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Typical Home Network

This is a model of a Typical Home Network implemented in Cadmium

File Organization

  • /
  • /TypicalHomeNetwork.pdf
  • /ModelDescription-TypicalHomeNetwork.xml
  • /makefile
  • /atomics/ [This folder contains atomic models implemented in Cadmium]
    • modem.hpp
    • personalDevice.hpp
    • router.hpp
  • /bin/ [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the project. It will contain all the executables]
  • /build/ [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the project. It will contain all the build files (.o) generated during compilation]
  • /data_structures/ [This folder contains message data structure used in the model]
    • message.cpp
    • message.hpp
  • input_data [This folder contains all the input data to run the model and the tests]
    • input_thn_0.txt
    • input_thn_1.txt
    • modem_input_test_modemIn_in.txt
    • MRC_input_test_request_In.txt
    • personalDevice_input_test_response_In.txt
    • personalDevice_input_test_userInput_In.txt
    • router_input_test_lan_In.txt
    • router_input_test_router_In.txt
  • simulation_results [This folder will be created automatically the first time you compile the poject. It will store the outputs from your simulations and tests]
  • test [This folder contains the unit tests of the atomic models and the MRC coupled model]
    • main_modem_test.cpp
    • main_MRC_test.cpp
    • main_personalDevice_test.cpp
    • main_router_test.cpp
  • top_model [This folder contains the Typical Home Network top model]
    • main.cpp

Steps to Compile and Run

  1. TypicalHomeNetwork.pdf contains the explanation of this model.

  2. Update include path in the makefile in this folder. You need to update the following lines:

    INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include INCLUDEDESTIMES=-I ../../DESTimes/include

    Update the relative path to cadmium/include from the folder where the makefile is. You need to take into account where you copied the folder during the installation process.


    INCLUDECADMIUM=-I ../../cadmium/include

    Do the same for the DESTimes library.

  3. Compile the project and the tests.

    1. Open a terminal in the 'TypicalHomeNetwork' folder.

    2. To compile the project and the tests type:

      make clean; make all

  4. Run the tests.

    1. Open a terminal in the 'TypicalHomeNetwork/bin' folder.

    2. To run a test, type:


      For example, to run the router test, type:


    3. To check the output of the test, go to the 'simulation_results' folder and open 'router_test_output_messages.txt' and 'router_test_output_state.txt'.

  5. Run the top model.

    1. Open a terminal in the 'bin' folder.

    2. To run the model, type:


      For this model you need to type:

      ./THN ../input_data/input_thn_0.txt

    3. To check the output of the model, go to the 'simulation_results' folder and open 'thn_output_messages.txt' and thn_output_state.txt'.

    4. To run the model with different inputs:

      1. Create new '.txt' files with the same structure as input_thn_0.txt in the folder input_data.
      2. Follow the instructions from step 2
      3. If you want to keep the output, rename the output '.txt' files to prevent them from being overwritten.


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