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Formatting Messages

The standard way of working with FormatPHP is:

  1. Determine the user's locale (there are a variety of ways to do this, outside the scope of this documentation).
  2. Load translated messages <string-extraction.messageloader> for the locale.
  3. Configure FormatPHP with the locale and translated messages.
  4. Wrap strings you wish to translate and localize in your application with calls to formatMessage().
use FormatPHP\Config;
use FormatPHP\FormatPHP;
use FormatPHP\Intl;
use FormatPHP\MessageLoader;

// Your custom method to determine the user's locale.
$userLocale = determineUserLocale();

$config = new Config(new Intl\Locale($userLocale));
$messageLoader = new MessageLoader('/path/to/app/locales', $config);
$formatphp = new FormatPHP($config, $messageLoader->loadMessages());

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'hello',
    'defaultMessage' => 'Hello! Welcome to the website!',


The formatMessage() method facilitates translation and localization of string messages in your applications. Its method signature is:

public function FormatPHP::formatMessage(array $descriptor, array $values = []) string

The $descriptor argument is an array with the following properties:


A unique message identifier used to locate translated versions of this message in the message collection provided to FormatPHP.

The id is required if defaultMessage is not present.


The message to format and translate according to the locale. This may be a simple string, or it may have placeholders and other complex arguments.

The defaultMessage is required if id is not present. In case the id is not present, FormatPHP will auto-generate an identifier for the message.


An optional description that you may use to provide additional context to translators and developers. This is especially useful for translation management systems, if using the FormatPHP extraction tools <string-extraction.extract>.

The optional $values argument is an array of key/value pairs, where the key refers to either a named placeholder <messages.placeholders> in the message or a tag for rich-text formatting <>.


FormatPHP supports ICU message syntax for placeholders.

In their simplest form, placeholders are names surrounded by curly braces (i.e., { and }). Translators will not modify these names, but they are able to move them around in the string to a position that makes sense according to the grammar of a given language and locale.

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'greeting',
    'defaultMessage' => 'Hello, {personName}!',
], [
    'personName' => $user->getName(),

Pluralization and Complex Arguments

FormatPHP supports ICU message syntax for pluralization and complex argument types.

Using the classic example from the ICU documentation, the following shows how to provide complex argument types to FormatPHP. When translating, translators will properly translate each sub-message of this structure, leaving the complex arguments intact.

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'party',
    'defaultMessage' => <<<'EOD'
        {hostGender, select,
            female {{numGuests, plural, offset:1
                =0 {{host} does not give a party.}
                =1 {{host} invites {guest} to her party.}
                =2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to her party.}
                other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to her party.}
            male {{numGuests, plural, offset:1
                =0 {{host} does not give a party.}
                =1 {{host} invites {guest} to his party.}
                =2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to his party.}
                other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to his party.}
            other {{numGuests, plural, offset:1
                =0 {{host} does not give a party.}
                =1 {{host} invites {guest} to their party.}
                =2 {{host} invites {guest} and one other person to their party.}
                other {{host} invites {guest} and # other people to their party.}
], [
    'hostGender' => $host->getGender(),
    'host' => $host->getName(),
    'numGuests' => count($party->guests),
    'guest' => $guest->getName(),


FormatPHP supports ICU message syntax for formatting numbers, including currency and units, as well as dates and times.

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'hello',
    'defaultMessage' => <<<'EOD'
        On {actionDate, date, ::dMMMM} at {actionDate, time, ::jmm},
        they walked {distance, number, ::unit/kilometer unit-width-full-name .#}
        to pay only {amount, number, ::currency/EUR unit-width-short
        precision-currency-standard/w} in the
        {percentage, number, ::percent precision-integer} off sale
        on furniture.
], [
    'actionDate' => new DateTimeImmutable('now'),
    'distance' => 5.358,
    'amount' => 150.00123,
    'percentage' => 0.25,

In the en-US locale, this produces a message similar to:

On June 10 at 6:18 PM, they walked 5.4 kilometers to pay only €150 in the 25% off sale on furniture.

In a locale for which we have no translations, this message will still have localization features specific to the locale. For example, in ja-JP, the message produced is similar to:

On 6月10日 at 18:21, they walked 5.4 キロメートル to pay only €150 in the 25% off sale on furniture.


According to ECMA-402, section 15.5.4 (specifically step 5.b.), if the style is percent, then the number formatter must multiply the value by 100. This means the formatter expects percent values expressed as fractions of 100 (i.e., 0.25 for 25%, 0.055 for 5.5%, etc.).

Since FormatJS also applies this rule to ::percent number skeletons in formatted messages, FormatPHP does, too.

For example:

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'discountMessage',
    'defaultMessage' => 'Take {discount, number, ::percent} off the retail price!',
], [
    'discount' => 0.25,
]); // e.g., "Take 25% off the retail price!"


See the sections on formatting.dates and formatting.numbers for other methods for localizing values.

Rich Text Formatting (Use of Tags in Messages)

While the ICU message syntax does not prohibit the use of HTML tags in formatted messages, HTML tags provide an added level of difficulty when it comes to parsing and validating ICU formatted messages. By default, FormatPHP does not support HTML tags in messages.

Instead, like FormatJS, we support embedded rich text formatting using custom tags and callbacks. This allows developers to embed as much text as possible so sentences don't have to be broken up into chunks.


These are not HTML or XML tags, and attributes are not supported.

echo $formatphp->formatMessage([
    'id' => 'priceMessage',
    'defaultMessage' => <<<'EOD'
        Our price is <boldThis>{price}</boldThis>
        with <link>{discount, number, ::percent} discount</link>
], [
    'price' => $formatphp->formatCurrency(29.99, 'USD', new Intl\NumberFormatOptions([
        'maximumFractionDigits' => 0,
    'discount' => .025,
    'boldThis' => fn ($text) => "<strong>$text</strong>",
    'link' => fn ($text) => "<a href=\"/discounts/1234\">$text</a>",

For an en-US locale, this will produce a string similar to the following:

Our price is <strong>$30</strong> with <a href="/discounts/1234">2.5% discount</a>

For rich text elements used throughout your application, you may provide a map of tag names to rich text formatting functions, when configuring FormatPHP.

$config = new Config(
    new Intl\Locale('en-US'),
        'em' => fn ($text) => "<em class=\"myClass\">$text</em>",
        'strong' => fn ($text) => "<strong class=\"myClass\">$text</strong>",

Using this approach, consider the following formatted message:

    'id' => 'welcome',
    'defaultMessage' => 'Welcome, <strong><em>{name}</em></strong>',
], [
    'name' => 'Sam',

It will produce a string similar to the following:

Welcome, <strong class="myClass"><em class="myClass">Sam</em></strong>