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Accounts Module

Simon Geering edited this page Sep 11, 2020 · 18 revisions

| Issues | Project Plan |

  1. Overview(TODO)
    1.1 Use Case Diagram(TODO)
  2. User Stories(TODO)
  3. UI Design(TODO)
    3.1 Screen Mockups(TODO)
  4. Database Schema(WIP)



Use Case Diagram


User Stories

Pick a Bank Account Type

Feature: Pick a Bank Account Type
# As a User
# I want to pick a bank account type from a list of available supported bank account types.
# So that as I work with the bank account it behaves as I would expect.

UI Design

a - Example Screen Name

Screen Mockups

Example Screen Name


Database Schema

See or click the thumbnail below:

Fig 1. Database Entity Relationship Diagram for the Admin Assistant Accounts Module - (Click for larger size)


Architecture [WIP]
Design Decisions
CLI Tools [WIP]

Individual Modules
Dashboard [TODO]
Accounts [WIP]
Asset Register [WIP]
Budget [WIP]
Mail [TODO]
Calendar [WIP]
Contacts [WIP]
Tasks [WIP]
Documents [WIP]
Reports [TODO]
Core [WIP]

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