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Sleepingwell edited this page Dec 7, 2011 · 2 revisions

This code provides a couple of non-linear optimisation functions. Specifically, a Nelder-Mead based simulated annealing function copied straight from Numerical Recipes, and a Charged Particle search, based on:

A copy of that paper can be found in the root directory of this project (... I hope this is not breaking any copyright).

I got a little excited at the time I was doing this and set the code up such that the template ParticleSearcher should serve as a reasonable base class for a whole range of Swarm Intelligence algorithms (see As many of them seem to have a very similar structure, with the main differences being the distance metrics and attraction functions. I think further factoring of ParticleSearcher is possible to allow for specification of just these aspects of the algorithm via policies.

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