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Netherrocks Overview

Netherrocks adds 6 more ores to the base game that are found only in the Nether: Argonite, Ashstone, Dragonstone, Fyrite, Illumenite, and Malachite. Each ore has its own unique properties, armor and tool sets, and more. Dragonstone, ashstone, and argonite range from tough to extremely tough. Fyrite is a metal of heat and fire; fyrite tools set things on fire or cook them, while fyrite armor protects the wearer from lava. Illumenite glows brightly, and an illumenite sword lets you see in darkness for a short time when you attack someone, and may blind your target briefly. Malachite armor is very light, and lets you jump higher, while malachite swords are poisonous to their targets.

Netherrock Ores

Argonite Ore

Argonite is essentially a Nether form of diamond. Being very similar, it has an upper hand over diamond only in its enchantability. It does, however, lose ground in the fact that it can only be made into tools. Mining argonite ore drops a raw argonite piece, and is affected by Fortune.

Argonite tools are a slightly more-enchantable version of diamond that you can get in the Nether. Also, they are purple, which really looks quite nice. If you ask me, Minecraft should get purple, red and dark green weapons, simply because they are amazing!

Ashstone Ore

Ashstone is a grey ore which can be hard to tell apart from regular netherrack. However, if speed is your preference over all else, getting your hands on some Ashstone will make you very, very happy. It cannot be made into armour, though. Mining ashstone ore obtains an ashstone gem, and is affected by Fortune.

Sporting a speed of double that of diamond, Ashstone tools are blazingly fast. However, their weakness is a low enchantability and relatively low number of uses. If you have a few spare XP levels lying around though, there is no reason to not attempt to gain an Unbreaking or Mending enchantment on some Ashstone tools, though.

Ashstone "ghast_ore" Ore

As of 1.18.2, version, Netherrocks now has a special option for peaceful mode. Set "EnableAshstoneGhastOre" = true in the config file (default is false), and the "Ashstone Ore" that generates in the Nether is actually its evil clone, Ghast Ore. Ghast Ore looks exactly like Ashstone Ore, and for the most part, behaves exactly like it, including dropping Ashstone Gems when mined. However, when mined adjacent to lava, it will drop ghast tears instead, and if you can obtain "Ashstone" (Ghast) Ore blocks, say by using silk touch, then 8 blocks of Ashstone (Ghast) Ore can be combined with a lava bucket in the crafting table to make ghast tears. Please note that already-existing Ashstone Ore will not turn into Ghast Ore just because you change the config setting; only newly-generated Ashstone will be Ghast Ore. Thank you to Wuppy29, whose old mod Peaceful Pack inspired this feature.

As of 1.19 and later, this has been simplified; there is simply a config option to have Ashstone Ore itself drop ghast tears under the conditions listed above (i.e., being adjacent to lava, etc). This feature takes effect as soon as you launch a game with the config option enabled.

Dragonstone Ore

Dragonstone is the ultimate ore for this mod, having a huge number of uses (4000!!!) and a nice enchantability, alongside a speed slightly faster than diamond. If you spend enough time in the nether to find a decent amount of Dragonstone ore, you freakin' deserve it! Dragonstone is the second ore that can be made into both tools and armour. Also, it's red. Minecraft has ALWAYS needed red ores. You will see just how awesome it looks :P Mining dragonstone ore drops a dragonstone gem, and is affected by Fortune.

Dragonstone tools have a lot of uses, a decent speed and a nice enchantability. But none of that is important, because red tools look kickass!

The armour made of Dragonstone is the most coveted armour in all of Skyrim... I mean Minecraft. Gather enough Dragonstone to craft it, and all will bow before you. Possessing a staggeringly high damage reduction value, this armour is pure awesome.

Fyrite Ore

Fyrite ore is fairly rare, but if you can find it, it comes in very handy.

Fyrite ore cannot be made into tools, but can be made into armour. This armour, though, possesses a very useful quality. If you don the whole set of Fyrite armour, you will find yourself immune to fire and lava, free to swim about in that fatally hot liquid without a second thought. Unfortunately, when it comes to actual defense, this armour lacks significantly, being able to withstand the same damage as leather armour, alongside a relatively low enchantability. Mining fyrite ore drops a piece of raw fyrite, and is affected by Fortune.

As of Version, the Fyrite Sword can now be made from Fyrite Ingots. This sword possesses magical properties, capable of lighting mobs on fire when hit. Right clicking a block with the sword will light it on fire, too!

As of Version 1.6.2A, the Fyrite Pickaxe can now be made, which auto smelts anything you mine that has a smelting recipe. Should work with other mods too.

As of version 1.14.4 or thereabouts, the Fyrite Shovel can be made, which auto-smelts anything you dig up that can be smelted. Excellent for turning beaches into glass. Likewise, the Fyrite Axe, which turns trees into charcoal as you cut them down!

Illumenite Ore

Illumenite is different to all the other Netherrocks in that it spawns in glowstone deposits, even looking similar to glowstone itself. Like glowstone, Illumenite, both the ore and the storage block give off a strong light. Mining illumenite ore drops a piece of raw illumenite, and is affected by Fortune.

Illumenite can only be made into armour, which have average defense and enchantability, and furniture. It is when you are wearing the full set, though, that Illumenite armour really begins to shine (no pun intended). Put the whole set on and you will find you can jump from tall buildings without a scratch, and in no time you will be leaping around, laughing at creepers who follow you off that tall cliff to their deaths. Furniture, such as bars, doors, stairs, slabs, etc made from illumenite all glows brightly--in particular, single illumenite bars make excellent light rods.

As of Version, the Illumenite Sword can now be made using Illumenite Ingots. Like the Fyrite Sword, this sword also has a special property. Whenever you attack a mob using it, the sword will grant you 3 minutes of night vision, it will slow the mob significantly for 10 seconds, and will blind any Players for 3 seconds.

Malachite Ore

Malachite ore is greenish in colour and sports one of the highest spawn rates of the Netherrocks. Malachite would be an average or if it weren't for its extremely high enchantability, the highest of all the ores from Minecraft, SimpleOres and Netherrocks. Malachite is one of only two of these ores that can be made into both tools and armour. Mining malachite ore drops a piece of raw malachite, and is affected by Fortune.

Malachite tools are fairly fast, the same as diamond tools, but have only half the number of uses. Make good use of their superb enchantability, though, and you will have found yourself a tool that no other material can stand against. Malachite weapons are mildly poisonous.

Armour made from Malachite is nothing exciting, providing about the same defense as that of iron, however, like with the tools, if you enchant your Malachite armour you will be more than happy to wear it around like a king. It's very lightweight, allowing you to jump two blocks instead of one.