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Sitecore Hackathon 2022

We had it working in pieces but it just didn't come together in time, unfortunately. We don't have a working solution but we wanted to check it in to share with each other. Thanks for volunteering to judge.

Hackathon Submission Entry form

You can find a very good reference to Github flavoured markdown reference in this cheatsheet. If you want something a bit more WYSIWYG for editing then could use StackEdit which provides a more user friendly interface for generating the Markdown code. Those of you who are VS Code fans can edit/preview directly in that interface too.

Team name

Lady Verndalians


Best addition to the Sitecore MVP site


Unless you have been living under a rock recently, you know that Content is trending! Providing high quality content and a smart way to access that content is important for all businesses. It helps attract clients and create interest. Also, having a site that is accessible is mandatory. Our module provides a search page for the MVP Get to Know an MVP podcasts that exposes the content in the audio file. It transcribes podcasts in the Content Editor and retains the transcription. While utilizing Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech To Text API, the task is run as a background job to not disrupt the content author.

Video link

⟹ Provide a video highlighing your Hackathon module submission and provide a link to the video. You can use any video hosting, file share or even upload the video to this repository. Just remember to update the link below

Lady Verndalians Video

Pre-requisites and Dependencies

  • Install-Package Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech -Version 1.20.0 if it doesn't self-install

Installation instructions

⟹ Write a short clear step-wise instruction on how to install your module.

  • Sign up for Microsoft Cognitive Services: Start Free
  • Open the solution.
  • Add the license key and your assigned region to the Foundation.CognitiveServices app.Config file
  • Install-Package Microsoft.CognitiveServices.Speech -Version 1.20.0 if it doesn't self-install
  • Build
  • Use the Sitecore Installation wizard to install the package


  • Sign up for Microsoft Cognitive Services: [Start Free]
  • Add the license key and your assigned region to the Foundation.CognitiveServices app.Config file

Usage instructions

Include screenshots where necessary. You can add images to the ./images folder and then link to them from your documentation:

Hackathon Logo

You can embed images of different formats too:

Deal With It

And you can embed external images too:



If you'd like to make additional comments that is important for your module entry.