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SincerelyBrittany edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 1 revision

High Level Game Plan:

Here's the general game plan

How it will work

  • Scope to a small group of people who know each other. User will have to invite others via email address.
  • User who spots a parking spot will send out a "broadcast" to friends that a spot is available with location.
  • If no friend "accepts" the pinged broadcast, then in 2 minutes the broadcast expires (and user may leave)
  • If a friend accepts the ping, the other friends are notified.


Here is a basic database structure you can jump off from

  "user": {
    "id": {
      "group": "groupId"
  "group": {
    "id": {
      "users": [
  "invites": {
    "id": {
      "expires": 0,
      "groupid": "groupdid",
      "email": "email"

Order of events:

  1. Create firebase account, play around with the API and just get some info into the db (test info)
  2. Create a file, firebase.js (or something) that will connect to firebase and perform all the db functions that you need.
  • also, figure out all the different ways the db must be queried or data should be pushed here
  1. Create a script to handle the texting process
  2. Flux based UI
  • user authentication (ppl can sign in via facebook, etc)
  • google map to display location of friend
  • button to be like yeah I'm coming
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