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SketchResponse is a Javascript/Python(2.7-3.x) tool for drawing and evaluating mathematical functions. It was designed for use with the edX online courseware platform. However, it is a self-contained application that can be integrated into other web platforms.


  • Sketch Tool - configurable Javascript front-end with plugin components to provide different function drawing and annotation capabilities. See Sketch-Tool Usage for a description of the non-configurable interface elements of the sketch tool. See Sketch-Tool Plugin Configuration for a description of the available plugins.
  • Grader Library - python back-end that provides an API of function grading methods that can be composed to construct custom grading scripts. See Create a Simple Grading Script for a tutorial on building a simple grading script.


  • Clone this repository to the directory of your choice:
    • By using HTTPS:

      $ git clone
    • By using SSH:

      $ git clone

Sketch Tool Front-End


You'll need to have Node.js and npm (which is now packaged with Node) to be installed on your system. Note: This currently only works with Node version 7.10.1


  • Change to the sketch_tool directory:

    $ cd sketch_tool
  • Install dependencies listed in package.json:

    $ npm ci
  • Build a local distribution of the sketch_tool:

    $ npm run build

Grader Back-End

The SketchResponse grader backend has only two third party package requirements:

Install them by running the following command in the root directory:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Flask is only required if you want to run a local server for convenience when implementing and testing new grading scripts. See the Tutorial Test a Grading Script on a Local Server for details.

Usage Guides

Examples and Tutorials

Reference Information


Contributions to this project are very welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please open a GitHub issue and we'll get in touch.

Running tests for the Grader Library Back-end

The grader library has a collection of tests to validate the API functions. Those tests can be run from the root directory of the sketchresponse repository with the command below. If you haven't already done so, install the additional packages needed only for the unittest modules.

$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
$ python -m unittest discover -t . test_grader_lib/

Rebuilding the documentation

As this project evolves, the current documentation will no longer match the existing codebase. Follow the instructions in HowTo Build the Docs to rebuild as needed.


If you are having issues or encounter a bug, please create a GitHub issue and we'll try to help!


Please refer to the LICENSE file in the root of the SketchResponse repository.