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PNPM Workspace with remix and node builtins in independent package

This repo tries to minimally reproduce a bug that causes vite dev mode to fail with remix when esbuild comes across a shadowed node builtin in the node_modules folder.

Typically I'd just not use the shadowed node builtin, but since it's a deep transient dependency, there's nothing I can do about it. It also seems like it probably implies something else going wrong.

Node version: 20.12.2 PNPM version: 9.0.6

The remix-app package in this workspace was created with npx create-remix@latest The vite-app package in this workspace was created with pnpm create vite

Repro steps

pnpm install
pnpm run -r remix-app-dev

Will result in:

❯ pnpm run -r remix-app-dev
Scope: 2 of 3 workspace projects
packages/remix-app dev$ remix vite:dev
[23 lines collapsed]
│     at Object.buildOrContext (/Users/alex/code/vite-dev-node-shadow-repro/node_modules/.pnpm/es…
│     at /Users/alex/code/vite-dev-node-shadow-repro/node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0.20.2/node_modul…
│     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
│     at Object.context (/Users/alex/code/vite-dev-node-shadow-repro/node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0…
│     at Object.context (/Users/alex/code/vite-dev-node-shadow-repro/node_modules/.pnpm/esbuild@0…
│     at prepareEsbuildOptimizerRun (file:///Users/alex/code/vite-dev-node-shadow-repro/node_modu…
│   The plugin "vite:dep-pre-bundle" was triggered by this import
│     ../../node_modules/.pnpm/cookie-signature@1.2.1/node_modules/cookie-signature/index.js:5:21:
│       5 │ var crypto = require('crypto');
│         ╵                      ~~~~~~~~
└─ Running...

To make it succeed

If you just switch the other-package to use the new built in crypto package, instead of the crypto npm package, it will succeed.

You can do this by deleting the section of the package.json that says:

"dependencies": {
    "crypto": "1.0.1"

Using just vite succeeds

If we run the vite only app, we don't experience the same output.

pnpm install
pnpm run -r vite-app-dev

Why might this be happening?

My guess is that it's something in the remix vite configuration that's causing vite to scan the entire node_modules folder rather than just the package it's in.

But honestly no idea.


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