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don't smooth offset data into next TimingWindow
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Smoothing the offset histogram in Pane4 of ScreenEval is good overall, but high-level tech players have noted that their Quad Star histograms are wider than they should be.  The edges of a Quad Star histogram would sometimes be smoothed into W2 territory, causing concern.

Although the histogram was designed to help new players establish a sense of timing more quickly (i.e., it was not for high-level players consistently earning Quad Stars), this is a valid thing to point out.

With this commit, I'm leaving the smoothing in place, but adding some simple checks to ensure that the histogram doesn't get smoothed into a TimingWindow the player didn't actually earn.
  • Loading branch information
quietly-turning committed Jun 1, 2019
1 parent 686a8cf commit fe7ea72
Showing 1 changed file with 25 additions and 13 deletions.
@@ -1,17 +1,25 @@
local args = ...
local offsets, worst_window, pane_width, pane_height = args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]
local offsets, worst_window = args[1], args[2]
local pane_width, pane_height = args[3], args[3]

-- determine which offset was furthest from flawless prior to smoothing
local worst_offset = 0
for offset, count in pairs(offsets) do
if math.abs(offset) > worst_offset then worst_offset = math.abs(offset) end

-- ---------------------------------------------
-- FIXME: Smoothing the histogram is good overall, but high-level tech players have noted that their
-- Quad Star histograms are wider than they should be, sometimes even "bleeding into gold territory!"
-- Quad Star histograms are wider than they should be.
-- Although this feature was designed to help new players establish a sense of timing more quickly
-- (i.e., it was not for high-level players consistently earning Quad Stars), they have a valid complaint.
-- (i.e., it was not for high-level players consistently earning Quad Stars), this is a valid observation.
-- For now, I'm keeping the smoothing procedure in place, because the graphs new players tend to generate
-- are typically very jagged, causing the intent of the graph (to help) to become lost in the noise.
-- For more, consult the dedication in House of Leaves.
-- Maybe some heuristic can be used to perform the smoothing less naively?
-- For now, consult the dedication in House of Leaves.

-- ---------------------------------------------
-- smooth the offset distribution and store values in a new table, smooth_offsets
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,15 +143,19 @@ for offset=-worst_window, worst_window, 0.001 do
x = i * w
y = smooth_offsets[offset] or 0

-- scale the highst point on the histogram to be 0.75 times as high as the pane
y = -1 * scale(y, 0, highest_offset_count, 0, pane_height*0.75)
c = SL.JudgmentColors[SL.Global.GameMode][DetermineTimingWindow(offset)]

-- the ActorMultiVertex is in "QuadStrip" drawmode, like a series of quads placed next to one another
-- each vertex is a table of two tables:
-- {x, y, z}, {r, g, b, a}
verts[#verts+1] = {{x, 0, 0}, c }
verts[#verts+1] = {{x, y, 0}, c }
-- don't bother adding vert data for offsets that were smoothed
-- beyond whatever the worst_offset actually earned by the player was
if math.abs(offset) <= worst_offset then
-- scale the highest point on the histogram to be 0.75 times as high as the pane
y = -1 * scale(y, 0, highest_offset_count, 0, pane_height*0.75)
c = SL.JudgmentColors[SL.Global.GameMode][DetermineTimingWindow(offset)]

-- the ActorMultiVertex is in "QuadStrip" drawmode, like a series of quads placed next to one another
-- each vertex is a table of two tables:
-- {x, y, z}, {r, g, b, a}
verts[#verts+1] = {{x, 0, 0}, c }
verts[#verts+1] = {{x, y, 0}, c }

i = i+1
Expand Down

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