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Simplify Lib splitting
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SkySkimmer committed Dec 9, 2021
1 parent 447ae7f commit e13865b
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Showing 3 changed files with 29 additions and 60 deletions.
82 changes: 27 additions & 55 deletions library/
Expand Up @@ -170,32 +170,6 @@ let find_entries_p p =
find !lib_state.lib_stk

let split_lib_gen test =
let rec collect after equal = function
| hd::before when test hd -> collect after (hd::equal) before
| before -> after,equal,before
let rec findeq after = function
| hd :: before when test hd -> collect after [hd] before
| hd :: before -> findeq (hd::after) before
| [] -> user_err Pp.(str "no such entry")
findeq [] !lib_state.lib_stk

let eq_object_name (fp1, kn1) (fp2, kn2) =
eq_full_path fp1 fp2 && Names.KerName.equal kn1 kn2

let split_lib_at_opening sp =
let is_sp (nsp, obj) = match obj with
| OpenedSection _ | OpenedModule _ | CompilingLibrary _ ->
eq_object_name nsp sp
| _ -> false
let a, s, b = split_lib_gen is_sp in
match s with
| [obj] -> (a, obj, b)
| _ -> assert false

(* Adding operations. *)

let add_entry sp node =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,22 +228,30 @@ let start_mod is_type export id mp fs =
let start_module = start_mod false
let start_modtype = start_mod true None

let split_lib_at_opening () =
let rec findeq after = function
| hd :: before when is_opening_node_or_lib hd -> after, hd, before
| hd :: before -> findeq (hd::after) before
| [] -> anomaly Pp.(str "No opening entry.")
findeq [] !lib_state.lib_stk

let error_still_opened string oname =
let id = basename (fst oname) in
(str "The " ++ str string ++ str " " ++ Id.print id ++ str " is still opened.")

let end_mod is_type =
let oname,fs =
try match find_entry_p is_opening_node with
| oname,OpenedModule (ty,_,_,fs) ->
if ty == is_type then oname, fs
else error_still_opened (module_kind ty) oname
| oname,OpenedSection _ -> error_still_opened "section" oname
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> user_err (Pp.str "No opened modules.")
let (after,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening () in
(* The errors here should not happen because we checked in the upper layers *)
let oname, fs = match mark with
| oname,OpenedModule (ty,_,_,fs) ->
if ty == is_type then oname, fs
else error_still_opened (module_kind ty) oname
| oname,OpenedSection _ -> error_still_opened "section" oname
| _, CompilingLibrary _ -> user_err (Pp.str "No opened modules.")
| _, Leaf _ -> assert false
let (after,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening oname in
lib_state := { !lib_state with lib_stk = before };
recalc_path_prefix ();
(oname, fs, after)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -301,29 +283,22 @@ let open_blocks_message es =
str "need" ++ str (if List.length es == 1 then "s" else "") ++ str " to be closed."

let end_compilation_checks dir =
let _ = match find_entries_p is_opening_node with
let () = match find_entries_p is_opening_node with
| [] -> ()
| es -> user_err (open_blocks_message es) in
let is_opening_lib = function _,CompilingLibrary _ -> true | _ -> false
let oname =
try match find_entry_p is_opening_lib with
| (oname, CompilingLibrary prefix) -> oname
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found -> anomaly (Pp.str "No module declared.")
let _ =
let () =
match !lib_state.comp_name with
| None -> anomaly (Pp.str "There should be a module name...")
| Some m ->
if not (Names.DirPath.equal m dir) then anomaly
(str "The current open module has name" ++ spc () ++ DirPath.print m ++
spc () ++ str "and not" ++ spc () ++ DirPath.print m ++ str ".");

let end_compilation oname =
let (after,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening oname in
let end_compilation dir =
end_compilation_checks dir;
let (after,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening () in
lib_state := { !lib_state with comp_name = None };

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -446,14 +421,11 @@ let discharge_item ((sp,_),e) =
anomaly (Pp.str "discharge_item.")

let close_section () =
let oname,fs =
try match find_entry_p is_opening_node with
| oname,OpenedSection (_,fs) -> oname,fs
| _ -> assert false
with Not_found ->
user_err Pp.(str "No opened section.")
let (secdecls,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening () in
let oname, fs = match mark with
| oname,OpenedSection (_,fs) -> oname,fs
| _ -> user_err Pp.(str "No opened section.")
let (secdecls,mark,before) = split_lib_at_opening oname in
lib_state := { !lib_state with lib_stk = before };
pop_path_prefix ();
let newdecls = discharge_item secdecls in
Expand Down
4 changes: 1 addition & 3 deletions library/lib.mli
Expand Up @@ -110,9 +110,7 @@ val end_modtype :
(** {6 Compilation units } *)

val start_compilation : DirPath.t -> ModPath.t -> unit
val end_compilation_checks : DirPath.t -> Libobject.object_name
val end_compilation :
Libobject.object_name -> Nametab.object_prefix * library_segment
val end_compilation : DirPath.t -> Nametab.object_prefix * library_segment

(** The function [library_dp] returns the [DirPath.t] of the current
compiling library (or [default_library]) *)
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions vernac/
Expand Up @@ -1042,9 +1042,8 @@ let append_end_library_hook f =

let end_library ~output_native_objects dir =
let oname = Lib.end_compilation_checks dir in
let prefix, lib_stack = Lib.end_compilation dir in
let mp,cenv,ast = Global.export ~output_native_objects dir in
let prefix, lib_stack = Lib.end_compilation oname in
assert (ModPath.equal mp (MPfile dir));
let substitute, keep, _ = Lib.classify_segment lib_stack in
Expand Down

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