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Glossary of medical abbreviations

  • a̅ = before (from Latin "ante")
  • accel = acceleration
  • A&P = anterior & posterior
  • A.M. = before noon
  • A/G = Albumin globulin ratio
  • A2 = Aortic Second sound
  • AA = Acute Appendectomy
  • aa = of each, equal parts
  • AAT = ambulate as tolerated
  • AB = abortion
  • abd = abdomen
  • ABG = arterial blood gases
  • Abn = abnormal
  • ABW = adjusted body weight
  • AC = Air Contrast
  • A-C = Acromio-clavicular
  • ACL = Anterior Cruciate Ligament
  • ad = lib as much as needed, as desired
  • ADH = anti-diuretic hormone
  • ADL = Activities of daily living
  • adm = admission
  • AFB = acid-fast bacilli
  • AFI = Amnitotic fluid index
  • AFib = atrial fibrillation
  • AFP = alpha fetaprotein
  • AGA = Appropriate for gestational age
  • agit. = shake or stir
  • AgNo3 = Silver Nitrate
  • AIDS = Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • AK = above-knee
  • AKA = above-knee amputation
  • AKI = acute kidney injury
  • Alb = Albuterol
  • alb. = albumin
  • ALD = alcoholic liver disease
  • ALS = amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
  • alt. = alternate, alternating
  • AMA = Against Medical Advice
  • AMB = ambulatory
  • AMI = Acute Myocardial Infarction
  • amnio = amniocentesis
  • amp = ampule
  • amt. = amount
  • AMU = Acute Medical Unit
  • ant. = anterior
  • ante = before
  • AODM = Adult Onset Diabetes Mellitus
  • approx = approximately
  • appt = appointment
  • Appy = appendectomy
  • aq = water
  • aq. = dest distilled water
  • ARDS = Adult respiratory distress syndrome
  • AROM = Artificial rupture of membranes
  • ASA = Aspirin
  • ASCVD = Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
  • ASD = atrial septal defect
  • ASHD = arteriosclerotic heart disease
  • ASIS = anterior superior iliac spine
  • asst = assistance
  • ASU = Acute Surgical Unit
  • ATach = Atrial Tachycardia
  • Aug = Augmentation
  • AV = atriovenous
  • avg = average
  • AVN = atrioventricular node
  • AVSS = afebrile, vital signs stable
  • b.i.d. = twice daily
  • B.O.M. = bilateral otitis media
  • B1 = thiamin
  • B2 = Riboflavin
  • BBB = Bundle Branch Block
  • BE = barium enema
  • BF = breast feeding
  • bil. = bilateral
  • bili = bilirubin
  • BK = below-knee
  • BKA = Below knee amputation
  • Bl. = bleeding
  • BM = Bowel Movement
  • BMI = Body Mass Index
  • BMP = Basic Metabolic Panel
  • BMR = basal metabolic rate
  • BOA = born out of asepsis
  • BOM = Bilateral Otitis Media
  • BOW = Bag of Water
  • BP = blood pressure
  • BPH = benign prostatic hypertrophy
  • BPP = Biophysical Profile
  • BR = Bathroom
  • brady = bradycardia
  • BRB = bright red blood
  • Brk = Bronkosol
  • BRP = bathroom privileges
  • BS = blood sugar
  • BSA = body surface area
  • BSC = bedside commode
  • BSE = breast self-exam
  • BSER = brain stem evoked response
  • BSN = Bachelor of Science, Nursing
  • BSO = bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
  • BST = Breast stimulation test
  • BUE = bilateral upper extremity
  • BUN = blood urea nitrogen
  • BVM = bag value mask
  • BVT = bag value tube
  • Bx = biopsy
  • C̅ = with
  • C = centigrade
  • C&S = culture and sensitivity
  • c&v = cupping & vibration
  • C.O. = Cardiac output
  • C.S.M. = circulation, sensation and motion
  • c/o = complaining of
  • C/S = Cesarean section
  • C/W = consistent with
  • CA = carcinoma, cancer
  • Ca++ = Calcium
  • CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
  • CAD = coronary artery disease
  • Cal = calorie
  • CAN = cord around neck
  • Caps = capsule
  • CAT = Computerized Axial Tomography
  • cath = catheterization
  • CBC = complete blood count
  • CBR = complete bed rest
  • CBS = chronic brain syndrome
  • CCU = Coronary Care Unit
  • CDC = Center for Disease Control
  • CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen
  • cm. = centimeter
  • CHB = complete heart block
  • CHD = Congenital heart disease
  • CHF = Congestive Heart Failure
  • chg = change
  • chol = cholesterol
  • CI = coronary insufficiency
  • circ. = circumcision
  • cl = clear
  • CL = chloride
  • Cl. = Liq. clear liquids
  • Cl. = Time clotting time
  • cldy = cloudy
  • cm = H20 centimeters of water pressure
  • CMML = Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia
  • CMS = Circulation, motion, and sensation
  • CNA = certified nurses aide
  • CNS = central nervous system
  • CO2 = carbon dioxide
  • cocci = coccidioidomycosis
  • comp. = compound
  • conc. = concentrated
  • conf = conference
  • cong = congested
  • cont. = continued
  • = Continuous Aerosol
  • COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • CPAP = continuous positive airway pressure
  • CPD = cephalopelvic disproportion
  • CPK = creatinine phosphokinase
  • CPM = continuous passive motion
  • CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • CPT = Chest Physiotherapy
  • CRAMS = Circulation, Respiration, Abdomen, Motor, Speech
  • CRNA = Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
  • CRP = C-Reactive protein
  • CS = Central Supply
  • CSF = cerebrospinal fluid
  • CSP = Central Sterile Processing
  • CST = contraction stimulation test
  • CT = computerized tomography
  • CTA = clear to auscultation
  • ctx = cervical traction
  • Cu = copper
  • cu. = mm. cubic millimeter
  • CV = cardiovascular
  • CVA = cerebrovascular accident
  • CVC = central venous catheter
  • CVP = central venous pressure
  • CXR = chest x-ray
  • CTR = Carpal tunnel release
  • D&C = dilatation and curettage
  • D.O.E. = dyspnea on exertion
  • D.O.S. = Day of surgery
  • D.R. = Delivery Room
  • D.T. = delirium tremens
  • D.W. = distilled water
  • d/c-dc = discontinue
  • D/RL = dextrose and Ringer’s Lactate
  • D/W = dextrose and water
  • D5LR = 5 percent dextrose Lactated Ringers
  • D5W = 5% dextrose in water
  • DAT = diet as tolerated
  • DBP = diastolic blood pressure
  • DDI = dressing dry & intact
  • Decel = decleeration
  • decr = decrease or diminish
  • decub = decubitus
  • defib = defibrillation
  • dept = department
  • DES = Diethylstilbestrol
  • dev = seq developmental sequences
  • DFA = diet for age
  • diag = diagnosis
  • diam = diameter
  • DIC = disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
  • dil. = dilute or dissolve
  • DIP = distal interphalangeal joint
  • disch = discharge
  • DISH = Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
  • disp = dispense
  • div = divide
  • DJD = Degenerative Joint Disease
  • DKA = Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • DLCO = Diffusion capacity of lung
  • DM = Diabetes Mellitus
  • DME = Durable medical equipment
  • DNR = Do not resuscitate
  • DO = Doctor of Osteopathy
  • DOA = Dead on Arrival
  • DOB = Date of Birth
  • DR = Doctor
  • dr. = dram
  • drng = drainage
  • drsg = dressing
  • DSD = dry sterile dressing
  • DSE = daily skills evaluation
  • DU = duodenal ulcer
  • DUB = dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  • DVT = Deep Venous Thrombosis
  • DX = Diagnosis
  • E. = Coli Escherichia coli
  • e.g. = for example
  • E.S. = electrical stimulation
  • EBL = Estimated blood loss
  • ECCE = Extracapsular Cataract Extraction
  • ECG = Electrocardiogram
  • ED = Emergency Department
  • EDC = Estimated date of confinement
  • EDC = Estimated date of conception
  • EDD = end diastolic diameter
  • EDP = end diastolic pressure
  • EEG = Electroencephalogram
  • EENT = Ears, eyes, nose & throat
  • eff = effective
  • EFM = external fetal monitor
  • EGA = estimated gestational age
  • EGD = esophagogastroduodenoscopy
  • EKG = Electrocardiogram
  • elix = elixir
  • EMG = electromyogram
  • Enf = Enfamil
  • ENG = electronystagmography
  • ENT = Ears, nose & throat
  • EOA = esophageal obturator airway
  • EOM = extraocular muscles
  • EPID = epidural
  • EPIS = episiotomy
  • Eq = Su equipment set-up
  • ERCP = endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
  • ERV = expiratory reserve volume
  • ESD = end systolic diameter
  • ESR = Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • est. = estimate
  • ET = Endotracheal
  • et. = and
  • etiol = etiology
  • ETOH = Ethyl alcohol
  • ETT = endotracheal tube
  • EUA = examination under anesthesia
  • eval = evaluation
  • ex = excision
  • exer. = exercise
  • Exp. = Expired
  • Exp. = Lap Exploratory laparotomy
  • expl. = exploratory
  • ext. = external
  • F = Fahrenheit
  • F.F. = force fluids
  • F.F.P. = fresh frozen plasma
  • f.o.b. = foot of bed
  • F/U = Follow-up
  • FACH = forceps after coming head
  • FAS = fetal alcohol syndrome
  • FB = foreign body
  • FBS = fasting blood sugar
  • FDA = Food & Drug Administration
  • fdg = feeding
  • fe = female
  • Fe = iron
  • FH = family history
  • FHM = fetal heart monitor
  • FHR = fetal heart rate
  • FHT = fetal heart tones
  • Fi02 = oxygen percentage
  • fib = fibrillation
  • fl. = fluid
  • Fl. = dr. fluid dram
  • fl. = oz. fluid ounce
  • FM = fetal movement
  • FMC = Family Maternity Center
  • FP = Family Practice
  • FPL = flexor pollicus longus
  • FRC = functional residual capacity
  • Freq = frequency
  • FSE = fetal scalp electrode
  • FSH = follicle stimulating hormone
  • ft. = foot
  • FTSG = full-thickness skin graft
  • FUO = fever of undetermined origin
  • FVC = forced vital capacity
  • FWB = full weight bearing
  • fx = fracture
  • G/S = glucose and saline
  • G/W = glucose and water
  • GA = gestational assessment
  • gal = gallon
  • gastroc = gastrocnemius
  • GB = gallbladder
  • GBS = Group B strep
  • GDM = gestational diabetes mellitus
  • GERD = gastro esophageal reflux disease
  • GGT = gamma glutamyl transferase
  • G-Hgb = glycosylated hemoglobin
  • GI = gastrointestinal
  • GLU = glucose
  • glut = gluteal
  • gm = gram
  • gm% = grams percent
  • GN = graduate nurse
  • GPN = graduate practical nurse
  • gr = grain
  • Grav, = Gr Gravida
  • gt = drop
  • gtt = drops
  • GTT = Glucose Tolerance Test
  • GU = genitourinary
  • GYN = gynecology
  • H&H = Hemoglobin & Hematocrit
  • H&L = heart and lungs
  • H&P = history and physical
  • H202 = hydrogen peroxide
  • H2O = water
  • HA = headache
  • HAE = hearing aid evaluation
  • HASHD = Hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease
  • HAT = Hemovac Auto Transfuser
  • HbA = glycosylated hemoglobin
  • HBIG = Hepatitis B Immune Globulin
  • HBP = High Blood Pressure
  • HbSAb = Hepatitis B surface antibody
  • HbSAg = Hepatitis B surface antigen
  • HC = head circumference
  • HCG = human chorionic gonadotropin
  • HCO3 = bicarbonate
  • HCVD = Hypertensive Cardiovascular disease
  • HDL = high density liquid protein
  • HEENT = head, eyes, ears, nose & throat
  • HELLP = hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes & low platelet syndrome
  • hemi = half
  • Hep = B Hepatitis B
  • Hep = L,HL Heparin lock
  • HF = Heparin flush
  • HFP = High Fowler’s position
  • Hg = mercury
  • Hgb = hemoglobin
  • HHD = Hypertensive heart disease
  • HHN = hand held nebulizer
  • HIDA = hepato-iminodiacetic acid
  • histo = histoplasmin
  • HIV = Human Immunodeficiency virus
  • HMD = Hyaline Membrane Disease
  • HNP = herniated nucleus pulposus
  • HOB = head of bed
  • hp = hot pack
  • HPI = history of present illness
  • HPTN = hypertension
  • HR = heart rate
  • hr,h = hour
  • HSP = Henoch-Schönlein purpura
  • HSV = herpes simplex viruses
  • HT = Hubbard Tank
  • Ht. = height
  • HTN = Hypertension
  • HWP = home walking program
  • hx = history
  • hypo = hypodermically
  • hyst. = hysterectomy
  • I = Iodine
  • I&D = incision and drainage
  • I&O = intake and output
  • i.e. = that is
  • I.V. = intravenous
  • I:E = Inspiratory time to Expiratory time ration
  • IABP = Intra-aortic Balloon Pump
  • IBW = Ideal Body Weight
  • IC = intracardiac
  • ICP = intracranial pressure
  • ICPM = intracranial pressure monitoring
  • ICU = Intensive Care Unit
  • id. = the same
  • IDDM = Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
  • IDM = infant of diabetic mother
  • IFM = internal fetal monitor
  • IM = intramuscular
  • IMI = Inferior Myocardial Infarction
  • IMV = Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
  • inc. = incontinent
  • incr = increase
  • Ind = induction
  • indep = independent
  • inf = infection
  • init = initials
  • inj = injection
  • INR = International Normalization Ratio
  • ins = insurance
  • insp. = inspiratory
  • instr. = instructions
  • int. = internal
  • invol = involuntary
  • IOL = Intraocular lens
  • IOP = intraocular pressure
  • IP = inpatient
  • IPG = Impedence Phlebograph
  • IPPB = intermittent positive pressure breathing
  • IQ = intelligence quotient
  • IRV = inspiratory reserve volume
  • IS = incentive spirometry
  • iso = isoenzymeisol
  • Isol. = isolation
  • Isup = Isuprel
  • ITP = Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
  • IUC = intrauterine catheter
  • IUD = intrauterine device
  • IUGR = intrauterine growth retardation
  • IUPC = intrauterine pressure catheter
  • IVAC = intravenous infusion pump
  • IVCD = intraventricular conduction defect
  • IVP = intravenous pyelogram
  • IVPB = intravenous piggyback
  • IV-push = intravenous push
  • IVU = intravenous urogram
  • IWMI = Inferior Wall Myocardial Infarction
  • JDM = juvenile diabetes mellitus
  • jt. = joint
  • JVD = jugular vein distention
  • JVP = jugular venous pulse
  • K,K+ = potassium
  • K.O. = keep open
  • KCL = potassium chloride
  • Kg = kilogram
  • KI = potassium iodine
  • KJ = knee jerks
  • KLS = kidney, liver, spleen
  • KPM = kilopound meter
  • KUB = kidney, ureter, bladder
  • Kv. = kilivolts
  • KVO = keep vein open
  • l = liter
  • L = left
  • LL = left lateral
  • l&w = living and well
  • L.E. = Lupus Erythematosis
  • L.M.L. = left middle lobe
  • L/D = Labor & Delivery
  • L/S = lumbosacral
  • L/S = ratio lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio
  • LA = left arm
  • LA = line left atrial line
  • lab = laboratory
  • lac = laceration
  • LAC = long arm cast
  • LAD = left anterior descending
  • LAE = left atrial enlargement
  • lang = language
  • LAP = left atrial pressure
  • LASER = light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
  • lat = lateral
  • LAT = left anterior thigh
  • lb. = pound
  • LBBB = left bundle branch block
  • LBP = low blood pressure
  • LBW = low birth weight
  • LCL = lateral cruciate ligament
  • LD = left deltoid
  • LDH = lactic dehydrogenase
  • LDL = low density liquid protein
  • LDR = Labor Delivery Recovery
  • LDRP = Labor Delivery Recovery Postpartum
  • LE = lower extremity
  • LEEP = Loop electrocautery excision procedure
  • LFA(RFA) = left frontoanterior (right)
  • LFP = (RFP) left frontoposterior (right)
  • LFT = (RFT) left frontotransverse (right)
  • LG = left gluteus
  • lg. = large
  • LGA = large for gestational age
  • liq. = liquid
  • LKS = liver, kidneys, spleen
  • LL = Left lateral
  • LLC = long leg cast
  • LLE = left lower extremity
  • LLL = left lower lobe
  • LLQ = left lower quadrant of abdomen
  • LLSB = lower left sternal border
  • LMA = (RMA) left mentoanterior (right)
  • LML = left medial lateral
  • LMP = last menstrual period
  • LMT = (RMT) left mentotransverse (right)
  • LOA = Left Occiput Anterior
  • LOA = Leave of Absence
  • LOC = level of consciousness
  • LOP = left occiput posterior
  • LOS = length of stay
  • LOT = left occiput transverse
  • LP = lumbar puncture
  • lpm = liters per minute
  • LPN = Licensed Practical Nurse
  • LR = lactated ringers
  • LSA(RSA) = left sacrum anterior (right)
  • LSB = left sternal border
  • LSO = left salpingo-oophorectomy
  • LSP = (RSP) left sacrum posterior (right)
  • LST(RST) = left sacrum transverse (right)
  • Lt. = L left leg
  • LTB = laryngotracheo bronchitis
  • LTCS = low transverse Cesarean section
  • LTG = long term goals
  • LTM = long term memory
  • LTV = long term variability
  • LUAQ = left upper abdominal quadrant
  • LUE = left upper extremity
  • LUL = left upper lobe
  • LUOQ = left upper outer quadrant of gluteal area
  • LUQ = left upper quadrant
  • LV = left ventricle
  • LVE = left ventricular enlargement
  • LVEDP = left ventricle and diastolic pressure
  • LVET = left ventricular ejection time
  • LVG = left ventrogluteal area
  • LVH = left ventricular hypertrophy
  • LVL = left vastus lateralis
  • LVN = Licensed Vocational Nurse
  • LVPW = left ventricular posterior wall
  • LVSV = left ventricle stroke volume
  • LVSW = left ventricle stroke work
  • m = meter
  • ma = male
  • m.s. = morphine sulphate
  • MAP = mean airway pressure
  • MAS = mobile arm support
  • max = maximum
  • MBU = Mom/Baby Unit
  • mcgm = microgram
  • mcgtts = microdrops
  • MCL = medial collateral ligament
  • MCP = metacarpal interphalangeal joint
  • MD = Medical Doctor
  • MDI = Metered dose inhaler
  • mech = mechanical
  • med = medication
  • MEF = maximal mid-expiratory flow
  • mEq = milliequivalent
  • mg = milligram
  • Mg = Magnesium
  • Mg/dl = milligrams per deciliter
  • MH = medical history
  • MI = Myocardial Infarction
  • ml = milliliter
  • ML = midline
  • mm = millimeter
  • mm1hg = millimeters of mercury
  • mm3 = millimeter cubed
  • MMK = Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz
  • MMPI = Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
  • MMR = mumps, measles, rubella
  • MMT = manual muscle test
  • MMW = Marshall-Marchetti-Weiss
  • mod = moderate
  • MOM = Milk of Magnesia
  • Mono = mononucleosis
  • MP = metabolic panel
  • mph = miles per hour
  • MRMI = Mental Retardation, Mental Illness
  • MS = Multiple Sclerosis
  • mtg = meeting
  • MTP = metatarsophalangeal
  • mult = multiples
  • MV = mitral valve
  • MVA = motor vehicle accident
  • MVP = mitral valve prolapse
  • MVR = mitral valve regurgitation
  • N = normal
  • N/A = not applicable
  • N/C = no complaints
  • N/V = nausea and vomiting
  • NA = Nurses Aide
  • Na+,Na = sodium
  • NaCl = sodium chloride
  • NB = newborn
  • NC = nasal cannula
  • neg = negative
  • Neuro = Neurology
  • NG = nasogastric
  • NG = tube nasogastric tube
  • Ng/ml = nanogram/milliliter
  • NICU = Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  • NIDDM = non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  • NIF = negative inspiratory force
  • NKA = no known allergies
  • NKDA = No known drug allergies
  • NKMA = no known medication allergies
  • NM = nanometer
  • NNP = Neonatal Nurse Practitioner
  • no. = number
  • noc = night
  • NP = Neuropsychiatric
  • NPH = Type of Insulin (Isophane)
  • NPN = nonprotein nitrogen
  • NPO = nothing by mouth
  • NR = do not repeat
  • NS = normal saline
  • NSL = normal saline lock
  • NSAID = Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug
  • NSR = normal sinus rhythm
  • NST = non-stress test
  • NSU = non-specific urethritis
  • NSY = Nursery
  • NTG = nitroglycerine
  • NVD = neck vein distention
  • NWB = non weight bearing
  • NYD = not yet diagnosed
  • O&P = Ova & Parasites
  • o.c. = open crib
  • O.D. = right eye
  • O.S. = left eye
  • O.U. = both eyes
  • O2 = Oxygen
  • OA = occiput anterior
  • OB = Obstetrics
  • obl = oblique
  • OBS = Organic Brain Syndrome
  • OC = oral contraceptive
  • OCT = oxytocin challenge test
  • OFC = occipitofrontal circumference
  • OOB = out of bed
  • OP = Outpatient
  • OPD = Outpatient Department
  • OPG = oculoplethysmography
  • OR = Operating Room
  • ORIF = open reduction, internal fixation
  • Ortho = Orthopedics
  • OSA = Obstructed sleep apnea
  • OT = Occupational Therapy
  • oz. = ounce
  • p̅ = after (from Latin "post")
  • P = pulse
  • P = ox chk pulse oximeter check
  • p = ox cont. pulse oximeter continuous
  • P&A = percussion & auscultation
  • p.c. = after meals
  • P.E. = physical examination
  • P.I. = present illness
  • p.m. = afternoon
  • P.R.O.M. = partial range of motion
  • P.S.P. = Phenolsulfonphthalein test
  • P.T. = physical therapy
  • PA = pulmonary artery
  • PAC = premature atrial contraction
  • PACU = Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
  • PACU = Post Anesthesia Care Unit
  • Pap = Papanicolaou smear
  • PAP = pulmonary arterial pressure
  • PAR = postanesthesia recovery
  • para = number of births
  • PAT = paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
  • Path = pathology
  • PAWP = pulmonary artery wedge pressure
  • PB = barometric pressure
  • PBI = protein bound iodine
  • PBP = peak blood pressure
  • PC = packed cells
  • PCA = patient controlled analgesia
  • PCL = posterior cruciate ligament
  • PCN = penicillin
  • PCP = Primary Care Physician
  • PCW = pulmonary capillary wedge
  • PCXR = portable chest x-ray
  • PD = postural drainage
  • PE = pulmonary embolism
  • Peds = Pediatrics
  • PEEP = positive and expiratory pressure
  • PEF = positive expiratory force
  • PEFR = peak expiratory flow rate
  • PEG = percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
  • PEP = Positive Expiratory Pressure
  • PERLA = pupils equal reactive to light and accommodation
  • PFC = persistent fetal circulation
  • PFT = pulmonary function test
  • PG = phosphatidyl glycerol
  • pH = hydrogen ion concentration
  • PH = past history
  • PHR = peak heart rate
  • PI = phosphatydinnositol
  • PICC = Peripherally-inserted central catheter
  • PID = pelvic inflammatory disease
  • PIH = pregnancy induced hypertension
  • PIP = proximal interphalangeal
  • pit = pitocin
  • PJC = premature junctional contraction
  • PKU = phenylketonuria
  • PMH = past medical history
  • PMI = point of maximum impulse
  • PMS = premenstrual syndrome
  • PNA = pneumonia
  • po = by mouth
  • POD = Post Op Day
  • POP = persistent occipitoposterior
  • pos = positive
  • PP = postpartum
  • PPBS = post-prandial blood sugar
  • PPD = purified protein derivative
  • PPT = partial prothrombin time
  • PPTL = Postpartum tubal ligation
  • PRBC = packed red blood cells
  • prep = prepare for
  • PRN = as necessary
  • Pro. = Prosobee
  • PROM = premature rupture of membranes
  • Pro-time = prothrombin time
  • PS = Pressure Support
  • PSA = prostatic specific antigen
  • PSIS = posterior superior iliac spine
  • psych = psychology
  • PT = prothrombin time
  • PTA = prior to arrival
  • PTCA = Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
  • PTSD = Posttraumatic stress disorder
  • PTT = partial thromboplastin time
  • pud = pudendal
  • PUD = Peptic ulcer disease
  • pulm = pulmonary
  • pulse = AP apical pulse
  • Pulse = R radial pulse
  • Pulv. = powder
  • PUW = pick up walker
  • PV = pulmonary valve
  • PVC = premature ventricular contraction
  • PVD = peripheral vascular disease
  • PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance
  • PWB = partial weight bearing
  • q = every
  • q2h = every 2 hours
  • qh = every hour
  • qid = four times a day
  • QNS = quantity not sufficient
  • QS = quantity sufficient
  • qt. = quart
  • quad = quadriplegia
  • quads = quadriceps
  • qv = as much as you wish
  • R = right
  • R.O.M. = range of motion
  • R/O = rule out
  • RA = room air
  • RAT = right anterior thigh
  • RBBB = right bundle branch block
  • rbc = red blood cells
  • RBC = red blood count
  • RBP = resting blood pressure
  • RCP = Respiratory Care Practitioner
  • RD = right deltoid
  • RDS = respiratory distress syndrome
  • ref = refused
  • REM = rapid eye movement
  • reps = repetitions
  • res = residual
  • resp = respiration
  • resus = resuscitation
  • RF = rheumatoid arthritis factor
  • RG = right gluteus
  • Rh = Rhesus blood factor
  • RHD = rheumatic heart disease
  • RHR = resting heart rate
  • RL = right lateral
  • RLE = right lower extremity
  • RLL = right lower lobe
  • RLQ = right lower quadrant
  • rm = room
  • RML = right middle lobe
  • RN = Registered Nurse
  • ROA = right occiput anterior
  • ROM = rupture of membranes
  • ROP = right occiput posterior
  • ROS = review of systems
  • ROT = right occiput transverse
  • RPh = Registered Pharmacist
  • RPR = rapid plasma reagin
  • Rpt = repeat
  • RR = Recovery Room
  • RRR = regular rhythm, rate
  • RSA = right sacral anterior
  • RSB = right sternal border
  • RSO = right salpingo-oophorectomy
  • RSR = regular sinus rhythm
  • RSV = Respiratory Syncytial Virus
  • RT = Respiratory Therapy
  • Rt.L = right leg
  • RTC = return to clinic
  • Rx = prescription
  • s̅ = without (from Latin "sine")
  • S.G. = specific gravity
  • S/P = status post
  • S/P = O2 special Oxygen
  • SAA = same as above
  • SAB = spontaneous abortion
  • SaO2 = Oxygen Saturation
  • SCN = Special Care Nursery
  • SE = spiral electrode
  • SF = Semi fowlers
  • SGOT = serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
  • SGPT = serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase
  • SIDS = Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
  • Sig. = let it be labeled
  • Sim. = Similac
  • SIMV = Synchronous Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
  • SL = saline lock
  • SLE = Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • SMAC = lab profile study
  • SN = student nurse
  • SOB = shortness of breath
  • Sol = solution
  • SOP = standard operating procedure
  • SOS = one dose only
  • sp. = gr. specific gravity
  • spu = ind Sputum Induction
  • SR = Sinus rhythm
  • SROM = spontaneous rupture of membranes
  • s/s = signs and symptoms
  • SSE = Soapsuds enema
  • ST = Sinus tachycardia
  • Staph = Staphylococcus
  • stat = at once, immediately
  • STD = sexually transmitted disease
  • Stim. = Stimulation
  • Str = strong
  • Strep = Streptococcus
  • STV = short term variability
  • subq = subcutaneous
  • supp. = suppository
  • Surg. = Surgery
  • SVD = single vaginal delivery
  • SVN = small volume nebulizer
  • syr. = syrup
  • T = temperature
  • T#3 = Tylenol #3
  • T&A = tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy
  • T&S = type and screen
  • t.i.d. = three times a day
  • T.O. = telephone order
  • T.P. = Total protein
  • tab = tablet
  • TAB = Therapeutic abortion
  • TAH = Total Abdominal Hysterectomy
  • TB = Tuberculosis
  • Tbsp = tablespoon
  • temp = temperature
  • Tet = Tetanus
  • THA = Total Hip Arthroplasty
  • TIA = Transient Ischemic Attack
  • TIBC = Total iron binding capacity
  • TKA = Total knee arthroplasty
  • TKO = To keep open
  • TMJ = Temporomandibular joint
  • TOCO = tocometer
  • Top = topically
  • TORCH = toxoplasmosis, other, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus
  • TPN = Total Parenteral nutrition
  • TPR = temperature, pulse, respiration
  • tr. = tincture
  • tsp. = teaspoon
  • TTP = Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
  • TUR = Transurethral resection
  • TURP = Transurethral resection of prostate
  • TVH = Total Vaginal Hysterectomy
  • TVTO = tension free transvaginal tape – obturator approach
  • TX = treatment
  • U.S.P. = United States Pharmacopecia
  • UA = urinalysis
  • UAC = umbilical artery catheter
  • UC = Uterine Contractions
  • UE = upper extremity
  • UGI = upper gastrointestinal
  • UHF = ultrabeige frequency
  • ung = ointment
  • UO = urine output
  • URI = upper respiratory infection
  • US = ultrasound
  • USN = Ultrasonic nebulizer
  • UTI = urinary tract infection
  • UV = ultraviolet
  • UVC = umbilical vein catheter
  • V = volume
  • V = Fib Ventricular fibrillation
  • V = Tach Ventricular tachycardia
  • vag = vaginal
  • VBAC = vaginal birth after Cesarean
  • VC = Vital capacity
  • VD = venereal disease
  • VDRL = Venereal disease research laboratory
  • VE = vaginal exam
  • vit = vitamin
  • VO = verbal order
  • VS = vital signs
  • VSS = vital signs stable
  • Vt = Tidal Volume
  • VTE = Venous Thromboembolism
  • VTX = Vertex
  • w/o = without
  • wa = while awake
  • Wass = Wasserman
  • WB = whole blood
  • wbc = white blood cell
  • WBC = White Blood Count
  • wc = wheelchair
  • WDWN = well-developed, well-nourished
  • WF = white female
  • WM = white male
  • WNL = within normal limits
  • WP = whirlpool
  • WPW = Wolf-Parkinson-White
  • wt = weight
  • x = times
  • XM = cross-match
  • XR = x-ray
  • Y = year
  • Yd = Yard