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Gobo provides a GraphQL endpoint combining multiple resources from other components such as Boober, Mokey and Cantus.

The component is named after Gobo from the TV-show Fraggle Rock (


Running gobo locally

Use ./gradlew runLocal, this will automatically port-forward a connection to mokey and dbh on utv04. This is required to run gobo on your local machine. Remember to login to oc to get a valid token before starting gobo.

Contract tests

To run contract tests against a snapshot stub-jar file, set gobo.stub.repository: snapshots in src/test/resources/application.yaml.

Download static playground files from graphql-kotlin

The playground files must be included to run the gobo-playground application in the browser in offline environment. This apply for running in secure environment e.g. test environment within Skatteetaten.

To download static playground files from graphql-kotlin, run command: ./gradlew download-playground