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Template inference server. Use your pre-trained model to automate annotation process.


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Repository files navigation inference

This repository is meant to be used as a template for serving models as part of integration with Serving mechanism is based on TorchServe.

Repository structure

  • docker - directory with Dockerfile definitions
  • model_configurations - directory to keep model configurations and weights
  • requirements - directory with requirements definitions - in particular with dedicated requirements for specific models
  • serving_config - configuration of TorchServe server
  • serving_logic - Pyton modules with code used for model inference - see further description in documentation.

How serving works?

Serving is based on TorchServe - and as a result user needs to prepare three components in order to deploy their model. First of all - runtime environment with TorchServe must be prepared (and it is done within docker images defined here). Second component inference handler - capable to load model and handle requests (baseline one is prepared in serving_logic package - their internal structure will be described in next paragraph). And last, but not least - model and its config. In our case - directory model_configurations is meant to host model weights and special configuration files used by serving_logic modules to load different models properly.

Having all three components one may build docker image and start receiving predictions. There are however few concepts to be understood.

TorchServe *.mar package

TorchServe accept special format of code and model bundles - *.mar - which help to decouple server from models - in particular code used for model inference behind TorchServe, as well as model weights can be prepared and injected into TorchServe environment. To make things simple at start - docker definitions prepared in this repository are going to prepare model bundles automagically - based on build arg passed into docker build command.

How specific models are bundled and exposed in serving?

After closer look at repository structure - one may find the following pattern:

├── requirements
│   ├── ...
│   └── model_dependencies
│       └── {model_family}.txt
├── model_configurations
│   └── {model_family}
│       ├── config.json
│       └── (optional)
└── serving_logic
    └── {model_family}.py

So in general, requirements/model_dependencies directory allows to place requirements file that will be used to install additional dependencies for specific model serving (it will be helpful if we wanted to have services with different models which may require contradictory dependencies).

At the same time - we need to provide model configuration under (model_configurations/{model_family}/config.json), which has the following structure:

  "model_family": "yolov5",
  "weights_file_name": "name_of_you_weights_file_located_in_the_same_dir",
  "factory_parameters": {

factory_parameters key is purely dependent on model - for instance yolov5 config:

  "model_family": "yolov5",
  "weights_file_name": null,
  "factory_parameters": {
    "model_version": "yolov5s",
    "inference_size": 640

It is important to provide specific inference module for our models. Example for yolov5: Each module of this kind must provide function to load model with the following signature:

def load_XXX_model(
    factory_parameters: XXXFactoryParameters,
    device: torch.device,
    weights_path: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Tuple[ModelObject, InferenceFunction]:

which is meant to load model (according to factory_parameters) and assembly inference function of this signature:

ModelObject = Any  # this can be anything even, tensorflow if someone wanted
InferenceFunction = Callable[
    [ModelObject, List[np.ndarray], torch.device], List[InferenceResult]

Once such module is created - one should extend serving_utils | load_model(...) function:

def load_model(
    context: Context, device: torch.device
) -> Tuple[ModelObject, InferenceFunction]:
    model_config = load_model_config(context=context)
    if model_config.model_family == YOLO_V5_FAMILY_NAME:
        from yolov5 import load_yolov5_model, YoloV5FactoryParameters # <- local import to be used here
        # [...]
        return load_yolov5_model(
            factory_parameters=yolo_parameters, device=device, weights_path=weights_path

So - in essence - one needs to dispatch loading of specific modules to handle inference - when custom ones are added.

Thanks to that structure - adding new models is just a matter of creating module that will load model and handle inference, rest will be handled by pre-assembled repository components.

How to get inference from your model via HTTP?

Docker image build

GPU version:

repository_root$ docker build --build-arg MODEL_FAMILY=yolov5 -f ./docker/Dockerfile-gpu -t make-sense-serving-gpu .

CPU version:

repository_root$ docker build --build-arg MODEL_FAMILY=yolov5 -f ./docker/Dockerfile-cpu -t make-sense-serving-cpu .

Run service

GPU version:

docker run -p 8080:8080 --runtime nvidia make-sense-serving-gpu

CPU version:

docker run -p 8080:8080 make-sense-serving-cpu

Send request

curl -X POST -F image=@path_to_your_image.jpg | jq

Responses format

  "image_height": 720,
  "image_width": 1280,
  "detections": [
      "bounding_box": {
        "left_top_x": 0.5806957244873047,
        "left_top_y": 0.06714392768012153,
        "right_bottom_x": 0.8919973373413086,
        "right_bottom_y": 1
      "prediction_details": {
        "confidence": 0.8798607587814331,
        "class_id": 0,
        "class_name": "person"

Supported models

Contribution guide

🚨 Repository setup

To initialize conda environment use

conda create -n MakeSenseServing python=3.9
conda activate MakeSenseServing

To install dependencies use (depending on MODEL_FAMILY you work on)

(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pip install -r requirements/requirements[-gpu].txt
(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pip install -r requirements/requirements-dev.txt
(MakeSenseServing) pip install -r build_dependencies/requirements-torchserve.txt
(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pip install -r build_dependencies/model_dependencies/${MODEL_FAMILY}.txt

To enable pre-commit use

(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pre-commit install

To run pre-commit check

(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pre-commit

To run tests, linter

(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ pytest
(MakeSenseServing) repository_root$ black .