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Releases: SkyWars/SkyWars

Release version 2.2.1

01 Aug 03:58
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  • Fix timer not stopping when force started
  • Fix errors if lobby location is not set
  • Fix console errors which did not affect gameplay but were related to start timer

Release version 2.2.0

24 Jul 09:43
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  • Add a timer to start games, and a minimum-player configuration for each arena
    • The timer will start when the queue reaches the minimum player count, but will automatically advance to 30 seconds left if the maximum number of players have joined
    • When the queue is full, any extra players who try to join are added to a "secondary queue", and are advanced to the main queue when either a game starts, or another player leaves the main queue.
    • All timings are completely configurable, as well as the times before game start which SkyWars broadcasts start messages.
  • Add a piece-by-piece arena copying mechanism, similar to the kind used by AsyncWorldEdit. This greatly reduces server load caused by games starting and stopping, eliminating virtually all server lag caused by SkyWars.
    • The parameters of this method can be tweaked by adjusting the "time-before-start-to-start-arena-copy-operation" and "number-of-blocks-to-copy-at-once" options in the configuration. To disable, set "time-before-start-to-start-arena-copy-operation" to "-1".
    • When enabled, SkyWars will perform the arena operations in evenly spaced operations, starting at "time-before-start-to-start-arena-copy-operation", and ending exactly when the game starts. Each operation will copy "number-of-blocks-to-copy-at-once" blocks, and the number of operations is calculated based on how big each arena is.

While this version only contains two features, there have been many internal changes made to accommodate these two additions, and I hope these two features will greatly expand the use case and usefulness of the plugin.

Release version 2.1.7

16 Jul 02:08
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Changes since 2.1.6:


While plugin-statistics does do a whole lot less than Plugin Metrics, I decided to add it for the following reasons:

First, the SkyWars plugin page on MCStats has become somewhat convoluted, with multiple different SkyWars plugins reporting statistics to it. While this plugin was the first publicly released SkyWars plugin on BukkitDev, other plugins have started using MCStats under the same name. This makes it hard to tell exactly what percentage of each statistic is for this plugin - and makes it infinitely harder to actually get plugin data.

By also connecting to, it will actually be possible to see how many total servers & players are running this SkyWars plugin.

Second, while MCStats does report a "server version" statistic, this is spread out throughout all plugin versions. There's no way to know how many people running the latest plugin version are running a specific minecraft server version. This is the one statistic which plugin-statistics generates which MCStats doesn't: the number of servers running each plugin version & server version combo.

Third, plugin-statistics is very light. By only reporting four variables (~200 bytes) once every hour, it has an extremely minimal impact on server resources. This is the main reason I'm planning on using both MCStats and plugin-statistics: compared to MCStats, plugin-statistics will use practically no additional bandwidth nor resources at all.

Release version 2.1.6

12 Jul 19:01
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Changes since 2.1.5:


  • Fix kit messages & GUI being shown to those without the skywars.kit permission
  • Fix right clicking on join signs not doing anything
  • Add full support for all MC 1.9 variations of potions in custom arenas.
  • Fix potions not working in kits and random chests in MC 1.9+.
  • Fix armor not being applied in kits on MC 1.9+.
  • Fix tab completion for all SkyWars commands with arguments (/sw kit, etc.)
  • Fix multiple possible NullPointerExceptions errors when:
    • team mode is enabled, and a game is started without the maximum number of players
    • checking player interactions with other plugins
    • a player leaves the server while in a game
    • kits with no non-armor inventory items are used
  • Fix errors starting arena when:
    • random chests with a high total level are used
    • double chests are placed in a custom arena
  • Fix random chest configuration sections only being created for regular chests, not trapped chests
  • Fix errors on leaving game when maximum player health is increased by armor or other items.
  • Fix outdated WorldEdit versions causing glitches in SkyWars.
  • Fix chests in custom arenas on Glowstone
  • Remove UUID warning message on Glowstone and other non-CraftBukkit servers when UUIDs are supported


  • Make all game message punctuation consistent between all translated languages.

Pre-release v2.1.6-dev-3

05 Jul 10:26
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Changes since 2.1.5:

  • Fix kit messages & GUI being shown to those without the skywars.kit permission
  • Fix only left clicking working on join signs
  • Fix multiple NullPointerExceptions when...
    • team mode is enabled, and a game is started without the maximum number of players
    • checking certain player interactions
    • a player leaves the server while in a game, in some specific cases
  • Fix all inconsistent punctuation in all game messages
  • Fix IllegalArgumentException when using random chests with a high total level value
  • Fix random chest configuration sections only being set for regular chests, not trapped chests
  • Fix the UUID version confirmation checker to work on all servers, even ones which don't use craftbukkit as a base
  • Possibly fix errors re-applying saved inventories when armor or other items increase maximum health
  • Add true support for 1.9-type potions in chests pre-filled in custom arenas. Random chest & kit support is still WIP.
  • Fix chests in custom arenas on Glowstone
  • Fix errors starting custom arenas which contain double-chests

Pre-release v2.1.6-dev-2

04 Jul 06:24
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Changes since 2.1.5:

  • Fix kit messages & GUI being shown to those without the skywars.kit permission
  • Fix only left clicking working on join signs
  • Fix multiple NullPointerExceptions when...
    • team mode is enabled, and a game is started without the maximum number of players
    • checking certain player interactions
    • a player leaves the server while in a game, in some specific cases
  • Fix all inconsistent punctuation in all game messages
  • Fix IllegalArgumentException when using random chests with a high total level value
  • Fix random chest configuration sections only being set for regular chests, not trapped chests

Pre-release v2.1.6-dev-1

04 Jul 05:33
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Changes since 2.1.5:

  • Fix kit messages & GUI being shown to those without the skywars.kit permission
  • Fix only left clicking working on join signs
  • Fix multiple NullPointerExceptions when...
    • team mode is enabled, and a game is started without the maximum number of players
    • checking certain player interactions
    • a player leaves the server while in a game, in some specific cases
  • Fix some inconsistent translations strings in English and non-English message files.

Release version 2.1.5

19 Jun 07:40
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  • Add support for limiting start/win/death in an arena to only players in that arena
    • Enable death-message-limiting by default - deaths in game will only be displayed to those in that game.
  • Fix players without the skywars.join permission being able to use join signs
  • Implement an inventory-based kit-choosing GUI.
    • Each kit now has a "totem," and "description" configuration setting, which are used as the display item and lore for the kit in the kitGUI, respectively.
    • Add configuration options to display kit gui...:
      • with a /sw kitgui command
      • with the /sw kit command (replacing the command kit interface completely)
      • or, automatically whenever joining the queue (or clicking a join sign when already in the queue)
    • The /sw kitgui and automatic-showing are enabled by default for players with the skywars.kitgui permission (OP-only by default)
  • Fix /sw report not working with the new API changes.
  • Fix players always facing one direction when teleporting to the lobby. SkyWars now correctly applies the pitch/yaw.


  • Allow more optimization for the final SkyWars plugin jar file. This means a possibly faster and definitely smaller jar, but if you've been depending on SkyWars.jar from another plugin, this may break that dependency.
  • Note that as long as you are depending on SkyWars-API.jar, and using all the public interfaces defined in that, you'll be fine. All of the API interfaces and methods are exempt from the optimization, and will work fine in any setting.

Release version 2.1.4

08 Jun 07:06
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  • Add join signs with auto-updating queue information.
  • Fixed up documentation for join portals.
  • Fix a possible bug which would cause SkyWars to not save scores to JSON when using Java 7 instead of Java 8.

Release version 2.1.3

31 Mar 20:57
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  • Add configuration option to skip respawn screen when players in game die.
  • Fix /sws save not saving spawn locations in the right places. This bug was introduced in v2.1.2.
  • Fix SkyWars not filling up chests.yml with default values if it's an empty file.


  • Add a second line to the /sws save saved message, to clarify when SkyWars renames arena to avoid naming conflict.