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A collection of week 3 - 5 assignments on Zuri training Full Stack JavaScript.

Week 3: CSS Fundamentals

Create a simple portfolio website with the following information: about me section, contact page, services section, project, Using HTML semantics, you should have a header, main, and footer tag. Add a navigation menu at the top of the home page. You should use inline linking to the sections on the home page and make the other pages, like contact us, open up a new page.

Week 3: CSS Fundamentals

Create a simple portfolio website with the following information: about me section, contact page, services section, project, Using HTML semantics, you should have a header, main, and footer tag. Add a navigation menu at the top of the home page. You should use inline linking to the sections on the home page and make the other pages, like contact us, open up a new page.

Week 3: Using HTML and CSS

Create the following pages using HTML CSS

Registration page Login page Success register page Your section of the registration page should include

First name

Last name

Phone number


Gender (select field)

Date of birth (date selection option)

Favorite color (color selector)

Your section of the login page should include email and password

If the user uses the correct format for email and password, the user should be navigated to the success page.

Week 4: CSS

A) Recreate a 3-column card design using CSS Flexbox Layout

  • This task should be on the index.html file.
  • All the information and images needed for the design can be found in this folder here.

B) Recreate the design using CSS Grid Layout

  • This task should be on the grid.html file.

  • You can use any background colour of your choice.

Week 4 NodeJS Task: Inheritance, Functions / Arrow Functions, Cookies, Promises and Async

Create a number guessing game to generate a number between the range of 1 and 2. The game should prompt users for their username. Set range as function parameter and prompt the player to predict the generated number between the given range. At a correct guess, the game should award the player a point and move them to stage 2 by increasing the range limit value by 1, e.g. range is from 1 and 3 for stage 2 and so on.

Week 5 NodeJS Task: Introduction To NodeJS

=> Create a portfolio having the following HTML pages:

  1. Home: The homepage should contain your data (bio).

  2. About: The contact page should contain links to your social media.

  3. Contact: The about me page should contain brief information about you.

=> Create a server using the HTTP module.

=> Create routes that render the HTML pages you created on a browser.

=> The base URL of your app should render the homepage.

=> There should be a /home route that redirects to the base of your app.

=> Push your code to GitHub.

Note: 1. No third-party dependencies

      2. You don’t need to style your HTML


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