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Tweak spilling again
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Start at a radius of 1, and do not consume fluid when spilling on AOE targets, only on the primary target. Will help this compete with future fluid modifiers
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KnightMiner committed Feb 13, 2023
1 parent 3dfaad1 commit ca8f4d1
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 19 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -69,36 +69,41 @@ public int afterEntityHit(IToolStackView tool, int level, ToolAttackContext cont
public InteractionResult beforeEntityUse(IToolStackView tool, ModifierEntry modifier, Player player, Entity target, InteractionHand hand, InteractionSource source) { // melee items get spilling via attack, non melee interact to use it
if (source != InteractionSource.ARMOR && !tool.hasTag(TinkerTags.Items.MELEE) && tool.getDefinitionData().getModule(ToolModuleHooks.INTERACTION).canInteract(tool, modifier.getId(), source)) {
FluidStack fluid = getFluid(tool);
if (!fluid.isEmpty() && SpillingFluidManager.INSTANCE.contains(fluid.getFluid())) {
if (!player.level.isClientSide) {
int level = modifier.getLevel();
ToolAttackContext context = new ToolAttackContext(player, player, hand, target, target instanceof LivingEntity l ? l : null, false, 1.0f, false);
spillFluid(tool, level, context, fluid);
if (!fluid.isEmpty()) {
SpillingFluid recipe = SpillingFluidManager.INSTANCE.find(fluid.getFluid());
if (recipe.hasEffects()) {
if (!player.level.isClientSide) {
// for the main target, consume fluids
int level = modifier.getLevel();
ToolAttackContext context = new ToolAttackContext(player, player, hand, target, target instanceof LivingEntity l ? l : null, false, 1.0f, false);
FluidStack remaining = recipe.applyEffects(fluid.copy(), level, context);
spawnParticles(target, fluid);
if (!player.isCreative()) {
setFluid(tool, remaining);

// expanded logic
int numTargets = 1;
int expanded = tool.getModifierLevel(TinkerModifiers.expanded.get());
if (expanded > 0 && !fluid.isEmpty()) {
float range = expanded * 1.5f;
// expanded logic, they do not consume fluid, you get some splash for free
int numTargets = 1;
float range = 1 + tool.getModifierLevel(TinkerModifiers.expanded.get());
float rangeSq = range * range;
for (Entity aoeTarget : player.level.getEntitiesOfClass(Entity.class, target.getBoundingBox().inflate(range, 0.25, range))) {
if (aoeTarget != player && aoeTarget != target && !(aoeTarget instanceof ArmorStand stand && stand.isMarker()) && target.distanceToSqr(aoeTarget) < rangeSq) {
context = new ToolAttackContext(player, player, hand, aoeTarget, aoeTarget instanceof LivingEntity l ? l : null, false, 1.0f, true);
spillFluid(tool, level, context, fluid);
if (fluid.isEmpty()) {

recipe.applyEffects(fluid.copy(), level, context);
spawnParticles(aoeTarget, fluid);

// damage the tool, we charge for the multiplier and for the number of targets hit
ToolDamageUtil.damageAnimated(tool, numTargets * level, player, hand);

// damage the tool, we charge for the multiplier and for the number of targets hit
ToolDamageUtil.damageAnimated(tool, numTargets * level, player, hand);
// cooldown based on attack speed/draw speed. both are on the same scale and default to 1, we don't care which one the tool uses
player.getCooldowns().addCooldown(tool.getItem(), (int)(20 / (tool.getStats().get(ToolStats.ATTACK_SPEED) * ConditionalStatModifierHook.getModifiedStat(tool, player, ToolStats.DRAW_SPEED))));
return InteractionResult.SUCCESS;
// cooldown based on attack speed/draw speed. both are on the same scale and default to 1, we don't care which one the tool uses
player.getCooldowns().addCooldown(tool.getItem(), (int)(20 / (tool.getStats().get(ToolStats.ATTACK_SPEED) * ConditionalStatModifierHook.getModifiedStat(tool, player, ToolStats.DRAW_SPEED))));
return InteractionResult.SUCCESS;
return InteractionResult.PASS;
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