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glottospace: R package for the geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data.

Lifecycle: experimental


The glottospace package facilitates the geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data. It does so by using data from glottolog and enhancing it spatially using a combination of spatial packages. With glottospace you can join your own data with an enhanced version of glottolog and explore your data on a map. With glottospace you can calculate and visualise geographic distances and linguistic distances. The aim of glottospace is to provide a streamlined workflow for working with spatio-linguistic data: from data import, data cleaning, data exploration to visualisation and data export.


This package is still under active development. While the basic functionality has been implemented, we’re still working on adding new functions and improving existing ones. While using glottospace you will certainly find bugs or encounter things you might find confusing. You can help me improve the package by:


Once there is a stable version of the package we intend to write a paper about it presenting its full functionality. If you find the glottospace package useful, please cite it in your work:

#> To cite glottospace in publications use:
#>   Norder, S.J. et al. (2021). glottospace: R package for the geospatial
#>   analysis of linguistic and cultural data. URL
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#>   @Article{,
#>     title = {glottospace: R package for the geospatial analysis of linguistic and cultural data},
#>     author = {{Norder} and S.J. et al.},
#>     journal = {R package version 0.0.1},
#>     year = {2021},
#>     url = {},
#>   }

The package builds on the glottolog database and uses several rspatial packages, of which sf, raster and tmap are the most important ones. Please cite those as well.


You can install the development version of glottospace from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Before describing the functionality of glottospace, I give a quick demonstration of a typical workflow.

Plotting language locations on a map

Imagine you’re working with languages in a particular region, and want to visualize them on a map. With glottospace this is easy! You could for example filter all languages in South America, and show which ones of them are isolate languages:


## Plot point data:
glottomap(continent = "South America", color = "isolate")

Languages are often represented with points, while in reality the speakers of a language can inhabit vast areas. Glottospace works with point and polygon data. When polygon data is not available, you can interpolate the points and plot those.

## Filter by continent
glottopoints <- glottofilter(continent = "South America")
# Interpolate points to polygons:
glottopols <- glottospace(glottopoints, method = "voronoi", continent = "South America")
# Plot polygon data:
glottomap(glottodata = glottopols, color = "family_size_rank")

Adding contextual data for specific languages

Imagine you are interested in a particular set of languages, and want to add some contextual information.

# Search languages:
glottosearch(find = "chichom")[,c("name", "family_name")]
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -100.524 ymin: -5.30044 xmax: -77.2641 ymax: 21.2943
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>                  name family_name                  geometry
#> 1269    Chicomuceltec       Mayan  POINT (-91.2869 15.6078)
#> 1270 Chichimeca-Jonaz Otomanguean  POINT (-100.524 21.2943)
#> 37     Achuar-Shiwiar     Chicham POINT (-77.2641 -2.82646)
#> 81           Aguaruna     Chicham POINT (-77.9218 -5.30044)
#> 2388         Huambisa     Chicham POINT (-77.9797 -3.99109)
#> 6072            Shuar     Chicham POINT (-78.1892 -3.45136)

There are 6 languages that resemble our search term, of which 4 belong to the Chicham language family. Let’s view one of them on glottolog:


Let’s see at which elevation Peruvian languages are spoken. First get and extract environmental data.

peruvians <- glottofilter(country = "Peru")
elevation <- geoget(geodata = "elevation", country = "Peru")
#> Warning in showSRID(uprojargs, format = "PROJ", multiline = "NO", prefer_proj
#> = prefer_proj): Discarded datum Unknown based on WGS84 ellipsoid in Proj4
#> definition
# Let's make a map:

# Extract elevation for each language
elevperuvians <- extractgeodata(glottodata = peruvians, geodata = elevation)
#> geodata extracted

Let’s plot the elevation of the Peruvians:

glottomap(glottodata = elevperuvians, color = "elevation", ptsize = 0.85)

Workflow of glottospace

The glottospace package offers a wide range of functions to work with spatio-linguistic data. The functions are organized into the following function families, of which the core function generally has the same name as the family to which it belongs:

  1. glottoget: download glottodata from remote server, or load locally stored glottodata.

  2. glottocreate: create empty glottodata structure, to add data manually.

  3. glottocheck: run interactive quality checks of user-provided glottodata.

  4. glottoclean: clean-up glottodata.

  5. glottojoin: join user-provided glottodata with other (often online) datasets.

  6. glottosearch: search glottolog database for languages, language families, glottocodes, etc.

  7. glottofilter: filter/subset glottodata based on linguistic and geographic features/variables.

  8. glottodist: calculate differences/similarities between languages based on their features (linguistic, cultural, environmental, geographic, etc.).

  9. glottoplot: visualizing differences/similarities between languages.

  10. glottospace: make glottodata spatial, add coordinates, add spatial points or polygons to languages.

  11. geoget: download geographic data from online sources, or load user-provided geographic data.

  12. geotools: extract environmental data and add those to glottodata.

  13. geodist: calculate geographic distances between languages.

  14. glottomap: visualize linguistic and cultural data on a map.

  15. glottosave: save output generated by glottospace (data, figures, maps, etc.).


You can load locally stored glottodata (for example from an excel file or shapefile). The glottospace package has two built-in artificial demo datasets (“demodata” and “demosubdata”).

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
#>   glottocode var001 var002 var003
#> 1   yucu1253      Y      a      N
#> 2   tani1257   <NA>      b      Y
#> 3   ticu1245      Y      a      Y
#> 4   orej1242      N      b      N
#> 5   nade1244      N      c      Y
#> 6   mara1409      N      a      N

You can also load glottodata from online databases such as glottolog. You can download a raw version of the data (‘glottolog’), or an enriched/boosted version (‘glottobase’):

# Two ways to load glottobase:
glottobase <- glottoget("glottobase")
#>  [1] "glottocode"          "family_id"           "parent_id"          
#>  [4] "name"                "isocode"             "child_dialect_count"
#>  [7] "country_ids"         "family_name"         "isolate"            
#> [10] "family_size"         "family_size_rank"    "country"            
#> [13] "continent"           "region"              "geometry"


You can generate empty data structures that help you to add your own data in a structured way. These data structures can be saved to your local folder by specifying a filename (not demonstrated here).

glottocreate_data(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"), variables = 3, meta = FALSE)
#>   glottocode var001 var002 var003
#> 1   yucu1253     NA     NA     NA
#> 2   tani1257     NA     NA     NA

I’ve specified meta = FALSE, to indicate that we want to generate a ‘flat’ glottodata table. However, when creating glottodata, by default, several meta tables are included:

glottodata_meta <- glottocreate_data(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"), variables = 3)
#>            Length Class      Mode
#> glottodata 4      data.frame list
#> structure  6      data.frame list
#> metadata   6      data.frame list
#> references 7      data.frame list
#> readme     2      data.frame list
#> lookup     2      data.frame list

The majority of these metatables are added for the convenience of the user. The ‘structure’ table is the only one that is required for some of the functions in the glottospace package. A structure table can also be added later:

glottocreate_structuretable(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"), 
                            varnames = c("var001", "var002", "var003"))
#>   varname type levels weight groups subgroups
#> 1  var001   NA     NA      1     NA        NA
#> 2  var002   NA     NA      1     NA        NA
#> 3  var003   NA     NA      1     NA        NA

More complex glottodata structures can also be generated. For example, in cases where you want to distinguish between groups within each language.

# Instead of creating a single table for all languages, you might want to create a list of tables (one table for each language)
glottocreate_subdata(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"), 
                     variables = 3, groups = c("a", "b"), n = 2, meta = FALSE)
#> $yucu1253
#>     glottosubcode var001 var002 var003
#> 1 yucu1253_a_0001     NA     NA     NA
#> 2 yucu1253_a_0002     NA     NA     NA
#> 3 yucu1253_b_0001     NA     NA     NA
#> 4 yucu1253_b_0002     NA     NA     NA
#> $tani1257
#>     glottosubcode var001 var002 var003
#> 1 tani1257_a_0001     NA     NA     NA
#> 2 tani1257_a_0002     NA     NA     NA
#> 3 tani1257_b_0001     NA     NA     NA
#> 4 tani1257_b_0002     NA     NA     NA


If you have your own data, you might want to do some interactive quality checks:

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
glottocheck(glottodata, diagnostic = FALSE)
#> No missing IDs
#> No duplicate IDs.
#> All variables have two or more levels (excluding NA)
#> All IDs are valid glottocodes
#> Some columns have missing data.
#> Some rows have missing data.

I’ve now specified diagnostic = FALSE, but the default is to show some more extensive diagnostics (like a data coverage plot).

You can also check the metadata:

glottodata <- glottoget(glottodata = "demodata", meta = TRUE)
#> This glottodataset contains the folowing tables: glottodata, structure, metadata, references, readme, lookup
#> All types recognized
#> All weights are specified


Once you’ve loaded glottodata, you might encounter some inconsistencies. For example, data-contributors might not have used a standardized way of coding missing values.

glottodata <- glottoget(glottodata = "demodata", meta = TRUE)
#>   varname   type levels weight groups subgroups
#> 1  var001   symm     NA      1     NA        NA
#> 2  var002 factor     NA      1     NA        NA
#> 3  var003   symm     NA      1     NA        NA
# glottodata <- glottoclean(glottodata)


Join user-provided glottodata with other datasets, or with online databases.

# Join with glottospace
glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
glottodatabase <- glottojoin(glottodata, with = "glottobase")
glottodataspace <- glottojoin(glottodata, with = "glottospace")

# Join with a dist object
dist <- geodist(glottodataspace)
glottodatadist <- glottojoin(glottodata, with = dist)

# Join a list of glottodata tables into a single table
glottodatalist <- glottocreate_subdata(glottocodes = c("yucu1253", "tani1257"), 
                                       variables = 3, groups = c("a", "b"), n = 2, meta = FALSE)
glottodatatable <- glottojoin(glottodata = glottodatalist)


As demonstrated in the example above, you can search glottodata for a specific search term

You can search for a match in all columns:

glottosearch(find = "yurakar")[,"name"]
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -65.1224 ymin: -16.7479 xmax: -65.1224 ymax: -16.7479
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>          name                  geometry
#> 7701 Yuracaré POINT (-65.1224 -16.7479)

Or limit the search to specific columns:

glottosearch(find = "Yucuni", columns = c("name", "family_name"))[,"name"]
#> Simple feature collection with 2 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -97.91818 ymin: -0.76075 xmax: -71.0033 ymax: 17.23743
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>                   name                   geometry
#> 7687            Yucuna  POINT (-71.0033 -0.76075)
#> 7688 Yucunicoco Mixtec POINT (-97.91818 17.23743)

Sometimes you don’t find a match:

glottosearch(find = "matsigenka")[,"name"]
#> Simple feature collection with 0 features and 1 field
#> Bounding box:  xmin: NA ymin: NA xmax: NA ymax: NA
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> [1] name     geometry
#> <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can increase the tolerance:

glottosearch(find = "matsigenka", tolerance = 0.2)[,"name"]
#> Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -74.4371 ymin: -11.5349 xmax: -74.4371 ymax: -11.5349
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>               name                  geometry
#> 4862 Nomatsiguenga POINT (-74.4371 -11.5349)

Aha! There it is: ‘Machiguenga’

glottosearch(find = "matsigenka", tolerance = 0.4)[,"name"]
#> Simple feature collection with 12 features and 1 field
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: -74.4371 ymin: -14.9959 xmax: 166.738 ymax: 13.5677
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#> First 10 features:
#>                    name                   geometry
#> 1735 Eastern Maninkakan   POINT (-10.5394 9.33048)
#> 3121    Kita Maninkakan   POINT (-9.49151 13.1798)
#> 3205   Konyanka Maninka   POINT (-8.89972 8.04788)
#> 3791   Maasina Fulfulde   POINT (-3.64763 11.1324)
#> 3808        Machiguenga  POINT (-72.5017 -12.1291)
#> 3964           Mandinka POINT (-15.65395 12.81652)
#> 4000          Mansoanka   POINT (-15.9202 12.8218)
#> 4106  Matigsalug Manobo     POINT (125.16 7.72124)
#> 4862      Nomatsiguenga  POINT (-74.4371 -11.5349)
#> 5462         Piamatsina   POINT (166.738 -14.9959)


filter, select, query

eurasia <- glottofilter(continent = c("Europe", "Asia"))
wari <- glottofilter(glottodata = glottodata, glottocode = "wari1268")
indo_european <- glottofilter(glottodata = glottodata, family_name = 'Indo-European')
south_america <- glottofilter(glottodata = glottodata, continent = "South America")
colovenz <- glottofilter(country = c("Colombia", "Venezuela"))
# arawtuca <- glottofilter(glottodata = glottodata, expression = family_name %in% c("Arawakan", "Tucanoan"))


Quantify differences and similarities between languages glottodistances: calculating similarities between languages based on linguistic/cultural features

# In order to be able to calculate linguistic distances a structure table is required, that's why I specify meta = TRUE.
glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
glottodist <- glottodist(glottodata = glottodata)
#> Warning in cluster::daisy(x = glottodata, metric = "gower", type = list(symm =
#> symm, : at least one binary variable has not 2 different levels.
#> Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

# As we've seen above, in case you have glottodata without a structure table, you can add it:
glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
structure <- glottocreate_structuretable()
glottodata <- glottodata_addtable(glottodata, structure, name = "structure")


Visualizing differences (distances) between languages based on linguistic, cultural, and environmental features.

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = TRUE)
glottodist <- glottodist(glottodata = glottodata)
#> Warning in cluster::daisy(x = glottodata, metric = "gower", type = list(symm =
#> symm, : at least one binary variable has not 2 different levels.
#> Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
#> Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
#> Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf


This family of functions turns glottodata into a spatial object. As I’ve illustrated above, these can be either glottopoints or glottopols

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
glottospacedata <- glottospace(glottodata, method = "buffer", radius = 5)
#> Buffer created with a radius of 5 km.
# By default, the projection of maps is equal area, and shape is not preserved:


The geoget function supports both raster and vector formats. It either loads spatial data from a local path, or downloads is from a remote server.

climate <- geoget(geodata = "climate")[[12]]
names(climate) <- "precipitation"

## geotools This is a large family of functions to work with spatial data. Most of these however, will probably not be called directly by the users. I’ve already demonstrated the function geodataextract() which can be used to extract environmental data for languages. You can also use a buffer radius to extract environmental features and summarize them. Here, I’m using a buffer of 10 km and summarize by taking the mean.

dutchies <- glottofilter(country = "Netherlands")
climatedutchies <- extractgeodata(glottodata = dutchies, geodata = climate, radius = 10, fun = "mean")
#> Extracting values within a radius of 10 km.
#> geodata extracted
glottomap(climatedutchies, color = "precipitation_mean", ptsize = 1)


geodistances: calculate distances between languages, nearest languages, etc.

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata")
glottodataspace <- glottospace(glottodata)
geodist(points = glottodataspace)
#>          yucu1253 tani1257 ticu1245 orej1242 nade1244
#> tani1257       71                                    
#> ticu1245      346      346                           
#> orej1242      286      345      304                  
#> nade1244      525      459      479      711         
#> mara1409      461      417      272      553      237


With glottomap you can quickly visualize the location of languages. Below I show simple static maps, but you can also create dynamic maps by specifying type = “dynamic”.

You can pass arguments directly to glottofilter

glottomap(country = "Colombia")

However, you can also create maps with other glottodata. For example, we might want to create a world map highlighting the largest language families

glottodata <- glottoget()
families <- glottodata %>% dplyr::count(family_name, sort = TRUE)

# highlight 10 largest families:
glottodata <- glottospotlight(glottodata = glottodata, spotcol = "family_name", spotlight = families$family_name[1:10], spotcontrast = "family_name", bgcontrast = "family_name")

# Create map
glottomap(glottodata, color = "color")


All output generated with the glottospace package (data, figures, maps, etc.) can be saved with a single command.

glottodata <- glottoget("demodata", meta = FALSE)
# Saves as .xlsx
glottosave(glottodata, filename = "glottodata")
#> Data.frame saved as glottodata.xlsx

glottospacedata <- glottospace(glottodata)
# Saves as .GPKG
glottosave(glottodata, filename = "glottodata")
#> Data.frame saved as glottodata.xlsx

glottomap <- glottomap(glottodata)
# By default, static maps are saved as .png, dynamic maps are saved as .html
glottosave(glottomap, filename = "glottomap")
#> Map saved to C:\Users\sjnor\surfdrive\PROJECTS_SN\SAPPHIRE\R\glottospace\glottomap.png
#> Resolution: 2510.749 by 1756.448 pixels
#> Size: 8.369165 by 5.854826 inches (300 dpi)
#> Map (tmap object) saved as glottomap.png


Geospatial analysis of linguistic data







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