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GitHub action to post rich messages to Slack


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Post Slack Message action

This action posts an enriched Slack message to a given channel.




Required A GitHub token used to enrich the Slack message. Defaults to the one provided by the GitHub action context.


Required Slack authentication token bearing required scopes.




Required Channel, private group, or IM channel to send message to. Can be an encoded ID, or a name.




Required The current status of the job. Defaults to the one provided by the context.

Possible values: success, failure, cancelled


A trigger word that should be used to mention a channel, a team or a user (Reference). When the text input uses a "fake headline" (see below), the mention is injected after the newline of the first fake headline.

Example: here to mention the channel or subteam^SAZ94GDB8 to mention a user group with the ID SAZ94GDB8.


A condition when the mention should be applied. The value can be success, failure, cancelled or always. Multiple conditions can be separated with a comma.

Example: success,failure


A list of fields that should be used to enrich the message. Not all fields might be available, e.g. if a workflow has been started with the workflow_dispatch event, it might not be possible to fetch data related to a PR. If you specify more than one field, please separate them with a comma, e.g. commit,repo.

Possible fields are: repo, message, commit, actor, job, duration, eventName, ref, pr, workflow.

To use all fields, you can pass all to this input.


A message that can be formatted using Slack's mrkdwn format. By using mrkdwn, you can also achieve "fake headlines" with bold text and newlines (see example below). This input is optional if a 'header' or 'custom_blocks' input is provided. In case one of the mentioned inputs is provided as well, the 'text' will be used as fallback and as the text displayed in notifications.


*Comment*\nThis is a comment.


A header, displayed at the top of the Slack message. Supports Slack's colon emoji syntax :tada:.


A changelog, which will be displayed within the message.


A list of buttons, using new lines as separator. Each line has the format title|url. It is also possible to change the style of the button by inserting a style of Slack's Button Element between the title and the url, e.g. title|style|url.

Example: Download|


A JSON-based array of structured blocks. Setting this property will only send the custom blocks and text if any was provided. See Slack Block Kit Builder for more information.


        "type": "section",
        "text": {
            "type": "mrkdwn",
            "text": "Hello, Assistant to the Regional Manager Dwight! *Michael Scott* wants to know where you'd like to take the Paper Company investors to dinner tonight.\n\n *Please select a restaurant:*"

Example usage

This example results in a message as visible in the screenshot above.

- name: Post to slack
  uses: Sixt/action-slack-message@v1
    slack_token: ${{ secrets.SLACK_TOKEN }}
    channel: C1234567890
    fields: ref,actor,pr,duration
    header: "Build ${{ job.status }}"
    text: "*Comment*\n${{ steps.some-previous-step.outputs.comment }}"