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// To interact with a Rover collector you provide a RoverDelegate. A minimal
// delegate would know when the collection is finished (either successfully or
// as a result of an error) and be able to process any receipts collected.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: Some delegate methods provide a callback. Collection will not continue
// until the callback is made.
class ReferenceDelegate: RoverDelegate, ObservableObject {
    override func roverDidFinish(sessionUUID: String,
	                              resultsGzip: Data,
	                              error: String?,
	                              userError: String?,
                                 verboseError: String?) {
        if let error = error {
            print("RoverDelegate: [\(sessionUUID)] finished with error: \(error)")
        } else {
            print("RoverDelegate: [\(sessionUUID)] finished")
    override func roverDidCollect(sessionUUID: String,
                                  receipts: [Receipt]) {
        // Receipts will be passed to you in batches during the collection process
        print("RoverDelegate: [\(sessionUUID)] captured \(receipts.count) receipts")
// Note: You will need to call configure to provide your license key
// and receive the list of merchants you will be able to collect from.
// Each merchant will be an int identifier and a user facing name
// You may call configure multiple times if you wish.
Rover.shared.configure(licenseKey: "MY_ROVER_LICENSE_KEY") { merchants, error in
	// merchants is an array of merchants your license is enabled to connect to
	// each merchant contains user facing name, logo, and merchant id

// When you are ready to connect and collect from a merchant, call 
// Rover.collect() with the desired merchant id, the date back to
// which Rover should collect from, and your delegate instance
// to collect the results with
let date = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: -60*60*24*365*1)

// 1. Create a new connection to a merchant
// userId: [optional] identifier you provide and passed through by Rover
// account: [optional] account name for this merchant to connect to (nil for new connection)
// merchantId: the identifier for the merchant to connect to (passed back in configure merchants array)
// fromDate: how far back you'd like to collect receipts
// collectItemInfo: [optional] collect extra information about items when possible (like UPC)
// isEphemeral: [optional] encrypt and store this connection locally to reconnect at later date
// note: see header for full list of parameters
Rover.shared.collect(userId: nil,
                     account: nil,
                     merchantId: merchantId,
                     fromDate: date,
                     collectItemInfo: true,
                     isEphemeral: false,
                     delegate: delegate)

// 2. List current merchant connections
// connections: array of existing merchant connections
Rover.shared.connections { connections in

// 3. Recollect from an existing connection
Rover.shared.collect(userId: nil,
                     account: connection.account,
                     merchantId: merchantId,
                     fromDate: connection.fromDate,
                     collectItemInfo: true,
                     isEphemeral: false,
                     delegate: delegate)

// 4. Remove a connection
Rover.shared.remove(connection: connection) { }

SDK Integration

Swift Package Manager

To use Rover As a Swift Package Manager dependency simply add it to the dependencies section of your Package.swift and as a dependency to the specific target.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", from: "0.0.1")
	dependencies: [

Xcode - Swift Package Manager

To add a new package dependency to your Xcode project, select your Xcode project, choose Package Dependencies and click the "+" button. Enter in the repository URL ( ) into "Enter Package URL" field. Set dependecy rule to "Up to Next Major Version" and enter an appriopriate version number. Click Add Package to complete the addition.


RoveriOS is distributed as an XCFramework, which is located in the root of this repository as You can manually add this XCFramework to an existing Xcode project by downloading and expanding Take the resulting RoveriOS.xcframework and drag it into your Xcode project.

Clear the following dialog and then go to your target's General settings. In the Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content section ensure RoveriOS.xcframework is present and it is set to Embed & Sign

Latest version: v0.3.25