation can be set upon execution, either from the command line, or within a configuration file:

For example, to run a 500 second of simulation of 10 rigid actin filaments, an active motor density of 0.5 and a crosslinker density of 0.05 you would enter the command: > ./bin/afines --tf 500 --npolymer 10 --a_motor_density 0.5 --p_motor_density 0.05 (this would write to the default output directory)

Simulation Parameters

variable name type default value units description
xrange double 50 um size of cell in horizontal direction
yrange double 50 um size of cell in vertical direction
grid_factor double 1 um^(-1) number of grid boxes per micron
dt double 0.0001 s length of individual timestep
tinit double 0 s time that recording of simulation starts
tfinal double 10 s length of simulation
nframes int 100 0 number of frames of actin/link/motor positions printed to file (equally distant in time)
nmsgs int 1000 0 number of timesteps between printing simulation progress to stdout
viscosity double 0.001 mg/um*s Dynamic viscosity
temperature double 0.004 pN*um Temp in energy units
bnd_cnd string "PERIODIC" boundary conditions
dir string "." directory for output files
myseed int time(NULL) seed of random number generator
nmonomer double 11 number of beads per filament
npolymer double 3 number of polymers in the network
actin_length double 0.5 um Length of a single actin monomer
actin_pos_str string Starting positions of actin polymers, commas delimit coordinates; semicolons delimit positions
link_length double 0 Length of links connecting monomers
polymer_bending_modulus double 0.068 pn*um^2 Bending modulus of a filament
fracture_force double 1000000 pN filament breaking poiafines
link_stretching_stiffness double 1 pN/um stiffness of link
a_motor_density double 0.05 um^(-2) density of active motors
a_motor_pos_str string Starting positions of motors, commas delimit coordinates; semicolons delimit positions
a_m_kon double 100 s^(-1) active motor on rate
a_m_koff double 20 s^(-1) active motor off rate
a_m_kend double 20 s^(-1) active motor off rate at filament end
a_motor_stiffness double 10 pN/um active motor spring stiffness
a_motor_length double 0.4 um length of motor
a_m_stall double 10 pN stall force of motors
a_motor_v double 1 um/s velocity along filaments towards barbed end when attached
motor_intersect_flag boolean false if true, then motors are placed at filament intersections
a_linkage_prob double 1 probability that filaments are linked by a motor if motor_intersect_flag = true
dead_head_flag boolean false if true, then head [dead_head] of all motors remains stationary throughout sim
dead_head int 0 can be 0 or 1; head that remains stationary if dead_head_flag=true
p_motor_density double 0.05 um^(-2) number of passive motors
p_motor_pos_str string Starting positions of xlinks, commas delimit coordinates; semicolons delimit positions
p_m_kon double 100 s^(-1) passive motor on rate
p_m_koff double 20 s^(-1) passive motor off rate
p_m_kend double 20 s^(-1) passive motor off rate at filament end
p_motor_stiffness double 50 s^(-1) xlink spring stiffness (pN/um)
p_motor_length double 0.4 s^(-1) length of xlink
p_m_stall double 0 pN stall force
link_intersect_flag boolean false if true, then crosslinks are placed at filament intersections
p_linkage_prob double 1 probability that filaments are crosslinked if link_intersect_flag = true
p_dead_head_flag boolean false if true, then head [p_dead_head] of all xlinks remains stationary throughout sim
p_dead_head int 0 can be 0 or 1; head that remains stationary if p_dead_head_flag=true
static_cl_flag boolean false should be set to true if xlinks start off attached to filaments and never detach
strain_pct double 0 pre-strain (e.g., 0.5 means a strain of 0.5*xrange)
time_of_strain double 0 time of pre-strain
d_strain_pct double 0 s differential strain (e.g., 0.5 means a strain of 0.5*xrange)
time_of_dstrain double 10000 s time when differential strain begins
diff_strain_flag boolean false flag to use if differential strain should be linear (in one direction)
osc_strain_flag boolean false flag to use if differential strain should be oscillatory (like Gardel, Science 2004)
n_bw_shear int 10^8 s number of timesteps between subsequent differential strains
d_strain_freq double 1 Hz frequency of differential oscillatory strain

Configuration file Example

Below is an example of a configuration file named example.cfg. To run a simulation using this configuration, enter the command >./bin/afines -c example.cfg



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