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BuffaloKiwi Telephonist

Telephonist is a simple PHP router library, which is a program for mapping http requests to handlers based on various matching criteria.

Table of Contents

  1. [What's in the box?](#interfaces-and-implementations]
  2. Basic Routing

Interfaces and Implementations


  1. Handlers
    1. IArgumentResolver - Using the PHP Reflection API, determine the type, number and values of arguments used when invoking some method
    2. IRouteHandler - Route handlers are responsible for locating some endpoint and returning the content. This can be anything, a file, class, some global function, an RPC, etc.
  2. Route Objects
    1. IHTTPRoute - An object representing a potential destination and the requirements for connection.
    2. IHTTPRouteFactory - A factory optionally used to supply instances of IHTTPRoute to implementations of IHTTPRouter
  3. Route Options
    1. IHTTPRouteOption - Used to extend the conditions required for route matching. This can be anything, such as the HTTP Method, accept headers, authentication tokens, etc.
    2. IHTTPRouteOptions - A collection of IHTTPRouteOption
  4. Request for Routing
    1. IHTTPRouteRequest - Represents a HTTP Request message and exposes the relevant parts to the router
  5. Router
    1. IHTTPRouter - The program responsible for determining which route to invoke based on some client request


  1. Handlers ArgumentResolver ClassRouteHandler FunctionRouteHandler

  2. Route Objects ArrayRouteFactory HTTPRoute ClassHTTPRoute DefaultHTTPRoute DefaultHTTPRouteFactory NestedArrayRouteFactory HTTPRouteFactoryGroup

  3. Route Options DefaultHTTPRouteOptions HTTPRouteOption MethodRouteOption XMLHTTPRequestRouteOption

  4. Request for Routing DefaultHTTPRouteRequest

  5. Router BasicRouter DefaultHTTPRouter

The most basic router possible

try {
  echo ( new BasicRouter([
    '/' => fn() => 'This is the home page'
  ]))->route( new DefaultHTTPRouteRequest( $_SERVER ));
} catch( RouteNotFoundException $e ) {
  http_response_code( $e->getCode());  

http://localhost displays: "This is the home page"

Adding arguments

Arguments can be added by using standard capture groups

try {
  echo ( new BasicRouter([
    '(\d+)' => fn( int $id ) => 'Found digit ' . $id
  ]))->route( new DefaultHTTPRouteRequest( $_SERVER ));
} catch( RouteNotFoundException $e ) {
  http_response_code( $e->getCode());  

http://localhost/1 displays: "Found digit 1"

We can used named arguments by using named capture groups like this

If named arguments are used, then ALL arguments must be named. Mixing of positional arguments with named arguments is not allowed.

In the following example, naming $id anything other than $id will throw an exception.

try {
  echo ( new BasicRouter([
    '(?<id>\d+)' => fn( int $id ) => 'Found digit ' . $id,
  ]))->route( new DefaultHTTPRouteRequest( $_SERVER ));
} catch( RouteNotFoundException $e ) {
  http_response_code( $e->getCode());  
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\DefaultRouteConfig;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\DefaultHTTPRouteOptions;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\DefaultHTTPRouter;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\DefaultHTTPRouteRequest;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\ArrayRouteFactory;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\DefaultRouteFactory;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\MethodRouteOption;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\XMLHTTPRequestRouteOption;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\RouteNotFoundException;
use buffalokiwi\telephonist\http\HTTPRouteFactoryGroup;

class LocalRouterTest
  public const ROUTE_CONFIG = [
    'test' => [LocalRouterTest::class, 'helloRouter', ['GET'], []],
    'test/(\d+)' => [LocalRouterTest::class, 'helloRouterArg', ['GET'], []]

  public static function helloRouter() : string
    return 'Hello Router!';
  public static function helloRouterArg( int $i ) : string
    return 'Hello Router ' . (string)$i . '!';

$router = new DefaultHTTPRouter(
  new HTTPRouteFactoryGroup(
    new ArrayRouteFactory(
      new DefaultRouteConfig( fn() => LocalRouterTest::ROUTE_CONFIG )),
    (new DefaultRouteFactory())
    ->add( 'test2', function() {
      return 'Hello Router 2!';
    ->add( 'test2/(\d+)', function( int $int, array $context ) {
      return 'Found ' . (string)$int;
    }, ['GET'], ['context' => 'foo'] )
  new DefaultHTTPRouteOptions(
    new MethodRouteOption(),
    new XMLHTTPRequestRouteOption()

try {
  echo $router->route( new DefaultHTTPRouteRequest( $_SERVER ));
} catch( RouteNotFoundException $e ) {
  http_response_code( $e->getCode());  
  echo 'Not found';


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