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Field Handling stability and consistency

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@cassidydotdk cassidydotdk released this 28 Mar 15:05
· 44 commits to master since this release

Field Handling stability and consistency

Mostly a bugfixing release. Some of these bugs could have a potentially large impact, so upgrading to this version is recommended.

Change notes

  • Small change to what triggers a Sitecore field value to be reset (to std value). Rainbow would skip this, for fields that already were .NullOrEmpty - but an unchecked checkbox field is empty and a reset one is null. Now it resets correctly for any value not null.

  • Added constructor overload to the DefaultDeserializer, to remain compatible with SideKick and other potential projects that have not yet been updated.

  • The ItemComparer will no longer attempt to find a Field Comparer for null/null values, it will now assume them to be identical. This should help untangle SitecoreUnicorn/Unicorn#319.

  • Fixes SitecoreUnicorn/Unicorn#334 - Changes in Sitecore's internal handling of shared/versioned/unversioned field values conflicted with Rainbow's handling of same

  • Another fix for Unicorn Issue #319 - Empty field values would not get written back to Sitecore if no field value existed (e.g. field contained standard value)

  • Fixes SitecoreUnicorn/Unicorn#324 - Leading and trailing spaces in predicate names are now trimmed.

  • Fixes #30 - Do not reset fields which are excluded in the fieldFilter (#31). Ignored fields would get reset to standard value if other fields on the item updated.

Thanks to @JeffDarchuk and @NaibafCH for their valuable contributions to this release.