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Uncertainty quantification method and tool for object detection models


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Pure: Prediction Surface Uncertainty Quantification in Object Detection Models for Autonomous Driving


Object detection in autonomous vehicles is commonly based on camera images and Lidar inputs, which are often used to train prediction models such as deep artificial neural networks for decision making for object recognition, adjusting speed, etc. A mistake in such decision making can be damaging; thus, it is vital to measure the reliability of decisions made by such prediction models via uncertainty measurement. Uncertainty, in deep learning models, is often measured for classification problems. However, deep learning models in autonomous driving are often multi-output regression models. Hence, we propose a novel method called PURE (Prediction sURface uncErtainty) for measuring prediction uncertainty of such regression models. We formulate object recognition problem as a regression model with more than one outputs for finding object locations in a 2-dimensional camera view. For evaluation, we modified three widely-applied object recognition models (i.e., YoLo, SSD300 and SSD512) and used the KITTI, Stanford Cars, Berkeley Deep Drive, and NEXET datasets. Results showed the statistically significant negative correlation between prediction surface uncertainty and prediction accuracy suggesting that uncertainty significantly impacts the decisions made by autonomous driving.

Presentation YouTube Video

AITest 2021 Presentation

System overview



  • First step is to install the dependencies using requirements.txt file

    pip install -r requirements.txt 
  • In order to quantify the object prediction uncertainties, a user can use the PURE library's file. In the following example white dashed boxes show the ground-truth boxes, red boxes show the Monte-Carlo dropout based object predictions.

    import util
    # Dropout layers are activated with p=0.3
    mc_dropout_model = util.get_model(0.3, mc_dropout=True)
    image_path = 'images/Berkeley-BDD100K/0a0c3694-4cc8b0e3.jpg'
    mc_locations, uncertainties = util.get_pred_uncertainty(image_path,
                                                            T=50, plot_ground_truth=True)


  • The example Jupyter Notebook

Research Questions

RQ1: Is the prediction surface an effective uncertainty quantification method for object detection predictions?

This RQ assesses the effectiveness of PURE. get_evaluation_result method can show the prediction performance and the uncertainty quantification values of a given folder containing images and corresponding ground-truth information.

 import util
 image_path = 'images/Stanford/'
 image_type = 'jpg'
 # Dropout layers are activated with p=0.3
 mc_dropout_model = util.get_model(0.3, mc_dropout=True)
 avg_iou, TP,precision,recall,f1, \
             total_objects = util.get_evaluation_result(mc_dropout_model,

The output table:

Metric Value
Avg. IoU 0.9548
TP 9.0000
Precision 0.4500
Recall 0.9000
F1 0.6000
Uncertainty 197.0125
Total detected 20.0000
Total objects 10.0000

RQ2: Is there any correlation between prediction surface uncertainty and the object detection performance of DNN models?

This RQ tests the hypothesis that the prediction performance of a DNN model decreases with the increase in the uncertainty in images used for object detection.

 import util
 from tqdm import tqdm
 image_path = 'images/Stanford/'
 image_type = 'jpg'
 # Dropout layers are activated with p=0.3
 mc_dropout_model = util.get_model(0.3, mc_dropout=True)

 experiment_file = 'experiments_results_for_rq2.csv'
 f_out = open(experiment_file,'w')

 # Conduct 1000 experiments
 for _ in tqdm(range(1000), 'Overall experiments'):
     avg_iou, TP,precision,recall,f1, \
             total_objects = util.get_evaluation_result(mc_dropout_model,
     f_out.write(str(uncertainty) + '\t' + str(avg_iou) + '\n')




  • F.O. Catak, T. Yue and S. Ali. Prediction Surface Uncertainty Quantification in Object Detection Models for Autonomous Driving. 2021 IEEE International Conference On Artificial Intelligence Testing (AITest), 2021.
  • Presentation