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=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: gerritvanaaken, simonwaldherr
Donate link:
Tags: podcasting, podlove, html5audio, audio, video, podcast, player
Requires at least: 3.4.0
Tested up to: 3.4.2
Stable tag: 1.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

HTML5 based audio/video player, focused on podcasts and similar media blogs. It supports chapters, deeplinks, captions and even more.

== Description ==

**Please note: Since version 1.1, the usage of [audio] and [video] is deprecated. Please use [podloveaudio] or [podlovevideo] instead.**

Use a simple shortcode in your posts and pages, and the Podlove Web Player will appear, playing any media file you want to assign. It tries to use native HTML5 browser playback, but will smoothly fall back to Flash if necessary.

(This is part of the “Podlove” initiative for a better podcasting experience. See <a href=""></a> for more information.)
### Typical Usage for audio

	[podloveaudio src=""]	

### With multiple source formats

    [podloveaudio mp3="" ogg=""] 

### Typical Usage for video

    [podlovevideo src="" width="640" height="360"]

### Typical Usage width chapters

Use a WordPress-native custom field with the name "my-chapter-field" and fill it with something like this:

00:00:00.000 Introduction  
00:00:57.099 First chapter title  
00:10:03.104 Second chapter title  
00:12:44.625 Final chapter
    [podloveaudio src="" chapters="my-chapter-field"]

### Credits

The Podlove Web Player is built upon the MediaElement.js library. Check out <a href=""></a> for more information on that.

The plugin architecture was originally forked from the <a href="">Video.js plugin</a>, but heavily adopted since then.

== Installation ==

1. Upload the `podlove-web-player` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress
3. Use the `[podlovevideo]` or `[podloveaudio]` shortcode in your post or page with the options on the front page.
4. Visit the options page

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

### How can I configure the player’s appearance?

Just use the shortcode options that are described on this FAQ page!

= src =

This location of any audio or video file, local ore remote:
    [podloveaudio src=""]
= type =

The media type of the resource:
    [podlovevideo src="" type="video/mp4"]    

= mp4 / webm / ogg  = 

The location of a file with a specific video type:
    [podlovevideo mp4="mymedia.mp4" webm="mymedia.webm" ogg="mymedia.ogv"]

= mp4 / mp3 / ogg / opus =

    [podloveaudio mp4="mymedia.m4a" mp3="mymedia.mp3" ogg="mymedia.oga" opus="mymedia.opus"]

= poster = 

The location of the poster frame for the video (or cover image for the rich audio player):

    [podlovevideo poster=""]
    [podloveaudio poster=""]

= width = 

The width of the video (or the audio player):

    [podlovevideo width="640"]

= height =

The height of the video:

    [podlovevideo height="264"]
= loop =

Loops the video or audio when it ends:
    [podlovevideo src="" loop="true"]    

= preload =

Start loading the video as soon as possible, before the user clicks play. This might not work on all browsers.

    [podloveaudio preload="true"]

= autoplay = 

Start playing the video as soon as it's ready. This might not work on all (mobile) devices.

    [podlovevideo autoplay="true"]

= fullscreen =

Disables the fullscreen button for video:
    [podlovevideo fullscreen="false"]
= duration =

Enables display of duration without having to load the media file. Use seconds or timecode as a unit:
    [podlovevideo duration="3522"]
    [podloveaudio duration="00:58:42"]

= alwaysShowHours =

Displays the time in 00:00:00 instead of 00:00. Default is "true".

    [podloveaudio alwaysShowHours="false"]  

= alwaysShowControls =

Defines whether the player control bar is permanently visible. For videos, it might be suitable to fade the controls out when not hovering the video.

    [podlovevideo alwaysShowControls="false"]   
= volume = 

Disables the volume slider:
    [podloveaudio volume="false"]    
= progress =

Disables the progress bar:
    [podlovevideo progress="false"] 
= captions = 

URL to a WebVTT captions file:
    [podlovevideo captions=""]  

= chapters = 

Takes chapter string from the defined custom field (the standard WordPress ones) and builds an interactive chapter table. Can be referenced to an external text file, too. Chapters must be written in the following format:

00:00:00.000 Introduction  
00:00:57.099 First chapter title  
00:10:03.104 Second chapter title  
00:12:44.625 Final chapter  
    [podloveaudio chapters="my_chapter_field"]                
    [podloveaudio chapters=""]                

= chapterlinks = 

Option for the jumplink behaviour in chapter table

    [podloveaudio chapterlinks="all"] (default, all chapter links are clickable)
    [podloveaudio chapterlinks="buffered"] (only buffered chapters are clickable)
    [podloveaudio chapterlinks="false"] (chapters are not linked)

= Rich Podlove Web Player player with meta information =

If you have an audio file and use one of the following attributes, the player will sport a richer visual experience: "title", "subtitle", "summary", "poster", "permalink". Full example:

    [podloveaudio mp3="" ogg="" title="PWP – First show" subtitle="We talk about this and that" summary="Here goes a summary of the episode which should be about 256 characters long" poster="" permalink=""]

### Deprecated usage

Earlier versions of this plugin could handle alternative shortcodes, too: [audio] and [video]. As of version 1.1, these are deprecated as they conflict with other plugins.

== Screenshots ==

1. Podlove Web Player in full swing, using the chapters table to jump to different section of the audio source.
2. Podlove Web Player in chapters hidden and timecontrol-bar visible view.

== Changelog ==

= 1.3 =
* refactored large parts of the code
* added standalone player, works without PHP (example HTML/JS included)
* moved lots of functionality from PHP to JS
* cleaned variables and removed old stuff
* new settings area (yes, again. But now WordPress API compliant)
* added "duration" parameter for displaying duration of last chapter
* added "alwaysShowHours" parameter
* added "alwaysShowControls" parameter
* added "permalink" parameter
* added sample audio files for testing purposes
* some minor CSS improvements
* fresh versions of mediaelementjs and jQuery

= 1.2 =
* added: Rich player with meta information (title, subtitle, summary, cover image)
* added: Opus audio codec support
* added: Chapter duration display
* added: Chapter deeplinking
* added: optional listening to WordPress enclosures
* new settings area
* fixed some issues with flash fallback
* freshest version of mediaelement.js
* lots of bugfixes and improvements

= 1.1.2 =
* prevents activation conflicts with other instances of the plugin

= 1.1.1 =
* small bugfixes and improvements

= 1.1 =
* First proper release.
* [audio] and [video] are deprecated: Use [podloveaudio] and [podlovevideo] instead!
* Implements W3C Media Fragements with start and end time

= 1.0 =
* First version on
* Full of bugs


Podlove Web Player TNG – for internal bastelling only.






No releases published
