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GIMI Texture Extention Shaders

GameBanana Link

Usage Notes

TexFx textures encode effects in the ps-t69 and ps-t70 slot.

TexFx Effects Mask (t69):

Transparency (Opacity) on the RED channel

Emissives (Brightness) on the GREEN channel

Bloom Intensity (Glow) on the BLUE channel.

Channel Value Effect
RGB 0 Do nothing
Red 1-254 Transparent
Red 255 Discard (Skip Rendering)
Green 1-255 Shadow - Bright
Blue 1-255 Bloom

$\TexFx\glow_intesity and $\TexFx\bloom_intesity may be used to change the intesity of Green and Blue.

It is recommended to set unaffected parts to ps-t69 = null

; Example:
hash = 1234abcd
match_first_index = 0
ib = ResourceIB
ps-t0 = ResourceHeadNormalMap
ps-t1 = ResourceHeadDiffuse
ps-t2 = ResourceHeadLightMap
ps-t69 = ResourceTexFxMap
run = CommandList\TexFx\T.1
;   \Transparency.0 (2.9-) Part has no Normal Map
;   \Transparency.1 (3.0+) Part has a Normal Map
;   -- Version 1.04, shorthand Aliases are prefered. --
;   commandlist\texfx\T.0
;   commandlist\texfx\T.1

TexFx Custom Outlines (t70):

Thanks to Annplan for Sponsoring this feature!

The RGB channels will be directly assigned to the outline color if there is a texture in ps-t70. Applicable to Characters, Weapons, NPCs, Monsters and More!


This will not likely work with parts which are using transparency. There is a work around, but that can wait.

hash = 945cd6d3
match_priority = 0
ps-t70 = ResourceFaveSwordOutline

filename =
; Notable TexFx Words and Aliases.
run = CommandList\TexFx\T
run = CommandList\TexFx\T.0
run = CommandList\TexFx\Transparency
run = CommandList\TexFx\Transparency.0

run = CommandList\TexFx\T.1
run = CommandList\TexFx\Transparency.1

run = CommandList\TexFx\C
run = CommandList\TexFx\C.0
run = CommandList\TexFx\Component
run = CommandList\TexFx\Component.0

run = CommandList\TexFx\C.1
run = CommandList\TexFx\Component.1

run = CommandList\TexFx\Shh
run = CommandList\TexFx\SupHH
run = CommandList\TexFx\SupressHullHack

run = CommandList\TexFx\RR
run = CommandList\TexFx\ResetResources

; To multiply your Green and Blue Channels
; TexFx version number
; Draw Indexed Carriers for Components


Rename DISABLED_Keybindings.ini, it is disabled by default to preserve your custom keybindings between updates.

Censorship Patch

TexFx conflicts with Silent's ShaderFixes mod, so it includes it's own version. Press | (pipe key) To toggle the censorship patch (Remove Transparency Filter)

Hull Hack (Vertex Color Fix)

Hold |+Shiftto preview the HullHack Effect (Enabled->Disable while holding). If you prefer the old way, you can add one of these commands to your mod. (Alliases) run = CommandList\TexFx\SupressHullHack run = commandlist\texfx\suphh $\texfx\hull_hack = 0

TexFx for Components (OutfitCompiler)

hic_sunt_dracones/ComponentFriendlyBuiltinShaders.ini This introduces some new concepts that allow us to use TexFx in a new and exciting way, we can use it to create "Materials" or "Sub Parts" like a pair of sunglasses which which can have thier own draw passes! We can create other custom shaders and effects, but for now I've included two default ones which use normal TexFx behavior.

The syntax is verbose, but it's a price we must pay for power.

I recommend using the .0 version even for 3.0+ characters so it is compatable with ORFix, due to a technical limit, it would be too hard to hard to fix it like \Transparency.1

; Use Example
if $Hood == 1
    ps-t0 = ResourceDiffuse
    ps-t1 = ResoourceLightmap
    ps-t69 = ResourceTexFxMask
    $\texfx\glow_intensity = $VAR1
    $\texfx\bloom_intensity = $VAR2
    $\TexFx\_1 = <DRAWINDEX>
    $\TexFx\_2 = <DRAWOFFSET>
    run = CommandList\TexFx\Component.0


If you're having problems with Shader Mods:

Try setting the remaining body parts like this ps-t69 = null. You do not need to call the commands, texfx is suppose to do this automatically, but it isn't always able to do it properly, and this can help prevent unexpected behaviors, even with unrelated mods. In 4.5 there is a known issue with some mods in the some menus which can be fixed with this.

The [Rendering] setting cache_shaders from the d3dx_overrides.ini can sometimes prevent shaders from properly reloading. It will drop your FPS drop some when you first visit new areas after installing or updating the mod.

You may also clear your ShaderFixes folder of unwanted shaders. If experienceing issues, you can rename this folder and reload to see if it replairs the issue. In which case you may investigate further.

If this mod crashes your game:

Please share with me as many details as possible, like what GPU you have, and if you're using the latest GitHub or GameBanana version. You can leave a comment on GameBanana or make a GitHub Issue.

If you have texture issues (wrong textures):

Just try changing which version of the command you're using.

\Transparency.1 -> \Transparency.0 or the other way around.



Severe: SilentNightSounds Remove Transparency Filter This will likely cause transparent parts to be drawn over the original, resulting in no transparency and a slight glow.


Extensions are add-on type mods that are intended to be used with TexFx Main, but will not guarantee compatibility between versions. For example, I already regret the name of the first extension, because the numbers are backwards for the name. The exensions folder denn_die_todten_reiten_schnell may be renamed in the near future as well.

The intent is to allow anyone to make extensions for the main mod. This could include new effect shaders, new pre-made effects, or utilities. As I add features this should be a lot more appealing, but for now I have just added a very early example and the first utility mod.

Int Opacity (Deprecated)


This Extension will be removed in favor of a different tool called FakeLightmap, a Virtual Texture mod which can be used to quickly manipulate texture values in game! The int_opacity extension is zipped in denn_die_todten_reiten_schnell Just unzip and it will enable the following commands. (Requires Main)

; X is any number from 0-255, 
; 0.X and 1.X follow the same convention as TexFx.
run = CommandList\int_opacity\0.X
run = CommandList\int_opacity\1.X