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Simon Geering edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 7 revisions
  1. Overview(TODO)
  2. WIKI Contents
  3. Component Dependency Diagram
  4. Architecture Decision Cards


TODO: Add a brief overview of describing the application architecture here.

System Architecture Diagram

The following diagram gives an overview of the Admin Assistant system architecture as it would be when deployed in production on the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform.

Fig 1. System Architecture Diagram for the Admin Assistant Application - (Click for larger size)

Component Dependency Diagram

The following diagram shows the relationships between the various components of the Admin Assistant system.

Fig 2. UML Component Diagram for the Admin Assistant Application - (Click for larger size)

Architecture Decision Cards

TODO: Expand this per the template, for now, just notes on decision making.

Simplify Navigation to be hardcoded.

  • Current navigation uses data binding to track navigation location - which module is loaded and the mode the app is in. This is causing overly complex and is preventing rapid UI prototyping. MVVM is appropriate for the entity edit screens and detail pages but the cost-benefit does not stack up for roop page and navigation mechanics.
  • Intent is to remove data bound navigation and hard code the fixed set of routes for the given screens using URL navigation. If state tracking is needed then navigation route change event handling can be used later.


Architecture [WIP]
Design Decisions
CLI Tools [WIP]

Individual Modules
Dashboard [TODO]
Accounts [WIP]
Asset Register [WIP]
Budget [WIP]
Mail [TODO]
Calendar [WIP]
Contacts [WIP]
Tasks [WIP]
Documents [WIP]
Reports [TODO]
Core [WIP]

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