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  • This is a flask webapp
  • It uses a python virtual environment launched by running source _init_setup
  • The library FlaskRestPlus is used to generate swagger documentation
  • The app uses redis and the python rq library to perform long-lived/async tasks
  • Environment variables are set in .env that you create by copying and editing the .env-template file
  • To launch the app in production, you need to have running:
    • the flask application server itself with gunicorn launched with _gunicorn_manager
    • a redis-server instance; the script _redis_manager will let you install/start/stop/restart a redis instance
    • workers to process the queued tasks launched with _workers_manager; this script uses pm2 under the hood, so you need to have node installed with a global pm2 package
    • a web server to proxy-pass http requests to the gunicorn workers; we use apache
    • postgres DB


To develop this flask API locally on a linux-like machine:

  1. Environment Variables

    1. Copy .env-template to .env and supply labels/credentials.
    2. You'll need to specify a python interpreter of version 3.5 or higher to PYTHON_3_5_OR_HIGHER.
    3. Ask an admin for DB credentials.
    4. The PYTHONPATH variable is needed iff you're using vscode (to enable the microsoft python server to resolve modules).
    5. DASHBOARD_CONFIG needs to point to a file called .config.cfg in your root directory; create one by copying from .config-template.cfg and setting variables therein accordingly.
    6. Create an empty file .dashboard.db in your root directory; this will be used by the flask_monitoringdashboard library to track API usage
    7. TEST_URL_BASE is used in the script _demo_routes; you're unlikely to need to change this.
    8. CATCH_ARCHIVE_PATH is the source directory for local data.
    9. CATCH_CUTOUT_PATH and CATCH_THUMBNAIL_PATH are the directories to which cutouts and thumbnails are saved.
    10. CATCH_ARCHIVE_BASE_URL, CATCH_CUTOUT_BASE_URL, and CATCH_THUMBNAIL_BASE_URL are the URL prefixes for serving the archive, cutouts, and thumbnails.
  2. Run source _initial_setup in order to:

    1. Create a virtual environment '.venv' if it doesn't already exist
    2. Activate .venv
    3. Update pip
    4. Install project dependencies
    5. Install npm packages
    6. Checks for files and other misc steps

    Note: source _initial_setup is an idempotent process of readying your dev environment, so you can call it liberally.

  3. Run _develop_apis to start the flask api directly in development mode. Nodemon is used here to watch for file changes as you develop. (You'll thus need to have node and nodemon installed; if you prefer then you can just call python3 -m src/ directly and restart it whenever you make changes in development.)

  4. Run _develop_workers to start a single worker that logs to console so you can develop it.

  5. If in the course of your development you add new package dependencies, don't forget to add them to your requirements.txt file. However, do not directly 'freeze' installed packages to requirements.txt, else you'll overwrite some carefully set package links.

  6. To test the routes, there is a crude _test_routes script that prints out the result of making local http requests to the defined routes.

  7. Go to localhost:5003/catch-local/docs to see the swagger documentation for the API


The production version of the API uses gunicorn to start the workers that serve content according to the python-flask configurations. This is controlled by the script _gunicorn_manager, with one of the following arguments: start, stop, restart, status.

You also need to manage async workers that listen for tasks on the redis server. Such workers are operated using the _worker_manager script. These workers are daemonized using pm2 production.


  • Commit often with super clear messages
  • Make sure that your master branch is synced with your local master branch
  • Use git fetch to update your local tracking copy of the remote master branch (locally called origin/master) and merge it into your local master using git merge origin/master
  • Always create feature branches from your freshly updated master branch; commit your changes frequently, and push them to make sure work isn't lost. I usually just use git push origin HEAD when working on a feature branch
  • When you're ready to merge your branch, go to github and create a pull request for your new branch; this will trigger tests on Jenkins; if these pass then you'll be able to merge those changes; when a merge is activated on github it will trigger an update to the codebase on the production server and will automatically restart gunicorn without downtime


The following tools/conventions are used to promote codebase quality amidst multiple developers

File Naming

  • Scripts for working with this code base always begin '_'.
  • All application source code is placed in the src dir
  • Configuration files are to be saved in the root dir and preferably beginning with .
  • Ad-hoc documentation files are to be labelled, and can be placed in any dir


  • mypy (with vscode integration)

    • Please add python typings to ALL aspects of the code base (all classes, functions, etc.)
    • mypy is configured in the mypy.ini file. The settings are quite strict at the moment.
  • autopep8

    • When you initialize your virtual environment (by running source _init_setup), a git pre-commit hook is established. This causes the script _precommit_hook to be run before each commit is made. The main purpose of this is to run autopep8 auto-formatting on all python files.
    • I highly recommend that you configure your code editor so that it automatically formats your code on save so that your code doesn't change whenever you make a commit. Template VSCode settings are provided.
  • pylint

    • To check your code quality, run sh _pylint_code. This will generate a report on the neatness/quality of your code.
    • I highly recommend you configure your code editor to flag code-format problems according to pylint analysis. Template VSCode settings are provided.
    • pylint configuration details are given in .pylint
  • pytest

    • Unit-test capabilities are in place; just run sh _run_tests to execute them. Failed tests will cause merge requests to be rejected if attempted at origin. Tests are recommended mainly for functions that you expect to be established for the long haul.