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manual 7 optimizing the security

4rchim3d3s edited this page Jan 23, 2020 · 2 revisions


Optimizing the Security of your Skywallet

Even though a Skywallet provides greater security when compared to a Desktop Wallet, it is essential to follow these security optimizations to get maximum security benefit from your Skywallet.

One of two things is necessary for a third party to access your Skywallet, which is either your Skywallet along with your PIN code of the Skywallet or the Seed of your Skywallet.
So when it comes to security optimizations, these are the two vital components to be considered.

PIN Code

Your PIN code is a four-digit combination, and a brand new Skywallet which you receive via shipment will not have a PIN code.

Hence, it is essential first to set a PIN code right after you receive your Skywallet. If you want to know more about how to set the PIN code and personalize your Skywallet, please visit the user manual Personalization of your Skywallet.

Although the PIN code is only a combination of four digits, it is improbable for an attacker to guess a secure PIN.

Because after each failed attempt, one has to wait for a specific time before attempting the next combination and with each failed attempt the waiting time increases exponentially thus making it highly unlikely for an attacker/hacker to obtain access to your Skywallet.

However, such a security precaution is ineffective if you create an insecure PIN.

Examples of an insecure PIN include, but are not limited to, important dates, or sequences (like 1234) or repeating digits(1111).

Hence a secure PIN code is something easy to remember and at the same time not easy to guess for a third party.


A Seed of the Skywallet is even more critical than a PIN code, as a hacker/malware without access to your Skywallet physically, can remotely access or steal your fund just using the Seed.

As the Seed is not created by you and is generated on the device, you need not worry about the strength of the Seed as such.

However, it is imperative to keep the backup of the Seed in a safe and accessible place, as it is the only way to access your funds if anything happens to your Skywallet.

Following are some recommendations to backup and store your Seed safely:

  • Do not Store the Seed in an electronic device. Because saving a Seed in an electronic device effectively nullifies the security it ensures, as the electronic device can potentially be hacked by an attacker, thereby giving access to your Seed.
    Hence it is recommended to store the Seed in a paper or a notebook which can then be stored in a safe place that is inaccessible to any unauthorized person at the same time not prone to any accidents.
    The only instance when the Seed is entered into a computer is when you are restoring the backup of your Skywallet, in that case, the Skywallet and Desktop Wallet process the Seed in a secure way which ensures that a third party will not gain access to your Seed.
    The process is explained in detail in the section Restore Backup.

  • Create multiple copies of the Seed and store it in separate locations.

  • Make sure to inform of at least one location of the Seed to your immediate family member(s) as a precaution in case of an emergency.

  • You can also go for splitting up the Seed in parts to store it in different locations or to have a cipher code for the words in the Seed.
    However, both these methods have a risk factor and are not recommended approaches unless you are ready to take the risk.

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