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Matt edited this page Aug 18, 2013 · 3 revisions

Current code list:

Format is Shortcut => Tab Trigger => Output

To use shortcuts:

  • select the text you want to be surrounded with tags`
  • Windows + Linux: hold ctrl+shft; Mac: hold supr+shft
  • Type in shortcut command from below
  • release all buttons


N/A      => acronym    => [acronym=${1:laugh out loud}]${2:lol}[/acronym]
b        => b          => [b]${1:$SELECTION}[/b]
bg       => background => [background=${1:color}]${2:$SELECTION}[/background]
code     => code       => [code]${1:code}[/code]
color    => color      => [color=${1:color|hex}]${2:$SELECTION}[/color]
N/A      => email      => [email=${}]${2:text to display}[/email]
hr       => hr         => [hr]
i        => i          => [i]${1:$SELECTION}[/i]
img      => img        => [img]${1:$SELECTION}[/img]
N/A      => member     => [member=${1:memberName}]
s        => s          => [s]${1:$SELECTION}[/s]
size     => size       => [size=${1:num in px}]${2:$SELECTION}[/size]
sub      => sub        => [sub]${1:$SELECTION}[/sub]
sup      => sup        => [sup]${1:$SELECTION}[/sup]]
N/A      => twitter    => [twitter]${1:twitter name}[/twitter]
u        => u          => [u]${1:$SELECTION}[/u]
url      => url        => [url=${1:url}]${2:$SELECTION}[/url]
quote    => quote      => [quote]${1:$SELECTION}[/quote]
spoiler  => spoiler    => [spoiler]${1:$SELECTION}[/spoiler]


indent   => indent     => [indent=${1:(number of px)}]${2:$SELECTION}[/indent]
left     => left       => [left]${1:$SELECTION}[/left]
center   => center     => [center]${1:$SELECTION}[/center]
right    => right      => [right]${1:$SELECTION}[/right]

Background Colors

bgred    => bgred      => [background=red]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgorange => bgorange   => [background=orange]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgyellow => bgyellow   => [background=yellow]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bggreen  => bggreen    => [background=yellow]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgblue   => bgblue     => [background=blue]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgpurple => bgpurple   => [background=purple]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgwhite  => bgwhite    => [background=white]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]
bgblack  => bgblack    => [background=black]${1:$SELECTION}[/background]


red      => red        => [color=red]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
orange   => orange     => [color=orange]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
yellow   => yellow     => [color=yellow]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
green    => green      => [color=green]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
blue     => blue       => [color=blue]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
purple   => purple     => [color=purple]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
white    => white      => [color=white]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]
black    => black      => [color=black]${1:$SELECTION}[/color]

Code blocks and languages

php      => php        => [code=php]${1:$SELECTION}[/code]
html     => html       => [code=html]${1:$SELECTION}[/code]
css      => css        => [code=css]${1:$SELECTION}[/code]
sql      => sql        => [code=sql]${1:$SELECTION}[/code]
xml      => xml        => [code=xml]${1:$SELECTION}[/xml]
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